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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


XML is fine. Namespaces have a special place in hell though

When I write APIs I like to set endpoints to return all status codes this way no matter what you’re doing you can always be confident you’re getting the expected status code.

Even his rabid supporters have to realize he’s cosplaying as someone who gives a shit right? Right?

If you’re serious about monitoring your shit this is really the best answer. Zabbix is love. Zabbix is life.

The original Xbox controller for the North American release. I swear it was made for Paul Bunyan it was fucking massive.

Because there is no answer. All systems are corruptable and capitalism at least puts that corruption out in the open. I’d argue the problem is that government stopped giving a shit about its civilians instead choosing to trust in the market to solve all problems which we are learning that is not the case.

Things will not start changing until government grows a pair and starts doing what it’s supposed to do.

We notice you watch a lot of interracial porn which means you’re good with a diverse and multicultural work environment. LMFAO

I bought at the peak for 750k and done close to jack shit and could sell for 1million. Bring on the fucking crash already.

It’s not going to though. Too many factors driving the price up which the government is not addressing.

We ain’t at risk for shit. I’d be genuinely jaw dropped if we fell below anything but AAA.

Lord only knows. Speaking from personal experience I’m an externalizer so I’ve never had a thought of suicide however I have been on the record telling people there are times when I wish everyone else was dead.

I think it’s the end result that sought after not the action itself. To be alone.

Honest question. Can someone tell me of any time an online petition actually amounted to change in the real world?

Imma be real pedantic here and I apologize.

Politicians are people. In many cases specifically on the municipal level these are people who have day jobs because they get paid shit as a representative. Technically, people are to blame. People have the power to change the situation. The problem is people aren’t changing the situation.

To expand on this. If you are talking about anything online it is not private. That doesn’t matter if it’s in a WhatsApp chat, a telegram chat, a Lemmy post, a Facebook feed, etc. as soon as it hits a computer if someone wants to see it they will. There’s just hurdles to get it.

If you want anonymity stop using computers.

With how PC younger generations are I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not lol

It’s hard to take away entitlements once they exist, so the only future is really expanding it.

As an Ontarian lol. We used to have provincial eye care coverage. That’s been gone for decades now. Government can and will strip services as they see fit just need assholes in charge.

To further the thought experiment. I digitize my Blu-ray and put it on a private tracker to share with ONLY my friends. Is that piracy?

Copywrite laws are antiquated at best and need to be destroyed at worst.

If you need more proof look at bullshit like how Paramount+ until recently couldn’t show flagship shows like Picard in Canada because the rights were given to Crave.

So as a consumer I want to go to the owner of the property and I can’t watch it because the owner told me they gave a copy of it to someone else.

No joke. Wearing a conspiracy hat I think a lot of our immigration right now is people seeing the writing on the wall in their respective countries and bailing TF out before the wheels fall off the wagon there.

Historically aren’t mortgage payments the last thing a person is going to sacrifice?

Ignore it, laugh and increase your awareness that people are dumb as shit but also have the humility to realize you’re also people and are also dumb as shit.

It makes life far more palatable.

I bought for 750k. There is no logical reason why my house would now be worth 900k. So yes, it can tank. By tank I mean stop appreciating at the ridiculous levels we’ve seen the last 10 years.

If housing prices were to completely stagnate or depreciate by 10% tomorrow I would still be even or ahead.

I’ve been in my house for 2 years. Based on my valuation is already up $150k. I could care less if it tanks. Something is severely fucky when they have no idea if/what work I’ve done and my valuation is up that much after 2 years.

The people far smarter than us are the ones that do month over month and not the way you want. I fail to see how you are smarter that legions of economists around the world.

Again, I get what you’re saying. For a layman like you and I it helps our emotions to do it a different way. What I keep stressing is that to those experts there is an intentional reason to not include emotion when analyzing numbers. If you do so you run the risk of making the wrong decisions.

You are free to continue screaming into the wind because the process is different than you would like. I’m simply telling you it isn’t. There are more than likely very VERY good reasons. Better to spend your energy on more productive things.

I don’t disagree with a lot you’re saying but there’s a reason economists use x to x comparisons and that’s because your best comparison for October 2023 is October 2022 not September 2023.

What you’re describing is where, and it sucks saying this because it’s cold AF, numbers don’t care about feelings.

The layman like you and I want to put our lives into context on the numbers we see because we are in the weeds. That’s fine and good and we are 100% valid in feeling the way we do but it doesn’t change the reality that the best comparison for October 2023 is October 2022.

Now again I’m a dumbass. There are plenty better than me at explaining this but as someone currently doing heavy data analysis on a P1 we had at work you do not compare the day of the failure with the previous day because they’re two different days of the week. Processes differ per day. If the issue happened on Thursday I want to compare it against previous Thursdays.

Those “glorious landlords” you’re referring to should have their multiple properties seized or have their financials squeezed to the point of blood. Fuck every last one of them. People have by and large turned into greedy fucks and it’s disgusting.

Can I be one to say that despite all the shit on reddit that was given about the BoC not doing enough, or doing too much… So far they’ve done a damn good job at managing this given the fact that Jesus Christ are we dealing with once in a century issues. I will also give the Liberals props and the OPC props. We know what bad leadership looked like (see Alberta) but by and large most provinces and the country have turned out surprisingly well compared to their global partners.

  1. Pandemic
  2. War in Ukraine
  3. Escalating climate change

Yet here in Canada on a global scale we are still prospering and doing well. I"m speaking broad generalizations here. So if you’re not doing well on an individual level I hear you, it sucks and we should be doing better.

Those far smarter than me will and have commented on this before but my understanding is for purity sake there are specific ways they quantify inflation and the method you’re referring to is far more disingenuous.

Personally speaking, year over year “makes sense” as this way it doesn’t mask potentially disastrous trends (ie. disinflation).

I find it hilarious that Barbra Streisands memoire is relevant to this.

Anyways… kudos to shooting ourselves in the foot because the government was found to overstep. I look forward to companies not caring about single use plastics again. /s

Looks to be android as I have that too on my stock Pixel 7.

Interesting though is on my phone test messages is untoggled but I still got the damn thing

There is a consistent pattern of people that are exceedingly stretching the social fabric on what is acceptable behaviour.

I won’t say these people are on the right of the political spectrum, or members of the conservative party.

What I will say is that when you find these people I can almost guarantee you they are on the right or vote conservative.

A growing segment of the population have turned into generally insufferable shitheads and because the rest of us are generally the type to not want to rock a boat, we end up having to work with these shitheads.

They’re using the system against us and it’s frustrating.

As a white person, specifically a white man, all I can tell you is I’m here to listen. I hope as much from everyone else but sadly I doubt this is the case.

On “Day 6” this morning on CBC Radio One they had a Metis Lawyer on who estimates the amount of “Predentians” to be about 25%. That number is huge.

The problem is, as she states in the interview, that there are no winners in this only losers.

I don’t think you understand the term “Devil’s Advocate” as everything you’re (rightly) stating is positive to the person doing this.

To play the Devil’s Advocate, the person doing this is a Millionaire. I guarantee they are getting tax breaks out the ears for doing this and their accountants will ensure that this ends up being a money making venture for them. Pessimistically speaking, there’s no such thing as altruism.