Centrist, progressive, radical optimist. Geophysicist, R&D, Planetary Scientist and general nerd in Winnipeg, Canada.

troyunrau.ca (personal)

lithogen.ca (business)

  • 22 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It’s easy once you realize that it’s talking about the river – the water flows from uphill to downhill. Quebec is downhill of Ontario.

No problem. We will solve our housing crisis by building everything out of concrete then – an even higher emitter.

Yeah, CIBC is pestering me too. “Lock in early and get a special rate!”. Aka, I still have two probable quarter points before renewal…

The only way the US ever regresses from its current position is through internal disarray. They cannot be challenged by external forces, not in the foreseeable future anyway. Unfortunately, internal disarray of the magnitude required to effect the changes espoused herein are basically impossible without full scale civil war erupting. And that would be bad or worse. When the medicine is worse than the disease, you accept the disease.

I don’t understand how authoritarian leaning conservatives and free speech absolutists align most of the time.

This is such an interesting development. I bet a lot of dirty laundry is about to be aired.

That article is light on implemention details. It talks a lot about the legislation itself, and ways in which it might be implemented.

One time, many moons ago, when I was a young a naive student: I dared to counter protest a student union led protest that I disagreed with. I was polite, non-distuptive, and some distance away from the group.

I got reported to campus security for irrational behaviour by someone, which then caused them to go digging. I had been writing editorials for the campus newspaper and they were in the newspaper offices trying to dig up dirt (my editor let me know).

I have no idea whether there is such as thing as due process and such when dealing with campus security (they aren’t really police), but at the time I felt violated. I was expressing a political opinion in the most democratic way I could, and someone gunned for me in response. I don’t blame security for doing their job, I blame whomever maliciously contrived a report to make them act.

That said, this story is clearly written slanted towards the ACAB angle. I think more digging is required by the journalist here. What was the actual perceived threat.

(And yes, ecoterrorism is a thing, so perhaps there were concerns, real or imagined.)

Is this unmodded? I’ve never played it, and this screenshot alone intrigues me enough…

Definitely a different kind of creative thinking involved haha

Dragon Age Origins, first run ever. Had to apply the 4GB patch, and it still crashes occasionally on modern hardware. Off and on.

BG3. Just started Act III, still in the outskirts. The third act is so imposing that I’ve taken a break just to clear headspace, hence DAO above

EU4 (Anbennar fantasy conversion mod) – geez, this game is like crack for me. I’m now well over 4000 hours. I keep circling back. Most recent run was Dwarven Adventurer into Verkal Dromak – the sleeper dwarves with the dream magic system. Long considered a hard start, you’re now aided by an early game rebellion which can sometimes cripple your main enemies, the Hobgoblin country “The Command”. Much fun.

And a couple years ago, the water level was so high that Hay River was underwater and the government docks in Yellowknife were underwater… So it’s swinging about pretty wildly in the last few years.

Probably this means a bad fire season again though :(

I know one of the Long Dark devs – chill AF – and if they are a representation of their company culture, then I would consider this less of a snipe, and more of a business model observation one would make over beers.

But, yeah, it is yet to be seen if Manor Lords is a flash in the pan, or has a long tail (like Paradox games or No Man’s Sky or others).

Battery storage, I presume. Many other provinces don’t need the storage due to the ability to vary the output from dams.

Great headline but doesn’t indicate what replaced it.

Carbon dioxide still getting produced in massive quantities.

Coal and other hydrocarbons still being produced for export. But, hey, if it gets burned in another jurisdiction that isn’t our problem, right? We will put up those glass barriers all the way to space so our atmospheres don’t mix.

Southern Alberta is probably the best place in Canada for massive scale solar installations. Get on it.

I mean, he’s not wrong (historically), but that doesn’t mean we have to tolerate it either. We (as a species, a civilization, the royal we) can be better. He just doesn’t want us to be.

I still go to Reddit for some communities that don’t have critical mass on Lemmy. Sure you can talk about programming or Linux here, but the more niche ones (like specific mods for specific games) are entirely absent.

But when I want to post something or create content, it goes here.

Ouch. I know Bandcamp isn’t owned by its founders anymore, and the new owners in theory are sketch… But it’s still close to the best webstore ever conceived for music. The payment processing alone is worth it. What is Faircamp in that space?

The warez scene really hasn’t changed since 1994 eh ;)

Eventually there will have to be an equilibrium. We burnt something like 5-7% of all Canadian forests last year. You can’t do that every year and still have forests to burn. The burnt areas form natural firebreaks while regrowing, which also slows things down.

All six people who still play Diablo 4 probably bought it though…

One day, in the near or distant future, we will look back at blood-based and ancestry-based self-identification as being rather quaint. In the same way that sexual self-identification has changed over time.

No, it didn’t. But open source software follows the same cycles sometimes. The Gnome 2->3 transition is a simple example – they de-invented whole sections of the software to make a worse but newer dishwasher.

Hey, a lot of open source software is really warty too. But you could probably also blame that on capitalism if you tried hard enough :)

Yeah. If you’re a conpletionist like me, you just run around picking up junk to sell to vendors so that you can buy one of every available named weapon (and store it in camp and never use it)…

Oh, there’s plot? Sorry, busy systematically looting an entire castle… I kid. A little.

I’m really enjoying how each character has a good arc, and that those arcs feel so substantially different from one another.

