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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


Just be like us and say “fuck you, fix your own shit in your shithole country! Don’t come here and take our jobs!” Hell maybe even start a wall and make Trump pay for it.

We deserve it. :/

People are such scumbags on Amazon. If you aren’t paying attention and just quickly go to rebuy something like deodorant (like I just did) you can end up spending over $50 for 2 sticks… I had to actually go to the manufacturers page to find what I was looking for as I guess they changed packaging and all the assholes are charging insane prices for the “old style” package.

Lmao thank you! I was literally coming to the comments to make that joke when I read she was making an MMO

Pretty much. These platforms right wingers take over are propaganda dissemination devices, not entirely “for profit” enterprises anymore.

This is America, the only law that is enforced is ownership by means of a monetary transaction.

“Ownership” by public nature is laughed at.

C.R.E.A.M :(

drinks the blood.


My friend really needs to learn about this. He works for Intel and does some really involved stuff, I on the other hand am a moronic jackass factory worker.

No friend, I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re trying to tell me you did if you keep using technical terms.

Yep! The hitchhikers books are so much fun lol

I still think one of my favorite lines is “the ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t.”

The more I learn about project managers the more I realize I am a project manager in a factory. Just a criminally underpaid project manager…

We don’t have titles here because god forbid anyone discover what their value actually is.

This is pretty much what I’m dealing with. All the medicine I’ve tried just makes me a zombie and that’s even worse. With those meds all I wanted to do is sleep because of the depression and all my body wants to do is sleep because of the medicine… So not only did it not work, it made life more difficult.

With Poes Law and all it’s kinda dumb to do that. Without hearing the tone it’s too easy to think they’re seriously stupid.

This has always been my issue with programming. I can visualize how to build a chair, I know what I need to build it and I know what it needs to do. I know how screws work, and I understand when glue is applied.

But with programming it’s like i know what the word wood is and I know what the word fabric is, but I haven’t the slightest idea how I use any of it to make anything useful. I can’t even start to build a plan because I don’t even know what’s needed for any specific thing.

At least you have an example of what you want to make, I don’t even know what I want to make so it makes “figure it out” even harder lol

I have a “thermos” style bottle that’s probably 16oz that I drink throughout the day every day. Weekends I’ll drink more as I’m home and it’s readily available.

It’s cold brew so it’s already cold for anyone disgusted by the “throughout the day” bit lol

How so? I more than likely take in too much caffeine lol

I learned this the hard way like 3 times lol

I keep trying to “better myself” by learning programming, but I’m just a fucking moron, I’m not capable. That and I really have 0 interest in it, but I can’t make enough to survive as a single individual being a fucking moron…

“We keep raising our prices and having content splinter off between dozens of competitors, I don’t understand why the people won’t just pay!

This is exactly my issue with every single company. They start off great and then the original owner/CEO croaks and we get Mr/Mrs Chicago Business School asshole who swoops in For The Shareholders™ and burns all the goodwill to the ground in the name of Profits!™©®

The difference between Canada and the US: She gets sacked there, here shed be presidential material and gain 10s of 1000s of social media followers.

The really irritating part is that they’d see your second paragraph there and say “they get it! The damn left just works backwards from their convictions. They don’t think about anything, they just feel it!”

They’d read all that and say “not me, you.” and they’d be partially correct as obviously some on the left do the same thing.

I did the same thing, but it’s because we’re all seeing the same things as far as cost increases and governments sitting on their hands.

(food companies all raise prices.)

“Well I’m not letting them get away with that, I’ll starve to death, that will teach them!”

(Electric companies raise prices)

“Screw you too! I’ll sit in the heat and darkness!”

(Gas companies raise prices)

“Ha! I’m already used to this from the last 2, I’ll just walk 4 hours to work and live with no heat in the northeast us! No prob!”

Yeah… We “let” this happen… Ffs…

No one ever wants to try it, but I say instead of the US giving Israel money for military aid we instead give Jordan money to host the world’s largest fried chicken festival, everyone loves fried chicken. We get Israel and Palestine empty and we give them all “I ❤️ NY” shirts so no one knows where anyone else is from. While they’re all gone we completely fucking glass the “holy land.” Nuke it all so no one can live there for 200+ years.

