Quite possibly a luddite.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Well, the ones that federate with Meta will still be federated with those who don’t. So it’s really no different from what the Fediverse is already: Fragmented by design.

I’m currently experimenting with Seppo for my website, which is… not ready yet. So maybe not the greatest suggestion. But development is happening fast, and I like it for a couple of reasons.

  1. It’s incredibly easy to install. Just upload a file, set permissions, and open it in the browser. I’m somewhat incompetent, so I appreciate that even though deploying WordPress is obviously not very difficult either.
  2. Content is stored in basic XML files, making it easy to access with just basic PHP and an XSLT stylesheet. Basically it easy to incorporate posts into your site however you want it.
  3. It federates with ActivityPub, so people can follow your blog directly and get the content directly into their feeds.
  4. It’s lightweight - very little bullshit.

Basic functionality such as editing and deleting posts does not work yet, so it’s absolutely not ready for primetime. But it’s a project worth following, especially for those of us with an interest in the social web.

Edit: I guess this would be more if you wanted to create a basic website yourself, and add a tool for content management to it. I read the post a bit too quickly - if you’re not interested in writing some code there are much better options to go for out there. Seppo I think is nice for those who actively want to tinker a bit. :)

I think the key here is that it’s a feed managed by the user. There’s not enough commercial potential in that. As a tech company, you want to be the one curating the feed, and you want the user to believe you’re doing it in their best interest so they don’t notice how you’re making money by subtly feeding them ads.

RSS is simply too good for the contemporary internet.

I figured there are interesting people out there who don’t really blog often, but who might post something online a few times ever year and whom I’d like to stay updated on. So I started trying to collect some of these relatively inactive personal feeds.

It’s not ass noisy as following blogs or social media, which is what I like about it. The only drawback is of course that so few people maintain an RSS feed.

Wouldn’t even need to open source - they could have joined the fediverse as closed source, offering a platform to those people who are apparently scared away by anything with a permissive license.

Then again, these people are probably more eager to be on bluesky.

I keep the vault in Nextcloud, and use Nextcloud notes for any other platform than desktop. For the most part it’s working pretty great.

The invisible hand was really just mentioned once in relation to the dynamics of trade between states, the whole concept is just taken out of context.

The second capitalists gather together they are bound to conspire to fuck over ordinary folks.

That’s not Marx - that’s literally Adam Smith, the guy who hypothesized the invisible hand of the market that has since been turned into a complete strawman leading people to believe capitalism will somehow fix itself.

Spoiler: It won’t.

In the city I live in 4G/3G is actually a little spotty already, while 5G is working great. But I think that’s just Italian infrastructure rather than the old networks being phased out already…

And you can also overwrite it and install stock Fairphone Android, it’s pretty easy.

I’m loving my Fairphone 3! Upgraded the camera modules to the 3+ camera, and changed the charging port once after water damage. Also used /e/ for a while, but back to stock now.

The improved camera of the Fairphone 5 looks tempting (also OLED), but can’t justify upgrading when my Fairphone 3 ia still perfectly fine. I guess it’ll have to wait until 5G becomes an absolute necessity and I’m left with no choice. :)

You can self host it as well. This is just a restriction of the online service - the problem being that most people are not going to self-host their conference calls.

At least for third party WhatsApp clients, they have tended to go down by not only seizing to work, but with WhatsApp temporarily blocking any account connecting from them.

I’m curious if there’s a solution not so much for convenience on android, but it would be a game changer for Linux phones where WhatsApp and Facebook messager is not available at all except in the web interfaces. :)

At least on my phone I could swipe the notification a bit to the left to reveal the cog, “disable notifications”, and disable the “standard” category of notifications.

In other news, there’s no way in hell I’m installing the full app. People texting me there will just have to wait until I’m by a computer.

Well, it was reproduced for the Wii U release of Super Smash Bros, together with an adapter that let you use GC controllers with the Wii U. If you have a USB 3 to USB C converter, this adapter also works with the Switch.

