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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Amazon SES is dirt cheap, billed per-send, you just need to bring the Everything Else with something like Mailcoach or Sendy.

This can be made even simpler by installing all the repos you want to mirror as submodules of the parent directory’s git repository. Instead of many git pull or git fetch, you blast a single git submodule update --recursive --remote and go about your day.

Bonus: This has the added benefit of generating a git history for your automated process if you script in a commit message with a timestamp, making your mirrors reversible.

Favorite: Nintendo 3DS XL. I never would have thought a resistive touchscreen would last that long. What an absolute beating that thing took.

Dogshit: Microsoft Sidewinder Game Pad Pro (1999 edition). Motherfucker didn’t know up from left.

I think it’s bad to invent new words for “stopped container”

You’re not wrong!

Orphans are just dangling objects, are they not?

I’m only using the Unraid Docker GUI to send me utilization alerts and notify me when my images are egregiously out of date. I saw someone trying to author a compose file using the GUI once and I closed the window before the headache started.

I’m not paying $3/mo. Where’d you get that idea? I think I paid $20 for a license like 6 years ago.

I picked Unraid because I had a bunch of disparate HDDs sitting around and their filesystem intrigued me. (0 data loss after 3 drive failures so far.)

running out of disk space

This would be my first guess. Nothing shuts down arbitrary services quite like a full /var/logs.

I’m running an Unraid server. You can pop in and manage everything with the CLI like you would on traditional server OSes and it’ll show your containers, images, orphans etc. in the GUI and throws alerts out of the box for utilization thresholds and power events. It’s quite nice at a glance and gets the fuck out of the way the moment it’s time to be a sysadmin.

Unraid brings some good things to the table, I wouldn’t discount it completely.

Use containers. Start with one device. Check your utilization after you’re sure you’ve hit min and max for each of your services, then figure out if your single device can handle all your services gunning at once. If not, take your biggest service and migrate it to its own device.

Eventually, you might find yourself googling “Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm.” When you do that, take a deep breath and decide if upgrading one device is easier than trying to horizontally scale many.

Edit: Words bad. Verbs hard.

An UPS is a must for any computer, even if all it’s doing is absorbing the shock of a brownout and triggering a graceful shutdown.

I run persistent services that require 24/7 uptime.

Did you read the article? What are you trying to say?

Just after Summer Game Fest finished, the anti-woke gamers found a new target: a report at IGN, which credibly and comprehensively lays out a history of sexism at the developer of upcoming Planet-of-the-Apes-meets-Sekiro action game Black Myth: Wukong. The response – surprise! – was to go after the woman who wrote it, while also spinning up a ludicrous conspiracy theory that IGN was blackmailing the developer.

Targeted harassment of a journalist isn’t, “reviewing products poorly.” I went to go find an example of exactly what was being slung their way, but they took their whole profile private.

If I have a closet with two Raspberry Pis running Docker Swarm, it’s a Private Cloud.

Fucking hell. Teach me more money spells, wizard.

(I already know about Scotty Time, framing sexy upgrades as “tech debt reduction,” and fending off trendy frameworks as “lacking maturity.”)

Prabhakar Raghavan is Search Engine syphilis.

Spencer said that “the thing that has me most concerned for the industry is the lack of growth.”

Oh hey there’s that Rot Economy thing again.

That’s 2 hours 14 minutes, fellow naive idiots.


User requests come through ombi and I’ll reject whichever ones I feel like. No explanations, I just don’t.

Home Assistant can track device location using the companion app (iOS and Android). It would take a little work to save more than the default amount of information, but it’s extremely do-able.

Here’s my yesterday:

Butts. It hosts web applications. The public ones are on the domain “InButts.LOL” where the subdomain is more or less the application name.

Related: if you’re playing through from 1-3, maybe see if there are any “Indoctrination Theory” mods.

If it weren’t for the last season of Game of Thrones, the last 35 minutes of Mass Effect 3 would still be #1 on my list of “fastest ways to rapidly obliterate everything your fans love, retroactively, forever.” Somehow the Star Wars Prequels are #3.

I don’t think the USA is at the point where we should all worry about arbitrary arrests.


Multiple prompts lead to the same response. No variance.

The nature of the switch makes spontaneous co-op more accessible than other consoles. In that regard, I suggest:

  • Towerfall
  • Super Blood Hockey
  • Good Job!™️

100% do both in order. Can’t go backwards for both story and gameplay reasons.

It’s kinda like a popcorn movie so far (ep 5). Enjoyable, obvious, fun. Campy. So violent it’s not.

I can’t recall any time Fallout was overly serious or, “hit home.” Maybe Cait’s companion quests in FO4? The “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” mission in FO3? Even those examples are just well-told stories rather than emotional rollercoasters.

Hey I love this tool but be careful if your docker run command is super long or complicated, it’s not perfect.

Software to serve Software as a Service as a Service.

Those Miranda-class starships just can’t seem to keep their nacelles attached.

Nginx Proxy Manager is for scrubs, anyone who doesn’t code their confs by hand is subhuman!


Ah. I’m running HA out of docker currently and haven’t hit any walls, but I’m not exactly pushing it. There’s an annoyance where I have to tell HA to trust my docker’s default IP, and there was some reverse-proxy messing around I had to do to get it working on my network. Once it’s up and loaded, it’s indistinguishably HomeAssistant.