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Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


and the government would have to explain precisely why they decided to ban all Google services over a song about freedom.

They wouldn’t explain shit. This is an authoritarian government we’re talking about; they have near total control of what information gets to their populace.

More likely they’d just accuse Google of supporting terrorism, and make a show of raiding their offices and jailing their local executives.

I don’t think the people in charge would last long if that happened, considering how integral Google’s services are to many people’s lives.

This is China we’re talking about. Chinese equivalents to nearly every big tech service are more than present and accounted for, even often preferred by the local populace. Hong Kong is a little different, but the CCP still exerts near total control there.

It is literally either follow this law or cease operations here. Both would end in the song being blocked anyway.

Mind you, I wish we were that level of strict when it came to our data privacy laws.

Yeah but they’re called talent for a reason. The senior talent are generally better than the juniors at what they do.

This company wasn’t exactly targeted. It could have happened to literally anyone.

Android’s Do Not Disturb feature is also like this. You only get notifications from calls, alarms and apps you specifically allow.

There is no confirmation that this came from Nintendo, nor does it list the actual infringing parts like a normal takedown request should.

And other countries are relevant to Mango Mussolini being responsible for the pandemic related economic damage in America how precisely? Surely you are not attempting to move the goal posts?

No, more like you are once again failing to read and understand.

My entire point, which I have already literally spelled out, is that while Trump was indeed an utter failure in leadership for pretty much all of his presidency, never mind during COVID, GDP is a shit metric to prove Trump’s ineffectiveness in the COVID pandemic, precisely because other countries that did prepare also had their GDP tank, albeit as a direct result of those measures. You can literally see that much on the graph in the thumbnail of this fucking post.

That is why I suggested using the number of dead from COVID, which is something the US had in alarming fucking numbers for a first world country, directly because of Trump’s fuckery.

When you learn to accept your blatant attempt to excuse the utter disaster that 45 was is in fact obvious, perhaps you’ll get mocked less.

I am literally fucking agreeing with you that Trump’s presidency was an utter disaster. I have literally spelled that much out. Time and time again. You are picking a fight where none exists.

Fucking. Read. Before. Responding

The US had virtually no one staying home. That is a myth.

I wasn’t talking about the US. I was talking about other countries. I literally said as much:

The main preventative measure for most countries was stay at home orders for all except essential workers.

The spread was the result of failed 45 policy, period.

Never argued against this.

When you quite carrying water for the failed response, perhaps you can be taken seriously on other points.

When you learn to actually read the posts you respond to, perhaps you can be taken seriously at all.

Then give them a URL link to a good instance.

Do you really expect Threads to provide a fair, uncompromised experience of the Fediverse when it’s actively against their interests to do so?

And most of those were the result of not having any prevention.

Not true. The main preventative measure for most countries was stay at home orders for all except essential workers. Working from home wasn’t much of a thing back then, so most places were absolutely caught with their pants down. Stay at home orders were unprecedented and completely unplanned for, most managers considered them unthinkable.

This is NOT me saying those orders were anything except the right thing to do, but it did completely zero the productivity of entire industries.

Those orders saved lives. And that is the metric we should be using. But since those particular numbers aren’t really knowable, we can instead use number of dead instead.

Human life is more important than the economy, and I will always lambast Trump for his decision making during this critical time.

It ain’t about people they don’t like, it’s about a powerful corporation known to be abusive, psychologically manipulative and unafraid to break laws so long as it benefits them.

You wouldn’t want such an entity under your roof either

GDP went to hell in a hand basket across the world. I can’t think of a country that didn’t take a massive GDP hit.

I don’t see why we can’t take a look at it now. No one cares about GG anymore, and IGN has practically become the punching bag of the industry for their… interesting choices

Here’s the thing though, KIA was only created after the banwaves and mass-deletions that happened across all social media (even 4chan). KiA was created long after everything started kicking off.

Not really. It was initially called the Quinnspiracy, after Zoe Quinn, author of Depression Quest, an e-choose-your-own-adventure-book that got some coverage in videogame journals.

Shit blew up when her ex made massive accusations about sleeping with the journalists in question. Then some actor coined the term Gamergate, and their targets expanded to then-journalist Anita Sarkeesian (I think she works more as a DEI advisor now) and indie game developer Brianna Wu.

Make no mistake, the games journalism industry was not spotless, far from it. But the rampant misogyny in Gamergate cannot be ignored.

I don’t deny that he utterly fucked up his response to the pandemic, but the real measure for that is lives lost, not GDP.

I mean I’m no fan of Trump, but come on, Trump’s presidency ended in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course GDP was absolutely shot.

I call them id-style shooters myself, but there is a bit of word play I like in the term ‘boomer shooter’. On top of referencing the age of the audience when they first arrived (albeit incorrectly), it is also a reference to the fact that the optimal strategy for these games is simply to blow things the fuck up. There is very little tactical play beyond what weapons to use for a given situation, and these games really love their explosive barrels and rocket launchers.