It’s not ideal, but you could in theory play Switch with a GameCube controller using only official Nintendo products (except the USB adaptor), all of which published many years after the production of the GameCube itself ended.

I think some of the issue also has to do with art style more than graphics. Realism is by far the hardest style to achieve, and it seems to be the preferred one for a lot of gamers probably because it makes them feel more adult or something. But I think a lot of games could gain a lot from striving to look good rather than realistic, settling for an art style and committing to it.

From what I’ve seen around it seems like Baldurs Gate is doing just that, and it seems to have shook up the entire industry.

It’s just much cheaper, and often you don’t even need one seat per worker. So the gamble is that “sure, people hate it, but we save so much money by making the office shittier that we can afford a slight dump in productivity per worker”.

It’s not that they actually think it’s good - that’s just something they pretend so that they don’t have to tell the truth. The truth is that they made a calculation and concluded that having happy employees just wasn’t worth it.

I think companies tend to underestimate the value of happy employees.

They might be a little bit behind the successful innovators, but I think anyone actually observing the data and shaping their policy accordingly will be fine.

We all knew productivity in at least US companies was up as a consequence of home office. It was all over the news. It’s just that management either don’t understand the data or are unwilling to shape their policies by it.

In general, people make decisions based on their convictions, not based on evidence.

My reasoning is fine. Discussion of illegal content, if we have to be completely pedantic. Which we don’t.

The fediverse doesn’t need to be a unitary blob - in fact, it shouldn’t be a unitary blob. An instance could block any instance where the use of the letter “e” is allowed would be completely legitimate (though the number of federated instances would be limited).

Though they have no moral obligations whatsoever to do so, it’s fair to expect Lemmy.world to have predictable rules and relatively stable policies as it is the most mainstream instance and has a bunch of users. And honestly, for the biggest, most mainstream instance, banning the discussion of piracy is pretty predictable. It’s simply not the kind of thing joining the largest platform of the Threadiverse is good for.

If you don’t like it, this is why this place is federated in the first place. It’s literally like this by design. Just stop complaining and use some other instance instead, it costs you nothing.

It honestly makes a lot of sense to keep illegal content that’s the source of frequent legal actions away from the largest general purpose communities. As you correctly point out it is extremely easy to join another instance where these discussions are allowed, and the larger instances have every reason to have a “better safe than sorry” approach to content moderation.

It seems to me the Threadiverse is too negative of the concept of defederation. It’s a key concept of how the Fediverse works, and is supposed to work. The people on Lemmygrad is looking for a completely different experience from the folks over at Beehaw, so let them have it. Lemmy.world has become the largest instance, so naturally they need to have an approach to content moderation that is unlikely to land them in legal trouble. And even if they didn’t, they’d be welcome to block discussions of piracy out of moral conviction or any other reason, just as their users are welcome to sign up somewhere else if they are looking for a different experience.

There was drama about defederation on Mastodon in the beginning as well, but I guess people coming from Twitter had an easier time intuitively understanding the appeal of it.

I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this.

Sony BMG initially denied that the rootkits were harmful. It then released an uninstaller for one of the programs that merely made the program’s files invisible while also installing additional software that could not be easily removed.

And then they just paid some settlements, recalled some CDs, and continued to operate as if nothing has happened. Bloody hell.

And looking independently at what the Mozilla Foundation does: Thank God for the Mozilla Foundation. The do incredibly important work and is as far as I know the strongest advocacy group for a free and open net.

Fantastic project! And thanks for the heads up about the 17th century Dutch fonts - I might consider that for the printed version of my thesis that will probably rot away in the university library anyway. Might as well make it interesting looking.

My favourite project of this kind is TT2020, which takes typewriter imitation to the next level by including irregularities within the font itself. Each (common) glyph has several versions, making the outcome look much more genuine and allowing for the occasional badly printed glyph without making the same error repeat itself to infinity.

