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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


I tried thematic names but I kept adding devices until it all fell apart.

Now I’m using generic nouns like: plaza, highway, bazaar, stadium, minefield, church…

Can’t we just call them month 1 to month 12 like CJK languages do?

VPN has its uses but it depends where OP lives. Places like the US? Sure. But most developing nations (mostly, not all) tend to be lax.

Well it’s Easy Install Bundle For Windows (Beta), so no linux for now other than traditional packages.

I just checked i2p website and it looks like they launched a bundled distribution easy to install just like torbrowser. Hope it catches on and more filesharing moves to i2p.

Problem is the damage what this unstable person can do. She’s distributing binaries that are executed on windows PC with security measures disabled on purpose. If she went rogue and started inserting malware or cryotominers, tons of people would be affected.