It’s not that they can’t read, it’s that you didn’t put enough info in there to distinguish it from the genuine article.

If, for example, I were to satirise an antivaxxer over text (like here!) without being able to use any giveaway symbols like /s or alternate casing, I would have to go for the most batshit insane example, to the point where its not funny, just stupid. Something like ‘I got vaccinated and turned into a fucking velociraptor. Jurassic Park is real! Don’t believe the lies!’

Fair enough if that’s your humour, but if I try to go for anything more subtle than this, I can easily be mistaken for a genuine antivaxxer, because it’s not far off the BS they actually spew. In real life I can put on an exaggerated Karen voice with exaggerated resting-bitch-face and people will know I’m playing a character, rather than espousing my genuine beliefs. I can’t do that over text though, so what’s the alternative?

He’s got a point though. Shakespeare goes into painstaking details to set up contexts and the portrayal of character emotions with the limited tools he had (remember these are 15th century plays).

A Reddit/Mastodon comment has very little background information to work from. You may know the comment they’re replying to, but you don’t know the content of their character. Are they a bit of a facetious troll? Do they genuinely believe what they are writing? Chances are you’ll never know unless they explicitly state it.

Text communications also lack the nuances of vocal tones, of facial expressions, of body language. We have to explicitly state our emotions over text, and that’s something many people aren’t used to doing.

Like how I rolled my eyes when you said ‘I recommend you learn how to understand context.’, to which the main reasonable response is often ‘what context? There is too often no context that decisively points one way or another’.

He actually did. Shakespeare’s plays are meant to be portrayed by actors and not read as a book, so there is plenty of written notes for how the actors should be expressing when they say their lines.

Oh the EU will definitely call this anticompetitive. Especially when nVidia have a monopoly in the AI segment as is.

So this looks like it’s based in Java code.

A public class means that any bit of Java code, including that injected by an attacker, can see and mess with the contents of that class.

A private class, in contrast, means that other bits of Java code are restricted to running the class’s predefined functions.

In theory it is supposed to help with the security of the data. In practice if an attacker gets to this point, you’ve got much bigger issues.

In poorer countries, sure.

In most 1st world countries, using pirated software is basically giving groups like FAST a licence to fuck you out of business.

So what purpose does an emulator server legally speaking?

They provide compatibility for software made to run on one platform to work on another.

Providing compatibility is one of the most protected use cases of reverse engineering in US law.

And I don’t think anyone uses their car for accidents.

Lots of terrorist groups do.

Just reading through the rust book (a week, maybe? I don’t remember how much time it took) will make you able to confidently write a simple CLI program.

You can do the same in Java or especially Python from zero much, much quicker.

Also you can learn to go beyond simple CLI programs in those languages much quicker, because you don’t have to worry about memory management.

The most manual way is what C does, which is requiring the programmer to check memory safety by themselves.😛

The difference is, Rust will throw a tantrum if you do things in an unsafe way. C/C++ won’t even check. It’ll just chug along.

Rust is really not that harder than Java or Python.

As someone who’s done all three, the fuck it isn’t.

If you are familiar with C/C++ best practices to any operational level, those things will translate over to Rust quite nicely. If not, that learning curve is going to be fucking ridiculous with all the new concepts you have to juggle that you just don’t with either Java or Python.

Not interrupting ads like in the free version. They sure do like to push ‘suggestions’ when you open the app though

That performance was peak Eurovision though! I have never been so entertained by an entry before!

You’re going to to still have problems, owing to the fact that torrent protocol doesn’t download files sequentially (edit: some clients do have this option but it can slow your downloads dramatically). It doesn’t download the first 5 seconds, then the 5 seconds after that, but rather 5 second bits at random parts of the movie.

That’s my point though. YouTube’s audio quality is utter wank, so it’s easier to source the music through the likes of Spotify and rip it for piracy. All you need to do at that point is tamper with the watermarking. If you’re pulling the OGG Vorbis source files directly, and have access to two Premium accounts, you can rip it twice and diff it to see the areas that need to be modified

It is piracy if you make it available for others to download. Plus the concept of time shifting doesn’t really apply to on-demand media.

Because YouTube isn’t the biggest ripping source. That award goes to Spotify.

Spotify rippers are rife these days. I’ve even made my own.

And my point still stands - they CAN’T prove that those IP addresses would be from frontier.

Umm. Yes they can. Quite easily. As Frontier would have been assigned those IPs as a static set.

Legally, not really. A username is also not a person.

True, but when tied to an IP address known to be used by a suspected person, it can be used as evidence.

Also if the Reddit account is old, there’s a good chance they provided at least one piece of identifying info that further ties that account to a target.

It’s not definitive but it is a lot harder to toss out

Medium is a blog hosting site. It’s all user generated and there’s zero editorial control.