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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Of course you can use XML that way, but it is unnecessarily verbose and complex because you have to make decisions, like, whether to store things as attributes or as nested elements.

I stand by my statement that if you’re saving things to a file you should probably use XML, if you’re transferring data over a network you should probably use JSON.

Yes and it is a good thing we don’t anymore.

IMHO: XML is a file format, JSON is a data transfer format. Reinventing things like RSS or SVG to use JSON wouldn’t be helpful, but using XML to communicate between your app’s frontend and backend wouldn’t be either.

No it wouldn’t, but people would only see them if they were part of a preexisting community where such things are posted or they specifically looked for them.

On the Internet, censorship happens by having too much information for our limited time and attention span, so going after recommendation algorithms will work.

funny thing is I, and probably most people, had never even heard that there was something called “CrowdStrike” until Friday of last week

Future archeologists be like we keep finding microSD cards from the early 21st century and have to wade through all that data to figure out anything about that period, from earlier periods we only have paper records.

Join us now and share the software, you’ll be free hackers, you’ll be free~🎵🎵🎵

I think what people like is that IntelliJ and PyCharm have FOSS community editions.

Adult here, have plenty of money (and growing) actually. Wish I could easily buy more time with that money, but the system of wage labor mostly just isn’t flexible enough that there are many employers who will agree to “you get a few more weeks of vacation but a few thousand currency units less annual salary”. If I could do that, I would.

It is supposed to believe that climate change is a … scam?!

You can believe that climate change is not real, but a “scam”, how does that even work?

I am too young to remember that. Of course browsers are now free (at least as in beer, many also as in speech) again and that is a good thing. In my childhood, computers were pretty much synonymous with Windows and the web was mostly unusable without Flash Player and it’s a good thing that that has changed. Still, we don’t live in the utopian society I imagined the Internet would lead to.

2004: The Internet is going to lead us into a utopian future of free communication where we exchange ideas with each other without corporate media being gatekeepers telling us what to read, write and think!

2024: Hi, I’m Meta and everyone gets their information from my platforms and I can decide what ideas to allow there. What do you mean we weren’t supposed to have that anymore by now, whoever told you that kind of nonsense.

I think the line is easy to draw: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/moderation-is-different-from-censorship

I oppose most censorship, but I do not oppose moderation. If you don’t want to see certain people speaking freely, you shouldn’t have to, but you shouldn’t be allowed to keep them from speaking freely to each other.

Remember when reddit was a free speech platform where pretty much everything legal was ok except doxing?

What went wrong that we can’t have places like that on the Internet anymore?

2004: The Internet is going to lead us into a utopian future of free communication and access to information! No government will ever be able to censor information anymore because they will lack legal reach to censor everything!


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about biology to dispute it

Could Bluesky not just implement ActivityPub too? Is there a reason why they are not doing that?

That is fine as long as it is one where l1I are easy to distinguish.

I think the history is such that a “PC” is a computer compatible with the “IBM PC” which Macs were historically not and modern ones aren’t either.

But I still like “Windows computer”, we can abbreviate that to “WC”.

“result” is fine. That is the variable you will end up returning that you have to fill with stuff first.

“data” on the other hand…

Current government right now? I don’t remember any time when French politicians were friendly to the free and open Internet. Used to be that copyright was the main concern, nowadays not anymore.