• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023

Unraid: If I install NGINX Port Manager, all apps going through OpenVPN-Client suddenly start mapping 443>443 and 80>80 (app to host).
I am not a networking expert, so please forgive any poor or unclear terminology here . . . My recently built Unraid Plex/Arr box works great, but I would like to set up NGINX Proxy Mgr and reverse proxy. My current challenge is that when I install NPM, all of a sudden all of my Arr apps, which are set to network though OpenVPN-Client, start mapping 443>443 and 80>80 (app to host). Sonarr, Radarr, Readarr, NZBGet, qBittorrent, Bazarr, Requestrr all have app-to-host mappings like this, when NPM is installed: Network: container:OpenVPN-Client Port Mappings: My OpenVPN-Client app-to-host mappings don't include either port, which makes this doubly confusing: NGINX Proxy Manager network and mappings: Network: br0 Port Mappings (App to Host): And, when I remove NPM, everything goes back to normal and works fine, with no app-to-host mappings showing up for Arr apps in the main Docker view. What dumb thing have I done?

That was very helpful, thanks!

Only problem I have left is getting NGINX Reverse Proxy Manager set up, so that I can offer Overseerr webpage. The Let’s Encrypt cert generator keeps throwing an internal error at the last step. Something is preventing LE from reaching my server, and I’m too clueless to solve at this point.

Unraid: WebUI won’t load for containers routed through OpenVPN-Client
OpenVPN-Client is running normally, per its logs and ifconfig.me. The vpn.ovpn and vpn.auth files are working properly. In the Extra Parameters field of Deluge template I have added: *--net=container:OpenVPN-Client* In OpenVPN-Client template: - Network Type is set to None - I have added a port record: Host Port 8112 and Container Port 6881 Deluge's WebUI won't load at all. I tried qBittorrent instead, using the same approach as above, and it won't load the WebUI either.

I don’t see as nearly as many used ThinkCentre Tinys for sale with post 7th gen chips. I wonder if this is why.

QuickSync is available on earlier gen machines. I have 7th gen with it.

I’d be shocked if it were, as I think they zealously honor KYC/AML/OFAC.

PIA, just because I’m lazy and it’s been fine for like a decade. If there is something better, happy to hear about it.

Hey, thanks so much for following up! I was very happy to stumble into good fortune here :-)

Oh, I got lucky then. I thought it was only 8th gen onward, based on another user’s comment. Is there a name for the gpu tech, so I can look it up?

I bought Plex Pass lifetime about 5 years ago, so will go hunting for that setting, thanks!

And it works on 7th gen Intel chips?

Is that a client setting or Plex server setting? I haven’t noticed it before.

You are a godsend. Thank for you for the really cogent advice. Setting up Unraid now.

Thank you! Am I going to run into transcoding issues with 7th gen i5 on several streams? I only have six users, and all but one of them have modern Roku or Apple TV devices.

Oh, and should I use the 258GB M.2 already in the box for the config and database, or use the 2TB 970 EVO SSD?

Proper RAM and drive for ThinkCentre M710Q running Unraid/Plex/-arr
For a couple of years, I have been serving Plex to a few friends and family from an NVIDIA Shield Pro on a gigabit fiber. Before that, I served from a Raspberry Pi. I have basic Linux skills, and my dream is to build a more automated setup. Unraid OS with Plex and -arr apps looks great to a non-expert like me. So, I just picked up an unmolested original Lenovo ThinkCentre M710Q 7500T with 16GB RAM, and a 256GB M.2. I have a spare 2.5" 2TB Samsung EVO 970 SSD that I could put in it; I also have a 3.5" WD Red 4TB external HDD. Here are my questions: - Do I need more RAM to be able to serve four 1080 streams at once? - Should I use the SSD or HDD, or both? - Any other advice or suggestions? It's appreciated!

Make a Pi-hole for friends/family, unless you want to build discrete hardware projects that don’t need a fast CPU. My 17-year-old niece is doing breadboard projects on this gen of Pi.

