• 24 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


That one is my aspiration too. Is retirement as great as it seems?

Wkuk, always knew when to stop before they crossed that line. 👍

When is Lemmy going to fix spoiler tags?


My mind is blown! (And my paperlessngx server is about to get really busy!!! :)

OK. I guess it’s time to go start my rutabaga farm now.

I completely spaced on that game, somehow. Wish I hadn’t, for sure.

They know. And that’s the “problem” they’re trying to “innovate” around.

Yah, I’m not sure how they snuck this one through…

I used logseq for about 6 months before I found Memos. LS was just always getting in my way. Memos just works, for me.

This is where I’ve landed too.

  • self hosting is dead simple.
    • so no syncing to be done across devices.
  • posts are saved as plain text files (in markdown).
    • so you can do what you need with them.
  • supports multi users, SSO, cloudflare R2 for storage if you need those things.

For about 30 seconds I toyed with the idea of setting up a Lemmy community, just for co-op game finding for fans, but I don’t think there are enough people here really. We’ll see how much interest there is as the game’s launch gets closer.

4 player co-op will be a treat, especially if they can find a way to keep the servers online longer, or just let us host our own servers for once.

From Robot Entertainment, of course. > Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap is an action-packed third-person shooter and trap defense game. Evolve as an orc-slaying War Mage through rogue-lite choices and obliterate, eviscerate, and incinerate massive hordes with up to four players. - Four-player co-op - Deeper progression systems - Rogue-lite build options - Expanded level variety and vast outdoor fantasy environments - Spectacular physics and more ridiculous orc deaths - Visceral third-person shooter and melee combat Woohoo! Can't wait!!

Training a future AI, I see. Good job.

Can someone please ELI5 Radicale for me?

I’ve come across it before but just can’t wrap my head around it. Thank you.

This. Why haven’t they shut it all down for 24 hours to see if that helps people?

The obvious answer is greed.

In my company…

Junior1: (overly detailed explanation, no definite completion date)

Junior2: (reason why not done, no completion date)

Senior1: I’ll be done on time (no other details)

Senior2: Finished task (no other details)

This is cool. I was able to add the Sharing option as you described, but I don’t see how to share still when I’m viewing my feed.

There is no “share” icon or link, that I can see.

Ohhh, the share link is only visible in the default view. I use Reading Mode exclusively and it’s not shown there. :(

Yah. ALl of this makes me think it’s crazy for a company like Figma to even try this. If the designs don’t steal from well known brand, people will say they suck. If they do steal, they get booed as well. Losing proposition, it seems to me.

I’m curious, what exactly is the problem with this? Does Apple have copyrights on the whole design or each individual visual element? Where would figma get in trouble if they left it working that way?

Hi author! I’m Dad. :)

Thanks for joining the conversation. I thought it too much to hope you’d be on Lemmy but glad you are! Thanks for adding those bits about https, but I was saddened to see that 90% of the conversation around this centered on that one side topic.

I’ve only read the TOC for your book so far but it seems very much what we need to see more people adopt self-hosting so thank you very much for putting in the time and effort!

… or if you accidentally delete all your photos with no backups

Ouch. (Yes, that was me)

Am I crazy or is 10,000 samples nowhere near enough for training people’s voices?

Ha. I certainly think they’re worth checking out. For my use case (anti-goog, privacy is key, relatively few emails per month but those are critical to me, custom domain) Tuta works well. I’ve had it for about 3 years and no issues at all.

Two definitions of self hosted
Disclaimer: I'm no expert on this. I realized recently there are two common types of Self Hosters here. 1. I work in IT and host some services for my employer so we don't have to rely on the big tech companies, for economic or other reasons. 2. I self host some services at home or on a VPS, as a hobby or for other reasons, but nobody pays me to do that. The answers people provide seem to vary greatly based on whether the commenter is in the #1 or #2 camp. I myself have gotten answers along the lines of, "why aren't you acting more like a paid IT person?" and it's a little off-putting. How to resolve this? Could we refer to one group or the other differently? Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of this than is warranted and I'm the only one confused? If nothing else, I will call out my hobby status from now on when posting/commenting here. **Edited to add:** TIL. I'll use these terms carefully in the future. Thanks!

