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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Vietnam is explicitly communist in that communism is a goal it seeks to achieve for its society. Unfortunately communism cannot exist in an isolated form, it must be global or it will be crushed. This is why there must be a transitionary state that withers away as its processes becone unnecesary or lose their political nature by simply becoming tasks required to run a society

Communist state


Im a physics major so it is likely my own doing

Ive always thought thsoe graphs were bullshit, im a college student and I have no time, energy, or money. I feel like this will not change drastically as i age lmao

Nono, make them build linux from scratch while staring deeply into their eyes

Linux will have HDR support soon inshallah

Hmmm, I get why you think the second one lacks charm but as someone who’s first metroidvania was hollowknight I love the second one much more than I like the first

Personally I just hop in an wing it. In the case of baldurs gate I already understood most classes and races because of DND but in general when it comes to games like that yeah I just wing it and hope for the best

As someone with ADHD I am a mix of hackerman and tharg. Unfortunately the Adderall just makes me barely function and Ive never actually hacked anything