Maybe by then the people that exist as Israeli and Palestinians can stop with their religious war bullshit over a plot of land and maybe just get on with living a “good” life.

The most aggravating thing for me personally as a PC gamer with an obsession with fidelity/graphics, is any Microsoft acquisition becomes focused on console first (to sell Xbox) which leaves every game as a neutered PC port that had to be made shitty enough to run on consoles… It’s very irritating.

I was literally just going to make a joke about that.

I’m from the US, we have much better things to copy than our absolutely shit garbage politics… like BBQ ribs. Copy those, don’t copy our garbage propaganda lol

I can’t wait until somehow this becomes a “woke” issue… “The woke mob threw me out because I love freedumb! That’s why the left needs to be exterminated! … politically exterminated… yeah… that’s what I meant… politically…” (wink wink Nazis)

The worst thing for elite was being made by frontier as they are now. Frontier now is just a tycoon simulator game generator, that’s all they care about. It’s like the FIFA of the tycoon games… spit out another one every year or two and who gives a rats ass about the stuff we already made or haven’t completed.

I loved what elite wanted to be, I hate what the bean counters did to it…

People shit on star citizen for their dev cycle, but elite took the worse route in my opinion: they released a minimally viable product and then intended on building it into something bigger, but got cheap/lazy and just accepted that what they have out is “good enough” so they dumped all the internal ship plans (braben spoke about boarding ships and piracy on foot in a ship, that kind of thing.) They dumped so much of the simulation stuff and just stuck with the BGS… it’s frustrating to see what could have been.

You can land on moons in elite dangerous and if you have the expansion you can land on planets and moons with a light atmosphere and walk on foot.

If anyone complained about barren moons everywhere in starfield, just be warned elite has exactly zero interesting planets/moons in the literal billions of star systems it has. Everything is identical minus terrain colors and planetary rings. I loved elite for a while, but as far as exploration goes you really need to like scanning for the sake of scanning.

Starfield has a lot of stuff to explore, even if some of it is repetitive, but elite has maybe 10-15 interesting locations in the entire galaxy…

I really don’t get it to be honest, I’m left saying “damn I can’t wait for the weekend to play starfield longer because there’s so much to do” I don’t have enough time to do what I want in any given weeknight. I’ve been absolutely obsessed with starfield…

I got the early release and had a 4 day weekend, my play time was measured in days by Tuesday…

I’m so goddamn sick of the same story… As an older millennial for my entire life each milestone was just a big “fuck you.”

Graduated highschool into the Iraq war, so fuck joining the military to fight for Haliburton and Raytheon.

College age financial collapse, so fucked on finding a good job.

Clawed my way up to make enough to consider home buying, nope here comes COVID, the WFH movement, AND parasites investment companies jacking prices through the roof.

But no, Mr.Mrs. wealthy boomer, tell me again how it’s my fault you guys ruined society.

I know it’s a UK story, but it’s not much different here in freedumb land

Normal masculinity is simply existing and not giving a fuck how other people expect you to live. There’s almost no point in discussing it more as the left is already very comfortable with discussing the idea that you are who you are and you can be proud of that. That message is literally everywhere.

Toxic masculinity has to be discussed because people are being made to confuse being toxic with being “strong” which is something the right is creating. Their image of a “real man” is toxic.

It’s like the whole “racist right winger” or “neonazi” labels given to a politician, but then some random right winger gets all bent out of shape as if they were called a Nazi… They weren’t even part of the conversation, they decided to take on that guilt. It’s the same with toxic masculinity. If you’re not expressing the things that are discussed within that subject then they aren’t talking about you, you’re more than likely “performing” normal masculinity. It’s not the fault of the people having the conversation that someone else chose to feel offended by it when it wasn’t about them at all.

It’s not the fault of the left that the right creates propaganda.

Propaganda is really effective on everyone and they’ve had the help of algorithms that boost anger inducing material which leads one from “self help” alpha jerk all the way to “the left are demons that want to kill babies.”

It’s not the fault of anyone other than the propagandists. :/