Because I clicked the link and read the link at the top which says “Code”. The book’s contents are open source. :)

Though I think everyone who can afford to and wants a copy should consider buying one. As an author myself, I know this author would prefer that option, but they’re being very cool by sharing the contents online too.


They do, via Traefik. Chapter 8.

Maybe they decided there was nothing that requires an SSL/TLS certificate on this particular site? (They accept payments elsewhere).

I assume they meant “wifi”, not internet.

I've not read this yet, just passing it along, as it looks really interesting. I'm not affiliated in any way with this. ETA: If anyone has read it / bought a copy, a review would be very appreciated.

Super helpful, thank you! But maybe I missed one point: why is Arm bad or RiscV better? Why should we encourage Risc cpus?

Being able to make lightweight edits to photos is going to be very nice.

The article quoted the tweet as saying, "Deployed two Optimus bots performing tasks in the factory autonomously.”

That could mean assembling cars, or maybe standing in one spot and “don’t get in the way”.

I’ll believe this when I see it.

Fun fact I found in a game... Chip Defense (A tower defense game with a microprocessor theme) https://f-droid.org/packages/de.chadenas.cpudefense/

Would it be a good thing for the average person to self-host their apps? If so, how to get there?
I love self-hosting a bunch of apps I use, so I don't have to rely on anyone but my ISP for my digital life. Jellyfin, Immich, forgejo, memos and more. But I know this isn't for everyone. I just recently spent about 3 hours doing routine maintenance and fixing an issue (I caused) and I know not everyone is into doing that kind of thing. I also wonder what it would take to get more people into this self-hosting thing. I.e., to get them off of subscription streaming services, Google, etc..., so they can own their own data, stop feeding the machine and for the general betterment of humanity. What would the world be like if half of all adults self-hosted their own services? Or even 25%? So, for discussion, is increasing the number of self hosters a good idea? How can we make help that process along? Edit: Fixed typos

Immich help, please – Am I boned now?
Ohboy. Tonight I: * installed a cool docker monitoring app called dockge * started moving docker compose files from random other folders into one centralized place (/opt/dockers if that matters) * got to immich, brought the container down * moved the docker-compose.yml into my new folder * docker compose up -d * saw errors saying it didn't have a DB name to work with, so it created a new database ***panik*** * docker compose down * copy old .env file from the old directory into the new folder! * hold breath * docker compose up -d > Welcome to Immich! Let's get started... Awwwwww, crud. Anything I can do at this point? No immich DB backup but I do have the images themselves. **EDIT:** Thanks to u/atzanteol I figured out that changing the folder name caused this too. I changed the docker folder's name back to the original name and got my DB back! yay

Has anyone checked out this ipv6rs service yet?
From their site: > Instantly launch your favorite internet appliance with just a click using Cloud Seeder, our open-source server appliance platform for everyone, or use your skills and manually setup a home server lab. With IPv6rs, you will have the external IP you need to self host on your home computer or mobile device. $10 a month, or $60 for a year, or $80 for 2 years. Seems they give you an externally routable IP6 address, and then make that route to your home network, where you still have to run the server. They do have an app which is meant to make it easier to install podman containers for whatever service you want to run. For some reason, they call those "appliances". Not a fan of that word. Before anyone jumps in to say, "Pffft. I do this now for free" - this isn't aimed at you then, is it? It's aimed at making it possible for less technical people to self-host some of their digital life, which is a good thing in general, in my mind. Kind of like how Linux needed more user-friendly distros for the masses to increase adoption. Good on them, I say, and good luck.

Hey good news guys!
I found the last bug in my program!