How about forcing France and the other western powers who repeatedly pillaged and extorted Haiti to disgorge the hundreds of billions in value they effectively stole from Haiti?

And, while they are at it, how about making them re-green that end of Hispaniola?

FWIW, this free app solves for that issue well; I have several clammed Macs running it right now:


I think you’ll feel the same way about getting a Neuralink.

Thank you! My challenge right now is grasping how to get them to talk to each other in Docker.

I’m def going down it, thanks! Bought a couple of Docker books and am watching intro videos now.

I have limited grasp of transcoding, but there are just a few of us hitting the Plex server, and everyone is using Roku TVs or Roku boxes, which I thought were generally okay with most current file encodings, but maybe I have that wrong.

Automated torrenting and Plex Docker image, for Pi setup?
I started with XMBC then Kodi then Plex on a succession of Raspberry Pis. Then, four years ago, I switched to running Plex on a Shield Pro. Now, I am trying to pick up enough Linux and Docker knowledge to be able to set up a Plex server, just for video, with automated RSS torrent management, running in Docker on an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspbian Bullseye. I am not a technologist by trade, so hoping to find a Docker image that enables that without needing a lot of additional Linux plumbing to make it work. I am old and mostly rely on rudimentary UNIX skills left over from the late-'80s. Thanks for considering!

Only game I ever lol’d at was Psychonauts.

I love following weird shit on the web, so stumbled onto Qanon in late 2017 on 4chan, and have accounts on Telegram, GreatAwakening.win, Truth Social, and Rumble to keep up with the movement every day.

I mention all of the preceding by way of confirming that you are spot on. They constantly describe themselves as the true critical thinkers who are fighting the evil communist and/or fascist Left.

As irritating as they are, it’s kind of hard to blame them. Most of world beyond their fingers is opaque, and they don’t have the toolset to create clarity.

Our political system, beyond the level of town councils and school boards, is effectively unreachable and it’s subject to ownership by people and forces this pair will never see.

Our economy is so complex that two Chicago and MIT PhDs can argue for a lifetime about one of its tiniest details; to the pair of Trump fans in this piece, the economy entirely comprises the cost of their mortgage, the utilities, and gas. Most of the products and services they use are created by massive companies which delegate little power or ability to personalize at the level at which this pair interacts with them.

Our local newspapers are effectively denuded or gone, and local news stations tend to just package whatever Sinclair sends down the pipe. Remember “all politics is local”? That’s been flipped completely: there is almost nothing local; national considerations drive even school board elections.

Finally, that other estate, the church, is the one that taught them the magical thinking that they eagerly apply to things confusing and mysterious, lapping up simple proto-fascist narratives that eventually bake down to triple parentheses.

Putin has assumed the West will get bored and give up eventually. And Russia can just wait it out.

But, the West is getting to defang Russia for a generation, exfiltrate its best and brightest, and set itself up perfectly for out-competing Russia in the northern passages opening up due to climate change in the coming decades.

To paraphrase Charlamagne tha God: Biden wants to be ratchet pussy.

Our system is a ratchet model, in which the Dems try to maintain the current spot on the continuum, while the GOP moves everything to the right when it’s in power.

SR-71 wasn’t acknowledged for many years, then was decommissioned decades ago with no named replacement.

And, today, I can sit down with a soldering gun and $800 worth of consumer-grade hardware and in a few hours make a quad camera drone that will do 85+ mph, with a flight envelope that would boggle the mind of an F-16 pilot in 1995.

Of course, this alien horse shit is being spun up to distract from the multiple flight platforms we are running and/or testing, based on bleeding-edge human technologies.

I have stopped caring about artists and instead focus on sets, on Soundcloud.

Michael Smerconish gave RFK Jr. a handjob on national television. It was frankly shocking to stumble across live.

It’s interesting how Smerconish restyled himself as a moderate, after being one of Limbaugh’s guest hosts in the ‘90s.