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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Yup. My wife has a family history of lupus, has kidney issues, had a serious b12 deficiency, and pretty much every other symptom of lupus, but a negative ANA panel, so it can’t be lupus (a negative ANA doesn’t rule it out completely).

When she went in because she was having neuropathic pain, which is very common in lupus and b12 deficiencies, she was told it was probably from her covid vaccine.

What sucks the most is I, a 6’3 male, actually gets taken seriously by the same doctors. It’s bad enough that I have to go with her to appointments so there’s a chance of her being taken seriously.

Or a doctor that dismisses all of your symptoms because they can’t be fucked to put effort into a diagnosis.

Yes? At the time of my comment all of the other comments were people hoping it would be a good thing.

I’m not sure why people are expecting Microsoft to act altruistically in this merger. They’re a publicly traded company that exists to create profit for their shareholders, and they’re not going to do a single thing that won’t increase their profits.

Mergers like this are always bad for the consumer, and the FTC is betraying the citizens by letting it happen.

Fair enough, but OPs problem can be solved by changing a 0 to a 1 in a single file.

Just use a different port number. I’m not sure why it’s necessary to use the same one since you can change qbittorrent’s port in the config files.

Assembler or assembly? Just curious because in my computer engineering course we had to create a C based computer that used assembly.

Imo slack is just a garbage product to start with. The chat grouping is not intuitive, the notification audio alerts are subtle and easy to miss with no way of changing the tone, and a large chunk of the time I don’t receive any notification of any new messages, and the new message won’t appear in chat unless I close and reopen the chat.

And I’m definitely not the only one at my job with these issues.

In Texas our leadership straight up said that. But surprisingly the US is 5th. Sweden must be literal hell for the elderly.

Their first mistake was forgetting the 0th Law of Robotics.

Shameless plug for Home Assistant, here. Everything is controlled locally (unless you pay for their internet pass through service which is basically just a relay), most brands of smart devices are supported, you have extreme customization capabilities, and it’s all open source.

Plus, it can run on pretty much anything.

Having smart devices isn’t dumb, but you have to implement them properly.

It’s dumb to hand control of your smart home over to a 3rd party, though.

Go Home Assistant. They’re getting closer to having an offline voice assistant too, so soon you won’t need to use rhasspy or another open source solution.

I’m in the process of developing a whole home HAL9000 system.

It’s not inherently a bad thing. If you’re making $1m /y in revenue, you can afford to pay licensing fees.

The point is that the article gives no context for their statistics. This is super common in science journalism.

For example, take the articles that came out after the vaping and heavy metal study came out. Vapes have heavy metals in them. Scary!

What they didn’t mention was that the levels found were lower than atmospheric levels.

I’d really like to see the stats on how many human driver issues they had during the same time span

Congress can’t change the constitution, though, and the constitution expressly allows using prisoners as slaves.

Hell, DeSantis or Abbot would just see how many prisoners they would have to work to death to get it in front of the corrupt as fuck SC. I halfway hope they don’t try.

Does top show unpaged memory too? I’ve had an application with a memory leak before that would fill up unpaged memory and it would look like nothing was using ram when I looked in the task manager, even though usage was 99%.

Yeah, and there are plenty for $100-150 with lower specs that might be suitable. I haven’t cracked mine open yet, but there’s a data connector that they advertise for a 2.5" ssd, as well as an included m.2 ssd. But even if you just got a usb-c drive enclosure it would be faster than a pi.

Pis are great for small applications, so if your goal is just to have drive failure tolerance, it would work. If you want to run something like plex off of the data there you’ll have a bad time.

Personally, I’d just buy a synology 2-3 drive box and call it good. I love my 5x5 setup, and a lot of my local services run off it in docker containers.

Beelink is just an inexpensive brand of mini PCs like the Intel NUC. The one I have for my office draws 25W max, but has a 12th gen i3 in it, 16gb ddr5 ram, wifi6, and dual 2.5gb/s ethernet for like $300

If you’re going to be basing this on a pi4, I wouldn’t spend the money on SSDs. The pi is going to be your bottleneck, not the drives.

The IO board only has a PCIe 2.0 x1 which has a max speed of 500MB/s.

You’d honestly be better off building an itx system or buying a cheap one and upgrading stuff like RAM. Hell, even a Beelink would be better than a pi

Jellyfin and plex are basically just GUIs to make playing videos from your NAS feel like you’re using a streaming service. They do a bunch more stuff, but in general that’s what they’re for.

Like, you don’t need a GUI for Linux, but it can certainly make the experience better.

Dietpi, which has already been recommended, has a web dashboard you can use to control a bunch of stuff so you don’t have to have a gui

Well, yeah. All this was ever about was controlling women. They don’t even have a religious leg to stand on since the Bible itself states in like 3 places that life begins at the first breath, and even has instructions for an abortion ritual.

Yes, your router can likely act as a VPN server, but I would definitely have a hardware firewall if you’re going to be exposing ports to the public internet.

Also, a wifi adapter for the server is going to be better than a powerline adapter. What I did for my home lab was bought some cheap Netgear routers and turned them to bridge mode and hooked all 4 ports from the server to the router.

I’m the opposite. I literally never hear the slack notifications, and half the time my Taskbar icon doesn’t show I have new messages. My volume is at a reasonable level to hear everything else. I’m not the only one at my job who has the issue either.

Yeah, it definitely took me a minute to get things set up properly, and I had to get a new VPN service, but it’s been great so far.

I just got a MikroTik RB5009UPr+S+in and I’m loving it so far. I’m going to pair it with their AX ceiling wireless AP if I can ever catch it on sale again.

And companies just don’t seem to get it. They saw Netflix boom in popularity and said, “Hey, I wanna do that,” without realizing that having all your content in one platform was what made it so successful.

Eh, plex has been super buggy on my FireTV Cube. For some reason it always jumps back like 6 episodes in a show or just picks a random season when we resume playing the next day.

Yup. DDG is my go to. Every once in a while I have to use Google, but it’s rare.

Also, buy the Wolfram Alpha app if you want math problems solved easily.

Yeah, bulk imaging computers is really only limited to how many you can hook up to the network. I used to have to image hundreds of computers a day at times, and really the longest part was walking around and restarting them all so they’d PXE boot. The actual process maybe took 2 hours since all the computers were on 100Mb/s connections.