Recommendations please: Self-hosted web site analytics
Hello y'all! I have my personal (static) website / blog running on netlify out on the public internet. Netlify, in case you're not familiar, is not a traditional web host, so I can't add databases or anything else like that on the server itself. Right now, that site has zero analytics / visitor tracking and I've decided I want to fix that. I want to know how many people visited my site and which pages they looked at. I am NOT looking to monetize anything though, to be clear. I want to self-host that analytics service at home, on my home server, but I need two things, please: 1. Recommendations for which app to use. I've checked out Umami and Plausible and they both look good for my meager purposes. But please - let me know which app makes sense for a personal web site with low-ish traffic. Is there something simpler I could do? 2. Help getting the reverse proxy set up so my public web site can send analytics data into my home server. I would prefer this to be entirely under my control, so no CloudFlare or Tailscale, for instance. Is Caddy an option? I get really confused really quickly about this level of networking, to be clear, so maybe I just need a really plain-English guide to handling this sort of thing? Thanks for any / all ideas! Y'all so totally rock! **ETA:** A little more info about Netlify and why I can't install or use tools other traditional web hosts might offer. ** SECOND EDIT**: Thanks to @andrew@radiation.party for the goatcounter suggestion, I am trying that out now for the analytics side of this. Getting it set up was easy and free, using their server. (I know, I know...) If I still like the app after the next couple of weeks, I will move it in-house and self-host. That gives me a couple of weeks to figure out my second issue above, how to have my public web site make requests to my self-hosted, behind the firewall/NAT service. Yay, more learning!

Composerize - online tool converts docker commands to compose yml
I had an issue recently with getting FileBrowser to run and while researching that, I found this tool which creates a docker-compose.yml file from a docker run command. It worked well for me, so I am passing it along to you all. I hope someone else finds this helpful. (Not my tool / site, to be clear)

TIL about theBottlenecker.com - site for comparing CPUs and GPUs
Today I stumbled across this site, which allows you to see whether your CPU and GPU are well paired, for various tasks. E.g., here's my current set up, for "graphics intensive tasks": https://thebottlenecker.com/calculator/purpose/3-graphic-card-intense-tasks/10f-amd-ryzen-5-5600x/185-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3060/3840x2160 And the site tells me this for that combination: > While the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is well-equipped to manage strenuous computational tasks, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 limited graphical prowess may compromise the overall system efficiency. This disparity could lead to decreased performance and less effective utilization of system resources. To rectify this imbalance, an upgrade to a more capable graphics card that complements the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X processing abilities is advisable. Neat! (Standard disclaimers - I am not affiliated with the site and YMMV)

The game is **Stray**. Developed by Blue Twelve. Published by Annapurna Interactive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stray_(video_game) Without spoiling anything, there's way more to this than just a cat simulator. Loving it so far, in any case. I recommend this to anyone who loves exploring new worlds, interacting with lots of locals, solving puzzles. Everything about it has both a familiar RPG feel and also a sense of new to it. And it plays really well on Linux via Steam.

I'm jonesing for these tower defense games. The first edition was released by Robot Entertainment in 2011, Orcs Must Die 2 came out in 2012, OMD Unchained (online multi-player) was from 2014 and OMD 3 was from 2020/2021. They're all great fun and I am sad that we may never get an OMD 4. Game 1 was single-player, 2 and 3 had coop mode too. I toyed with the idea of creating a community here for the games, but I'm not sure there are enough fans / enough things to talk about now. For now, here's an awesome slide show from Unchained, for any fans: https://de.ign.com/orcs-must-die-unchained-ps4/112585/gallery/embed

Pinry, the open-source tiling image board
Pinry is like Pinterest, but open source and you can very easily self-host it. I just installed it a few days ago and it's really easy to learn; I've saved a few images in it that I wanted to keep. It's very handy, IMO. This is the first self-hosted app I've installed that I think my family will want to use as well. Now, my SO and I can share pictures of things we want to work on around the house and such, and my kid can share pics of the dogs. Not exactly essential software but fun nonetheless! The install via Docker was very easy. Just [follow these steps](https://docs.getpinry.com/install-with-docker/). Just ***don't*** do what I did at first and follow the readme from [a now out of date github repo](https://github.com/pinry/docker-pinry). That doesn't work any more. The source is here - https://github.com/pinry/pinry Once you have it up, there's a bookmarklet visible from the home page that makes it very easy to "post" an image from any other site to your Pinry site in just a couple of clicks. There are Chrome and Firefox extensions instead, if you prefer. But wait - there's more! There's also an API included which would allow you to, for instance, post a Pin to your boards from the console via curl. All in all, this is good stuff and I thank the team who are working on it very much.

