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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 16, 2023


Oh, that’s LAN - I thought you’d put ian and I was trying to get the joke. Stupid sans-serif fonts.

Lisp variants like Clojure are being used for new projects (e.g. Logseq) but I’d be surprised to hear of anyone choosing COBOL for a greenfield project.


The label for the contact’s mother’s sibling’s younger son or father’s sister’s younger son.

I thought it was just a male cousin, but it doesn’t include a cousin who’s your uncle’s son. Which culture needs this?

I went with Fedora on my VPS because I was also planning to use rootless Podman. Quadlets and running everything through systemd with SELinux enabled is working pretty well for me.

The author has no idea how to get his audience on-side! He starts with bragging about his 6400% profit margin on domain he resold, in a market where there’s no customer value for middlemen.

At least antique dealers will identify pieces as rare, clean/restore them and put them for sale in a more visible place. Whereas domain reselling is about as ethical as ticket touting.

That was given in the original question along with Pythonistas.

haha, ok thanks. So

I’d initially assumed that it was a mnemonic but yes, listing and appending and extracting together is nonsensical, as tar notes: tar: You may not specify more than one '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' option

I can remember regex, but I need to check tar almost every time.

I see your point, but you likely also need to be compiling multiple versions for different architectures and OSes. If you offer an exe someone will turn up asking for a msi, etc, etc.

In theory, you can get this automated, but then you’re requiring a dev to learn and maintain these tools instead of working on their project.

I do edit and spell check my posts because I believe that when posting something (text, software, etc) it’s proper to make it easy to consume, without forcing dozens/hundreds/thousands of people to fix your errors. I would expect these things, but I don’t demand these things, and I think it’s inexcusably entitled for anyone to do so.

What I’m hearing is you’d rather that the developer used their time to produce binaries so you don’t need to spend your own time.

The problem with open source is that people expect a lot time and effort to go into things like bug fixes, documentation and support, when often the devs start out making something to scratch a personal itch. They then share it for the benefit of others, and it can be a slippery slope where you can end up with a second job, except you don’t get paid or even thanked.

Open source burnout is a big problem.

Longer means you’re more likely to be able to ride out a power cut, and gives you more options if you want/need to complete something more involved than saving and shutting down.

A general tip on buying UPSes: look for second hand ones - people often don’t realise you can just replace the battery in them (or can’t be bothered) so you can get fancier/larger ones very cheap.

That reminds me of Netflix’s Chaos Monkey (basically in office hours this tool will randomly kill stuff).

They might get some more uptake if they had some examples or a more concise explanation than just linking to the RFC (aside from the tutorial in French).

Federation like that sounds perfect, and would definitely help out for the current situation I see where projects are officially on, say, Gitlab but still accept pull requests on GitHub. I’m sure that involves some annoying manual process (although should be less hassle than the code review!)

btw, if you put double spaces at the end of a line, it makes a new line without a new paragraph:

It’s not DNS
There’s no way it’s DNS
It was DNS

I’ve used some of their components in a little helper program that was scraping some stats from a service without an API, so Servo code will end up in plenty of projects besides Firefox (and Tauri). Good news for all of us.

I use this too, and find it better in almost every way.

Swapping @ and " is a mixed blessing since the quote is used quite a lot when coding, but then so is the @. In prose I prefer to use US-style double quotes for quotations and leave single quotes for contractions, possession, etc, so I have to do that awkward shift-2 combo a lot.

Having an extra key is great for us coders since we use most of those weird glyphs (never used ¬) and having easy access to # is chefkiss.png.

ISO layout’s tall enter key is great for touch typing since you don’t need to be very accurate with your little finger and moving the | \ key next to Z is much more convenient. I like the symmetry of the slash keys, too.

Alt-Gr make loads of shortcuts easier, although occasionally I want that key to be a normal alt instead.

Top one is ISO-UK:

Huh, there’s a lot of us calling software “beasts” in this thread.

It’s a very different kind of beast, but I’m very much enjoying it so far. Linking things is definitely Joplin’s weak point whereas this is a core strength for logseq.

I often used bullet points in my Joplin notes, so having that as the default works for me too. However, since Op has said they want plain text notes Obsidian seems like a better fit (although logseq does save pages as text it’s not what it feels like in use).

Almost full marks,

the paper says

JPEG XL is a superior image format that your device should support

I think on the Fediverse (or just Lemmy?) I’ve seen more people who’d post your comment non-ironically. Or maybe they’re not serious either (but they’d have to be really committed to the bit).

On the plus side, forcing people to support alternative branch names surely has led to better software support for a core Git feature.

I put this one in the same camp as whichever well-meaning person came up with “happy holidays”. Other religions and cultures don’t mind Westerners celebrating Christmas, and over-corrections like this just give fuel to the “political correctness gone mad” (now re-branded as anti-woke) crowd.

Clever but really verbose incantations that no-one can remember.

Oh yeah, that looks much better than any of the included themes. Nice work!

Could you share a screenshot of your final result?

Self-hosting email is not at all easy, and I’d recommend paying for hosted email from a service that lets you use a custom domain. Most will let you have multiple inboxes, although this may cost extra.

Then, just buy a domain (NameCheap is fine) and point your MX records at the email provider.

Are you syncing to mobile? I’m trying to get the logseq Android client to use the Nextcloud directory but it seems to be a known bug

It seems the image is a screenshot of the original page, slightly upscaled, but since the source page includes links to larger images we can make the HD remaster. Shotgun not me.

That looks really interesting, I’m fairly happy with Joplin but SB looks like how I’d do things if I wrote something like this.

It is odd that there’s no web app for Joplin given that it’s written in TypeScript. It’s such a commonly requested feature, I wonder what the problem is.