It’s a bit overkill maybe, but it would absolutely lend itself well to Shakespearian scripts. :)

Yes, I’m bringing it on myself by not allowing them to create a good profile for me. I do, however, believe that the search function worked much better a few years ago. I don’t really want content recommended to me on the front page, but it still amazes me how hard they are trying to become TikTok in the recommendations I do get served.

The very successful and famous couple probably take their sponsors and fanbase along to PeerTube. In the future, those with sponsors might be able to go there, if content on PeerTube becomes mainstream somehow.

For the more average channels it’s probably more complicated. And then again, subscription models might be preferable for many viewers over sponsored content.

It will be interesting to see what takes over if YouTube allows itself to get bad enough that content creators start fleeing on a big scale. I’m not sure it’ll happen though - Google might be increasingly evil, but they don’t seem to be particularly erratic.

I try to give as little data about myself to Google as possible, so I do not maintain subscriptions on YouTube. The recommendations from youtube are awful beyond belief. And somehow the search function is even worse - I really cannot find shit other than whatever their algorithm wants to push on me.

One example: searching for Buddy Holly gives me the video “My drummer said that RINGO sucks, so I dared him to play THIS Beatles beat” as one of the first results, along with a video I’ve already watched of Chuck Berry jamming out with Keith Richards. On which fucking universe is this what I would be looking for with that search term. Meanwhile, even slightly obscure live recordings are almost impossible to find.

YouTube has made itself practically worthless to me. I don’t want to spend my life watching what their algorithm wants to shove down my throat, and the way it currently works it’s hardly any good for watching anything else.

PeerTube would absolutely be the alternative here. It’s challenging though - if YouTube can’t make money hosting your content on a large scale, what makes you think you’ll make money hosting it on a smaller scale?

Some might manage to finance it through crowdfunding, and as the Fediverse grows hopefully it’ll manage to self-sustain content creators here so that discoverability of content on PeerTube will increase. The future is not necessarily all that bleak, but it’s still a long way to get there.

I think what’s worse is that the content seemed to be less visible even to his subscribers. The discoverability of your content to new people who are not actively looking for it is one thing, bit hiding it from people who have actively said they want to view it is another thing entirely.

It’s just the trump style of marketing. Do stupid shit constantly and the media will never shut up about you and people will never stop talking about whatever bullshit it is you’re selling.

I’ll believe it once the Twitter name and the birdie are both removed off the face of the site and gone for good. And even then I’m not entirely sure I’m going to care all that much.

I guess for water getting a closed loop should be almost without challenge. I’m more interested in the potential of making life livable on earth though, at least in the short term. Still, the requirements are similar - lowered use of resources. :)

You could imagine a feature where cities are farms and office workers live in the country side. That’s fascinating.

From an EU briefing on textiles and the environment:

Cotton accounts for 24 % of global fibre production, according to Textile Exchange. It can be problematic because it can require huge quantities of land, water, fertilisers and pesticides and cannot easily be recycled into virgin fibre. However, the environmental impacts of organic cotton can be reduced drastically compared with conventional cotton, as it uses less water and pollutes less.

The huge quantities of land required should absolutely not be underestimated as a climate problem. If we’re going to survive this we absolutely need to give land back to nature at a massive scale, and the easiest (humanely tolerable) way of achieving this is to produce the same goods at a much lesser surface area. Lab cotton could, hopefully, be efficiently grown in a high rise building with a minimal physical footprint.

“Look at this guy having a hobby, he’s probably in a mid life crisis and cheating on his wife haha”

There are so many valid criticisms of this guy, and equally many things you could say that’s not really a valid criticism but still kind of a good point. This is just bullshit and if anything distracting from all the things we should be criticizing him for.

Before Netflix started sucking there was even a brief moment in time when people thought movie piracy was dying.

Then the industry went ahead and shot itself in the foot by trying to compete by making the competition worse (pushing for exclusive content) rather than themselves better (developing a more appealing product).

It’s disturbing how much evidence exists that all these right wing parties and politicians are Russian shills, yet it somehow seems to keep escaping common knowledge.