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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


You’re technicall still using the company’s resources (it costs some energy to run the empty train), so I still don’t think it really compares to piracy.

But since they are miniscule compared to what they are wasting by running largley empty trains I think it’s morally ok in that case.

Get a physical copy that doesn’t require internet activation then, assholes.

Just a little bit closer, you’re almost getting the point!

In that case you’re actually using a limited resource: space on a train. And by occupying it you’re preventing someone else from using it (assuming a full train). Copying media doesn’t cost any resources (ignoring the tiny amounts of electricity) or interfere with anyone else’s ability to use that resource.

They don’t compare.

I hardly download from them, so I don’t have an automated way.

What I do is use ublock origin to look at the network calls, find the media link and then use curl to download it.

Your post is lacking information. What do you WANT?

Do you really care about the quality and want 4k if possible? Are you trying to scale media amount? In that case, 4k remuxes will need an insane amout of disk space compared to 1080p. Do you need to support multiple people streaming, so transcoding and bandwidth is relevant?

Without knowing what you want to achieve it’s impossible to make that choice.

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

Pretty easy to do with just 500 fies. That’s just 2/3 of the Simpsons.

SSDs have no moving parts so they will make no noise and generally be more resilient than HDDs. They are really superior except when it comes to the price.

I think they are rather isolated. At least I have a hard time finding cases.

Here is another one, but this guy was running a website for sharing pirated stuff, which I think is much easier to track without violating privacy laws.

Yes. This was the very first conviction in Switzerland for pirating music.

They were fined 1000 Franks + the court costs (so basically slap on the wrist).

I was just answering your question and don’t care.

But I would probably go with mullvad these days. People can be petty.

… so that’s why our servers are always so fucking slow.

Depends on the country. Anyway, this thread is about torrenting without a vpn, not streaming with one. With torrents you are distributing.

It fully supports streaming

Ok but this is a thread about needing downloads for travelling…

No, I just prefere it when my video actually loads on the same day.

Previously there was one top level comment that said something like “don’t give this guy views”, which was heavily downvoted and all other comments were a reply to that comment.

I assume the person deleted their comment.

If I want to watch a tiny circle spin for 5 minutes, I’ll go to piped myself. Otherwise let’s stick to youtube.

“American” can be interpreted as the adjective as well, not just the people. So you mostly find flags, eagles and the statue of liberty.

You have to search for “average American” to get what you’re looking for.

Bottom right is just a 737 MAX.

You sure? My first thought was “that must be America”. You generally have terrible privacy and consumer protection laws and it’s the country with the most interest in enforcing copy right laws.

How do these work?

Well, Piped doesn’t (or at least I’ve never bothered to wait till it eventually loads).

Now, how to tackle the copyright issue and propose my idea?

Not sure this is the right place to ask, not dealing with copyright issues is kind of our thing here.

But why would this happen because of ads?

I don’t see this direct link between adblockers and being able to pirate stuff.

I think it’s a qoute from some sitcome, I don’t remember where I heard it. But it’s “Not watching the ads is like stealing TV!”. And it’s about just changing the channel during an ad break. It’s clearly a joke, too. But maybe some people actually believe that.

The guy owning the Xhub.com domain is rubbing his hands right now.

Elon Musk buying it.

Seriously though, it would take something rather drastic. Our company briefly tried using bitbucket, but it was just worse overall. Don’t touch a running system.

I really hate ads, too. But I don’t think I would be turning to street crime because of them.

There will always be adblock in some form, it can’t be removed.

But even if it somehow happened, I don’t see how that would affect my pirating. Sure, some torrent sites might be a bit harder to navigate, but that’s just an inconvenience.

Let’s hope Meta dies on their stupid VR and NFT hill.

Can you link the two torrents for me so I can take a crack?

I’m not the OP.