Yeah, that’s not happening. Not nearly as fun as tipping cows.

Robot opens door for cat. Cat sits and looks

BG3 still. Just started Act 3 for the first time. Astarion as my main.

It’s a fantastic little adventure platformer, wrapped up with cat physics. Some of the missions you end up doing don’t seem catlike at all, but I forgive them – most cats wouldn’t properly move a plot along without the prompting of their robot friend either. ;)

It’s a very nice game, and at a good price point. :)

U.K. walks away from trade talks with Canada | CBC
> Sticking point is how much access U.K. producers should have to the Canadian cheese market

Looking for a rec: story oriented RPG with minimal focus on combat
Preferably in the high fantasy or sci fi genre. I enjoy playing games like Chronotrigger, Tales of Symphonia, Witcher 3 (easiest difficulty), Mass Effect (in Story mode), Outer Worlds (in Story mode), etc. Basically, story first, mechanics second. What's your fav?

Opinion: We have Forgotten the meaning of Remembrance
With apologies for voicing an opinion rather than linking an external article. I am of the strong opinion that Remembrance Day had become at best grandstanding, and at worst, completely meaningless. There are phases tossed around like "Lest we Forget" or "Never Again". But when Russia invaded Ukraine, we have effectively done the opposite (or very nearly). Sure, we can send ammo so Ukranians can fight back, or host some of their forces for training. But the reality is, we are only marginally involved. We haven't mobilized. We aren't on war footing economically. The root causes are many. But a combination of NATO's article 5 protection only kicking in if we are attacked (rather than joining an already existing war), and the threat of nuclear retaliation, means we are paralyzed politically. At a minimum: I would support direct involvement, whether that's ramping up our own military, deploying specialists, reservists for minesweeping, stationing our own troops (meagre as they are) in Ukraine to directly support the fight. I would actually support much larger actions, including naval blockades or airspace closures but wholly understand that Canada cannot execute those on their own. We cannot allow genocidal wars to be pressed in the modern world. And we should be doing everything we can about it. Right now, we're doing barely more than nothing.

In case you were being productive today and wanted a wikipedia rabbithole. Canada has a land border with Denmark! Win trivia night!

This has been the worst wildfire season on record. What could 2024 have in store? | CBC
> Dry conditions and warmer-than-usual temperatures helped fuel a long and unrelenting wildfire season that, to date, has burned more than 17,500,000 hectares, a 647 per cent increase over the 10-year average.

Canadian Wildland Fire Information System | Interactive map
May be of interest of those following the fire situation, particularly in Yellowknife. Recommend turning off the fire risk layer, turn on fire perimeters, M3 hotspots, and historical fires. You'll see the current fire, what edge is currently burning, and where available fuel is. Fire is currently 17km from Yellowknife. But almost every community in NWT has a fire threatening it right now. The town of Enterprise has effectively been deleted. Behchoko is now safe, after losing only four houses.

Residents of Ontario town pondering nuclear crypt take fully paid trip to Finland to see the potential future | CBC
> Residents of an Ontario farm community that may become the site for a deep underground facility housing Canada's radioactive waste were given an all-expenses-paid trip to Finland to see first hand what that future might look like. > The municipality of South Bruce has been engaged in a years-long process to decide whether it wants to become host for a $23-billion facility that aims to safely seal away Canada's huge stockpile of nuclear waste for millennia.

DAE get tripped up when seeing references to the King of Canada
Example, the supreme court of Manitoba is now called "The Court of King's Bench" -- but the URL still says queen: https://www.manitobacourts.mb.ca/court-of-queens-bench/ Double takes abound. There should be a non-gendered form to use. "Court of Monarch's Bench" or something ;)

‘It burns wild and free up there’: Canada fires force US crews to shift strategy
If nothing else, this artcile has an amazing graph showing how much worse this year is.

Useful site for planning activities. It also gives a good idea of where fires are burning, in case you've sort of gotten burned out by headlines.

Renters in 36 of Canada’s largest cities can’t afford to buy a starter home: report
FTA: The unaffordable cities: 1- Richmond Hill, ON 2- Oakville, ON 3- Markham, ON 4- Vaughan, ON 5- Richmond, BC 6- Vancouver, BC 7- Toronto, ON 8- Milton, ON 9- Whitby, ON 10- Coquitlam, BC 11- Burlington, ON 12- Brampton, ON 13- Mississauga, ON 14- Burnaby, BC 15- Ajax, ON 16- Surrey, BC 17- Langley, BC 18- Oshawa, ON 19- Saanich, BC 20- Kelowna, BC 21- Abbotsford, BC 22- Guelph, ON 23- Hamilton, ON 24- Waterloo, ON 25- Cambridge, ON 26- Barrie, ON 27- Kitchener, ON 28- Ottawa, ON 29- London, ON 30- St. Catharines, ON 31- Montreal, QC 32- Windsor, ON 33- Kingston, ON 34- Halifax, NS 35- Greater Sudbury, ON 36- Longueuil, QC And the affordable cities: 1- Edmonton, AB 2- St. John's, NL 3- Regina, SK 4- Saguenay, QC 5- Trois-Rivières, QC 6- Quebec City, QC 7- Lévis, QC 8- Winnipeg, MB 9- Saskatoon, SK 10- Gatineau, QC 11- Calgary, AB 12- Sherbrook, QC 13- Terrebonne, QC 14- Laval, QC