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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023

The game is Cannon Fodder, and the video is a cautionary tale about judging a book—or game—by its cover.

They didn’t spend money on accommodating his medical needs and they got to euthanize a disabled person, I’m pretty sure this is a win/win for Canada’s burgeoning eugenics program.

Sharknado isn’t fun. Being a bad movie on purpose is just cringeworthy. Bad movies are fun when they’re a serious (delusional) effort that failed miserably.

In doesn’t matter. Sophisticated models are open-source and have already been forked and archived beyond all conceivable hope of regulation. There’s no going back.

Because it relying entirely on the dominance of the iPhone isn’t really a post-Jobs action. It’s actually the exact opposite: relying entirely on something he captained in order to make sales.

They also removed the headphone jack from the phone, so it doesn’t really count. Airpods followed the Sony approach: telling your captive audience they will buy the thing or suffer.

Yeah but that’s just marketing bullshit, just like how in real life, (normal and attractive) people don’t pull out a Nintendo Switch and pass around joycons to play Mario Kart on the phablet-sized screen at trendy rooftop cocktail parties.

I have mods published on the Nexus, and I feel confident in saying paid mods are degenerate and so are everyone who supports them.

Fear of piracy, or demanded by manufacturers?

That’s still an advertisement. It’s an advertisement for something you’re already using to encourage you to use more features of it so they can get analytic data from your usage patterns.

Bravecels are all the same, maybe they get two extra shitcoins every time they shill for it.

Was this article written by a LLM? It looks like it wasn’t even edited, as evidenced by several pictures in a row separated only by the word “snip”.

My office complex is nearly 1 km from one end to the other and a whopping three stories tall, and the third floor is much smaller than the bottom two. If you count the parking lots, it’s almost twice as big.

I’m surprised they don’t sell “How to Rip off Idiots”, a giant, $500 leather-bound hardcover book with over 1,000 heavyweight blank pages.

This will keep happening till we legislate financial and criminal liability for data breaches. As it is, the losses from this are the cost of doing business and probably cost 23andMe less than better security would have.

I hear a lot of positive things about cloud gaming from both astroturfers and unabashed shills, does that count?

It’s significant because it’s a choice, the normal number is zero

Or relies on donations, or relies on grants, or sells merchandise. All, along with subscriptions, are preferable to ads, which should be outlawed.

I’d believe he’s also an anglerfish-style lure from a Hell dimension. I think I’d be more surprised if that wasn’t the case.

Bad news for the 3 or 4 people out there who didn’t just use the package manager to install everything.

It depends.

Naturally-aspirated: lesbian with a shitty haircut, a denim vest, and 500 granola crunchy hippie stickers

Turbo: straight white male with a chinstrap, fake diamond stud earring, and 500 aftermarket parts supplier stickers

No, because when you think about it, how much Switch could the Switch 2 switch if the Switch 2 could switch Switch?

Part of it, I’m sure, is the natural human tendency to think emotionally and allow Perfection to become the enemy of Better when you get worked up. Some people go so far into this that they actively sabotage the exact thing they want, because they’d rather not have it at all if it can’t be done their way.

But really, I think what it comes down to is that the idea of poor people (or worse, poor non-white people) getting ahead and having a good quality of life sickens them. More people than say so out loud have an emotional attachment to the existence of the wage-enslaved underclass of Little People, people who do things for you but don’t matter, people you’re better than. They might want gun violence to stop, but on no account do they want people from projects and trailer parks to look them straight in the eye and say “we’re equals”. Even poor people fall into this, any current or former poor person you ask can tell you all about the crabs-in-a-bucket mentality.

Consider this: if people didn’t have to worry about paying a red cent to check on their weird heartbeat or get that cough checked on; if they weren’t afraid for their homes or families if they lost their job; if they weren’t scared of not being able to pay for their bipolar meds or their insulin; then other people would have a shitload less domination and control over them. In short, the kind of person who ascends to a position of party policymaking would lose one of the only things their broken brains are capable of taking pleasure in. The only things they’d have left are abusing their children and murdering sex workers, and while those are popular pastimes for political leaders of all stripes, they’re increasingly risky to get away with. It’s going to be a long uphill battle to remove the artifical sources of despair in our country, and I believe they’ll do quite a bit to try and keep those sources flowing. I also suspect that some of the purportedly benevolent advocates of gun control are really just motivated by fear: deep down, they think “if you had any sense, you would kill us for what we’re doing to you”. As much as I hate to spew the rhetoric of communists, capitalists (as in the ones with real capital, not normal people who believe in private property and entrepreneurship) should be viewed with perpetual suspicion in every circumstance, trusted only as far as they can be thrown, and the ones who call for gun control are just wolves calling for sheepdog control.

The gun control debate is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since the election of Lincoln. It has singlehandedly ensured that the Democratic Party will never achieve practical dominance, funneling literally millions of single-issue voters into the GOP’s arms. If American progressives were capable of seeing farther than the ends of their own noses, they would push to drop it from the Democratic platform. Two reasons for that:

  1. We’ll rid our society of guns the same day we go back to the way things were before AI. In other words, when we find out how to put things back inside Pandora’s box: it’s never going to happen. Besides, the brief window in time where it was possible ended the very instant it became possible to manufacture guns at home on a prosumer-grade CNC machine and a 3D printer. You can’t un-fuck that goat.

  2. People who have universal medical/vision/dental/mental health care, a social safety net, and a job that pays a fair wage generally don’t care anywhere near as much about shooting people as desperate/poor/sick people do. It’s idiotic to treat a sickness by ignoring the disease and treating the symptoms, it’s like clearing your basement of black mold by putting a coat of paint over it. There’s no way in hell I’ll support disarming the working class, and certainly not when they’re getting constantly fucked the way they are now.

In the United States, where I used to travel often and widely, you have to pay for dialysis and it’s extremely expensive. In New York it cost me $1000 a session.

It’s worth pointing out that this is because the author is a foreign national. Americans with permanent kidney failure are guaranteed Medicare even if they’re under 65, and Medicare part B covers outpatient dialysis in full. Signing that into law is one of the few good things Richard Nixon ever did.

In closing, you people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead…? You’ll all be in commercials, dancing with vacuum cleaners.

—Homer Simpson

If everything stored solely in the cloud was suddenly lost forever, that would probably be a net boon for humanity.