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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


My point is that gaming could abandon “A/B” in favor of something more like an actual spectrum of Height, Weight, and Gender Presentation instead of just awkwardly renaming the binary? I wouldn’t get so up in arms about gender replacing body type.

Okay, but an in-depth character creation system that lets you pick and adjust individual features is a lot more work than just manually creating two models and asking the player to pick one. Adding that means something else gets cut.

Putting in half a dozen body types and a boob slider shouldn’t be a ton of work, but devs who only offer two player models to choose from in the first place probably aren’t putting that much thought into character creation.

So after it’s done you can adjust it’s cooking time, but instead of a cook time knob that you turn they try to pretend it’s AI?

I don’t even have the software for my mouse installed. I think she’s massively overestimating the value of mouse software updates.

She’s just trying to figure out how to make renting cheap peripherals make sense so that you can keep paying Logitech forever.

This. If you ask an image generator for a bed in the shape of a pineapple, it probably has no pineapple-shaped beds in its training data but it has pineapples and beds and can mash the concepts together.

Since anyone can download and train their own AI, that ship has probably sailed.

We’re taking the site down because greenwashing is illegal now, but we’re still insisting it didn’t contain greenwashing.

They also wouldn’t allow the new devs to talk to the old devs, so they had to figure out the old codebase for themselves.

You’re not supposed to use fc00::/8, so it’s just the fd00::/8 half that’s the new ULA.

That’s what temporary privacy addresses are for. Clients can just keep generating new addresses in your /64, which is it’s own subnet.

Yeah there is: not breaking all your internal traffic when the wan link goes down and you lose your prefix.

You’d think so, but the logs often contain a ton of noise along with the one line that tells me what the actual issue is.

I know whenever I try to help someone with a Linux issue it’s always an uphill battle to get them to stop guessing what they think the problem might be and show me the logs.

People really don’t want to give you the information you need to help them.

PHEVs have their own disadvantages, though.

They’re a lot more complicated with higher maintenance costs, and also often don’t have an EV drivetrain that’s fully independent. They’ll kick on the engine when accelerating, going uphill, for cabin heating, etc. Most of them don’t just use the engine as a range extender.

PHEVs only make sense so long as batteries continue to be expensive. The complexity of manufacturing the dual drivetrain and plummeting battery prices is going to see PHEVs become more expensive than gas cars or long range battery EVs in another year or two.

Modern batteries last a lot better, and there’s a huge difference between an 80 mile EV that’s lost a third of its range and a 300 mile EV that’s lost a third of its range anyway.

Can confirm, I haven’t even thought about buying an EV since I bought an EV.

Closed as a duplicate of another issue.

The other issue was closed as off topic.

Filling the paper tray with US Letter sized paper. If you aren’t in the US, you don’t use it and might not even be able to buy any.

That’s a book thing more than a movie thing, IIRC. Hammond was more of an asshole cheapskate in the book.

Once or twice I’ve gone and found another source for the download, copied it into my torrents folder, forced my torrent client to re-scan the file and started seeding it.

Watching a thousand other clients tick over from 99% to ‘seeding’ is weirdly gratifying.

He doesn’t, really. He has a simple moral code that he always follows: if it’s good for Trump, it’s good. If it’s bad for Trump, it’s bad.

Can we get it with five legs, with three on one side and three on the other?

There doesn’t need to be a value return - if it’s fun. Unfortunately, it seems designed specifically to be brand safe for future advertising instead of appealing to real people.

Sponsors are the biggest argument for not getting YouTube Premium, in my opinion.

You spend money on YouTube Premium and still have a bunch of ads, so you need to use sponsorblock, and if you’re using that just use an ad blocker too.

And the more ads they show, the more people install adblockers.

It’s not the right language for copyright infringement either, but it still gets used.

I’m pretty sure that’s code for “understaffed and lots of unpaid overtime”.

Exactly. It’s not that they think the US can’t pay it’s debts, it’s that they think politicians might throw a tantrum and refuse to. All the talk about financial data is missing the point.