I know this isn't any kind of surprise, and yet, well...

How do you manage code snippets?
Do you keep them in your IDE, or elsewhere? Do you have an app for that? Are they easily shared? I realized I have no system at all but could use one to make it easier to find code I've written and might need again some day. By snippets, I am referring to any chunk of code / text in any format or language, of any length. Thanks! **EDIT A DAY LATER**: Thanks you all! Reading all these ideas, I got inspired to create my own little web app. Wish me luck... :)

Litterbox - Static code analyis for Scratch Programs
From the site: > LitterBox is a static code analysis tool for detecting bugs in Scratch projects. Bugs in Scratch programs can spoil the fun and inhibit learning success. Many common bugs are the result of recurring patterns of bad code. > LitterBox provides checks for a collection of common bug patterns. Given a Scratch project ID or a file, LitterBox retrieves and parses the source code of the project, and reports all instances of bug patterns identified. LitterBox can also check for code smells and provide metrics about selected Scratch projects. I think it's neat that someone worked on and made this available for kids just starting to learn how to code in MIT's great Scratch tool. (Let me know if y'all don't think this belongs here...)

Fascinating what we can do when there's lots of money available and a lot of bright, motivated people. This is my home state so, heck yeah!

Self-hosted weather app?
It occurred to me today that I am hosting more and more services locally, but I still rely on a 3rd party weather app on my PC and phone. Generally, they suck as a class of applications - so much surveillance. I searched around and found a couple Reddit threads from years ago, before Apple killed off the DarkSky API. But I think there are still free APIs, yes? Are there any good FOSS current weather and forecasting self hosting options now? Thanks! I'm in the US if that matters.

Sharing the link to this project I found and really like. It's simple to setup with docker, simple to use but really helpful for people not already doing full-on budgeting, financial management. It's allowed to me quickly setup all of my monthly, yearly, etc... subscriptions and see them in one place. It includes this nice summary screen so you can see what you're spending at a glance. (This is from my server but these are not the real numbers) https://i.imgflip.com/85ltw7.jpg

Loving this weekly summary of things happening with self-hosting apps, etc...

Self hosting on an Android mobile?
Hey y'all, I was reading this [self hosting user survey at selfh.st](https://selfh.st/survey/2023-results/) and noticed that some people said they self-host on a mobile phone. I have an Android phone here I could use and I can picture setting up the phone and then just leaving it plugged in, in a corner somewhere. That seems like a good use for all that computing power but I'm not sure how to get started. I found this article showing how we can use a phone for a web server: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/host-a-web-server-on-android But is there any way to host other apps / services on a phone? Does it have to be rooted first? Any pitfalls or other tips you can share when to doing this? Thanks!

Should I stick with The Outer Wilds? (EDIT: yes)
I've read a ton of good things about this game, so I started it this week. I'm a couple of hours in now, but all I'm doing is floating around in the little space ship so far, and respawning every so often when I do something dumb. Without spoiling it for me, is this really what this game is about? Does it get interesting at some point (soon I hope)? UPDATE 1 DAY LATER: OK, so, using my ship log helped and I found something amazing. So I think I've found my way now and will stick with it. Thanks @tetraodon and everyone -- y'all rock!

How will I know how many services I can run on my self hosted server?
Hi y'all. I've got an Intel Nuc 10 here. I want to run a few apps on it, like BitWarden, PiHole, NextCloud, Wireguard, and maybe more, just for my own use, inside my home. Is there a way to guage whether the hardware is up to the task in advance? Like, if love to be able to plan this by saying, "this container will use x MB of ram and 5% of the cpu" and so on? I want to run everything on this one PC since that's all I have right now. EDITED TO ADD: T****hank you all! Great info. :thumbsup