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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I wonder what the reaction will be from the companies hiring Google’s advertising services. On the one hand, Google is clearly ensuring that they get as much money out of the deal as possible, but it also must lead to more people seeing the advertised brand, likely even encouraging it’s sales. The author suggests that this is a bad deal for companies working with Google, as well as Google’s users, but I can’t help but think that the companies purchasing ads from Google are coming out ahead on this one.

Don’t worry bro, if we make a terribly designed system that directly benefits our bottom line, we will totally fix it and make it fair. Trust us.

What’s interesting to me is how differently C# scored vs Java.

But to know for sure we’d need statistics which we don’t have.

Precisely my point.

It’s basically just a really elaborate angry comment on a SanDisk SSD. Sucks that you lots your data, but it’s a single failure that could happen to basically any drive. Back up what you care about. Absolute waste of time ‘article.’

Only appreciating the big flashy outcomes of science is exactly how you end up with no science funding. Iterating and improving something is important work that should be applauded.

Nobody is arguing for banning personal vehicle outright. We should just stop attempting to plan ultra-dense urban environments around the least space efficient transportation options. Many public transportation systems already operate a ‘park and ride’ system by which more remote users are able to park their vehicle at a distant hub and then ride public transportation into more dense areas.

Also, assuming that a future transportation system must look exactly like the one we have today - but bigger, is short sighted. If more people are needing to have a personal vehicle option in an infrequent manner, services to provide those vehicles will be required. Just because you personally can’t make it work tomorrow doesn’t mean that the goal of robust public transport in urban areas is infeasible.

Party-based RPGs like Baldur’s Gate or Pillars of Eternity. I absolutely love this style of game, but it feels like there are precious few titles to choose from. Anyone know of any hidden gems?

I contend that there are more games out there now that are made for the sake of making them than ever before. It’s just that fewer and fewer of these games are AAA titles. The indy scene is really what are making these games nowadays.

There are certainly many games that shouldn’t have limited inventories that have them, but I also think there are many games for which a limited inventory enhance the game. I do enjoy games that make me make decisions about what I want to take with me and budget my inventory space when it makes sense.

The early God of War games were so unbelievably brutal for these. On harder difficulties, I would often master a boss only to have to retry it again a few more times because the quick time events to actually finish them off would be kicking my ass.

Pretty much any mechanic that just takes away control from the player is a bad one. It’s much better when the player can affect a negative event in some way in order to lessen the event, or just bring it to an end. I bet a fear mechanic that at least allowed you to steer your panicking character would make it a lot more palatable.

There’s a massive difference between one’s intentions and the consequences of one’s actions. They are only talking about their intentions, while the rest of the community is bringing up the inevitable consequences.

When we all started using Chrome to get away from Microsoft’s web stewardship that arose from everyone using IE.

I feel this. Gaming for me is about getting better at the game, and playing with it’s systems. I think it’s why I typically gravitate towards competitive games over story ones. But having the time to master competitive games is proving more and more difficult as time goes on.

Yes, having state-run instances of federated social media would be an excellent way to both legitimize the fediverse and remove some of the control that these mega-corporations have. There’s no reason why privately- or corporate-run instances could not exist alongside these instances, and would still serve to combat potential state or corporate censorship.

This may be the most significant result of the API debacle. Without proper tools to stop bots, the site will quickly become a nearly unusable cesspool. This is the kind of thing that will actually affect users in the long run. When site usability degrades, people will have even more reasons to jump ship.

This may ultimately be the most impactful event so far in the Reddit API debacle. Without filtering bots, Reddit will quickly devolve into unusable garbage.

They’re NPCs. Not sure about mods, but the base game doesn’t have any multiplayer.

This seems kind of late. Can’t believe they were ostensibly still offering services through this whole ordeal.

I take it to simply mean no full moons. So we’re safe up to waxing/waning gibbous.

Specially when you consider they removed the flat structure at Valve recently.

Do you have a source for this? I haven’t been able to find anything mentioning any kind of restructuring.

Did all these tech companies just get together and decide to fuck us over around the same time? Seriously, what is going on with all these companies rolling out hugely unpopular new rules/changes all on one another’s heels?

Ghostrunner. I had a go at it some time ago, but it didn’t really hold my attention. This time it’s grabbed me. Super fast-paced and fun action, with an okay story (I’m not finished the story, but so far it feels fairly generic and that it’d building to a pretty obvious reveal) that I’m enjoying. If anyone is a fan of Mirror’s Edge, I recommend this game; it’s scratching the same itches for me, at least.

I know nothing’s stopping them to create a fake 10 year old account with thousands of karma and fake old replies to do some social engineering to make it appear that nothing has changed

No need to create them, they’ve got lots of old ‘deleted’ accounts they can resurrect for this purpose.

All we can really hope for is effective AI-driven detection methods for AI generated content. Here’s hoping that AIs are good at spotting one another.

I have a hard time imagining a system that can simultaneously identify someone as uniquely human while still maintaining anonymity. Any given website or person online might not know your name, but you would have to have some sort of public key that would identify you. That key would be a fingerprint that could tie all your online activity together for anyone interested.

Looks like boomer is experiencing some semantic drift to mean ‘old.’

I really should thank Netflix for finally motivating me to actually get off my ass and build my home server. After cancelling all of my streaming subscriptions, it really does pay for itself.

This is great news. Not allowing Facebook to pretend it’s some sort of valid place to find information will be a net positive for Canada. Not being able to find news through google easily will be annoying, but I’ll just go directly to several news sites instead.

I’m sure that it will initially cost a premium, before coming down in price as the technology matures. I’m also curious about the relative environmental impact that cultivated meat has versus raising livestock.

ETA: I found a study regarding cultured meat’s environmental impact: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es200130u

According to this study, cultured meat is 7-45% more energy efficient, emits 78-96% less CO2, requires 82-96% less water, and occupies 99% less land than raising livestock.

Also the xbox controller is not controlling a critical system. I presume if the submarine loses it’s photonic mast it is not dead in the water.

The whole insistence that the fediverse is too complicated is so strange to me. People are acting like you need to know how to federate multiple servers in order to make/read posts. It’s been exactly the same experience as setting up an account on any other website for me. The only difference is I had to spend five minutes understanding what an instance and how to find communities on instances that are not my own.

Some people are just fundamentally resistant to any kind of change, I suppose.