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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I had a lot of problems finiahing Persona 4 too after the Kanji dungeon but I think it was worth it

WoW is still a lot of money iirc, the playerbase is still big

The last expansion was genuinely good and theyre planning a new storyline on a span of 3 extensions!

I have a friend that has one, it took a long time to get approved but she eventually got it

I think they are actually really good at very specific things, the clicky buttons are great for ace attorney and tetris

Was using joplin, tried obsidian and quickly went back to joplin.

Idk, I wasnt around back then. But most forums I stumble upon have none of that

Karma+threaded is better than chronologic imo, why do you think it’s bad?

You ppl dont remner how utterly tedious forums were. We hake karma-based systems nowadays, we cam move on

Finished In stars and time last week, it was wonderful! Now I need to play Trackmania for a tournament, and I will probably finish Signalis this week.

I know it’s the intended way but I’m too much of a modal noob for that, I’m actually working on a non-modal editor for this reason that’s similar to helix and fish philosophies

no, the autocomplete trigger is rly bad and triggers when moving the cursor around instead of when you actually type It’s a documented problem and they are working on fixing it

Forza Horizon 5 is my comfort game, but lately Rocket league is making me all extatic

Fireship often talks about big tech and AI, thats why they have a chapter on it. I dont rly give a damn either but it’s interesting to take note of

I am french too and while my parents do pay for my studies they are never directly involved. Maybe it’s a school difference but I find this so weird, because I am in a public faculté
If I remember correctly, my teachers were saying that they were legally restricted from sharing informations to student’s parents emailing them.

What do you mean parents gets involved? Aren’t they 18 by the time of their internship?

I remember seeing that threads was losing users after the first week

Depends on one’s downloading speed and cpu, Id much rather use a repacker on ADSL with a good pc

Is it because there aren’t enough good games or because you aren’t hyped by games anymore? For me between CS2 (counter strike AND cities skylines), Battlebit, the Cyberpunk DLC, TOTK… Thats already quite a lot of new good games coming out that I am hyped for

I love Helix but for some reason there is a heavy lack of code snippets and good autocompletion in C. Everything else is great tho

I always play it trying to get max score and it is still very chill

This is a forgein site offer and maybe they prefer french people working in France

Oh okay, sorry im pretty bad at getting jokes

Wait are the us plugs not standardized???

Yes that’s also what I’m talking about
Your previous characters aren’t important anymore, it’s a fresh start all the time. On each new season there has been 0 previous time and effort investment

Sunk cost fallacy is hard to see happening in a game where each season resets your characters

Diablo seasons are just a character reset for those who enjoy them. It’s a huge part of a lot of ARPGs like Path of Exile or Diablo. As you can reach endgame in about 5 hours on diablo and have your complete build in 20, it makes sense.

I am not quite sure, when starfield released I saw a lot of comparison with cyberpunk 2077. I think a lot of the people who played it really enjoyed the world

It is convoluted but that’s also why I love it

I am a big fan of yakuza games who do also have a convoluted story

If I’m not mistaken, there is a theory that his cowriter on the MGS games is the one who made it great. Unfortunately it is hard to get information on the topic

The video games thing was apparently a translation mistake, because a friend sent it to me and they had changed video games to social media. I would’ve heard it way more otherwise

Apex is cool but the long ttk makes it feel way different imo

Are there no other major fast-paced COD-style multiplayer FPS anymore?
I've always liked the CoD formula, but unfortunately paying 70€ for the latest MW2 to play something so basic seems not worth it, especially when said game will be abandoned next year. I tried searching on the Steam store, but it feels like there are no serious alternatives on this market. Anyone has a good suggestion that could match what I'm looking for? Other than Titanfall 2, I already played this game too much