Glorified network janitor. Perpetual blueteam botherer. Friendly neighborhood cyberman. Constantly regressing toward the mean. Slowly regarding silent things.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 27, 2023


It’s spez so of course they’re going to go for NSFW subs. Pretty sure that’ll just cause people to move to Onlyfans and other, already NSFW platforms.

Can’t really see anyone paying for sub access apart from porn.

Enterprise antivirus products have had PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) category forever. Seems its categorized as “HackTool” so not malware.

Dr. Disrespect: I’ll fucking own this problem!
Also Dr. Disrespect: Owns up to inappropriate message exchange with a minor.


Economy 2.0 is next week I think (hope!) - so this is just vanilla breakage.

The Swedish Social Democratic party (supposedly staunchly left wing) are the ones behind Chat Control 2.0. So just voting for left is not a guarantee we actually get sane MPs in the parliament.

So, is this the type of SLAM you’d typically see in a moshpit? Or are we talking about wrestling slams?

Manor Lords all the way. There’s a big Cities Skylines II patch coming out this week (I hope). I might fire it up and check it out. It’s getting close to “release quality” after pretty crappy release.

So your requirement with cellular calling (eSIM) is already fairly restrictive and depends on which market we’re talking about. Where I live (.se) you get to choose between Apple and Samsung and since Apple was out of the question, you’re stuck with Samsung.

Not entirely sure if your second requirement with long battery life can be fulfilled. You’ll be charging the watch every day, probably more often if you take calls on it.

There’s some rumors that Garmin Forerunner/epix will get eSIM support, but that will be also carrier dependent.

These wearables are pretty complicated high end devices, I wouldn’t really give them to elderly parents who stuggle using a normal mobile.

I think it might be better to look into other tyoe of devices like pager systems from caregivers, if you’re worried about health issues.

These attacks range from phishing attempts to sophisticated malware intrusions. Website defacement attacks and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are often seen during significant events

And these tactics can also be replicated elsewhere. Other countries worried about the impact of cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns on their elections and democratic institutions should be paying attention.

These tactics are already being replicated elsewhere. This has been the normal Internet background noise for years. This is not news.
However, just as in 2014 when Russia was preparing for Crimea annexation, the amount of targeted (cyber and kinetic) escalated. Same again before Ukraine invasion. That’s what we should be paying attention to - not everyday “millions of cyberattacks” or hybrid misinformation war - those are already happening. and should be handled as basic boring Internet hygiene.

We should be building resilience against targeted pre-invasion cyber. We should be building ways to take down drones, we should be building robust satellite communication networks so we don’t have to rely on kindness of tech billionaires. We should find more robust ways of navigating because GPS is too easy target.

In short, we should be learning from the Ukraine conflict, which is the first (and currently only) real live theater for cyberwarfare.

I don’t and the energy consumption of public AI services is a stopper for “testing and playing around”. I think I’ll just wait until it takes over the world as advertised.

Teaching kids good, healthy anticapitalist values is important. It’s also good to teach them some basic computing and privacy skills, because they’re not going to get that anywhere else. They’re going to be under lot of social peer pressure to have the latest phones and being connected on social media, consuming information from algorithms.They need to understand how to minimize the harm from Meta and the big tech.

Same applies to the copyright industry and their practices (along with corps who are heavily anti-repair like Apple) - they need to understand the exploitation model of capitalism and lobbying - from there, let them make their own choices.

But if it was reality

“In a future, post-apocalyptic Los Angeles brought about by nuclear decimation, citizens must live in underground bunkers to protect themselves from radiation, mutants and bandits.”

And you picked a girl punching a guy the exact moment to suspend your belief at? Damn dude.

Gamers are so fucking weird. Really enjoyed the show. Hope they make 2nd season.

I meant NL is one of the top 10 tax havens in the world due to their exemptions that allow corporate tax evasion.

Only reason Discord has “a shop” in EU is for tax evasion. It’s a P.O Box at Schipol airport. I really don’t think they care very much.

I think they’re only worried about U.S class action. Don’t think American companies really care about the legality anywhere else

Fantastic piece of software! It’s important to make backups if you use Audible as they can and will remove your paid books at will/randomly. Always keep a local copy - and consider checking your local library, they might have your next audiobook for free!

So other than the shock tabloid value of it happening, there’s actually no substance to any of the talking points in the interview.

That’s not quite right. Mastodon does not have any privacy at all and it’s not safe to treat it as privacy platform.

What makes Mastodon worth using is the federated model and lack of commercial engagement algorithms.

I bet the CFO was in habit of joining Zoom company calls with the cat filter turned on. Therefore everyone was pretty much OK with this.

Once, not so long ago, streaming was more convenient than pirating. But, as expected the commercial services went through their Standard Cycle of Enshittification and now we either let ourselves get flogged by 50 competing predatory services or just take the easy way and sail the high seas.

The choice is not that hard. Yarr.

Of course this returns us to the state where the streaming companies who have literally “enshitted their own beds” now turn to legislators and policymakers (who they hated, just couple of weeks ago) to ask them to provide some “law and order” to this unruly mob and to defend the corporations right to put thumbscrews on the population for ever increasing profits.

And so it goes.

Yeah, that’s a shame. Hasbro/WotC isn’t the best of companies.

It’s good that they’re not selling to Tencent. But it’s a shame they’re not selling.

No, I guess it doesn’t connect to any streaming service. I use Google Drive to store my books and just copy whatever I need from there.

My next Windows PC doesn’t need any RAM, because I’m not going to need one.

Yeah sorry - edited OP and added archive link, so no one needs to hit substack servers.

Our AI-generated future is going to be fantastic. Archive link, so you don't have to visit Substack:

I thought the blog was hot garbage (my entire original comment here: so I won’t repeat it).

I’d like to offer an alternative -

Well, that article was a hot mess.

I appreciate the authors effort and they are correct about lack of “what is VPN” articles that are not written by VPN-vendors in marketing purpose. But I’m not sure if this was it.

Writing an article meant to “debunk” misconceptions and getting two core concepts, Security and Privacy mixed up right from the start wasn’t very good.

A lot of time was spent on explaining HTTPS and how it somehow magically makes you and your data secure on the Internet and it completely missed to mention who the potential threat actors thwarted by HTTPS are?

Could have probably used a chapter on how actual threats (both security and privacy) work and how don’t have much to do with the level of encryption your TCP/IP connection happens to encapsulate.

The last chapter with the first 3 bullets was pretty good though. That could have just been the whole article and it would have been alright.

Oh well. Attempt was made.

Running FF on Pixel 7. Have only uBlock Origin, no other addons. Runs great, never any problems. Syncs with my desktop.