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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


you can use them to transfer files between PCs without the need for a flash/thumb-drive I also have a few flashlights that charge in and out through a USB-A

Bad movies that are just activism instead of a good story, that’s what I call “shitty movies”

But I will say sometimes it’s just a bad quality and it’s hard to figure out if it’s worth keeping it around because it’s the only version available or letting it die.

Bad movies need to be pirated, good movies need to be paid for. Unless you can’t get any physical media, in which case, pirate away.

Adguard? Although I don’t know if they have a firewall based Killswitch so it might be vulnerable to tunnel vision if it’s not being used in a VPN router

You might need to replace your pi-hole with adguard home to make it work

Seed everything, but seed bad media more
Shitty movies and shitty music needs to be seeded more than good music and movies. set the ratio limit to like...10 or higher.

and lots of games are constantly being made without roguelike elements.

Roguelike wasn’t the only thing I brought up or even the main point of what I was saying.

why not a Prince of Persia sands of time style prince of Persia? Why does it have to be more of the same shit that everyone hates now?

Souls-like Rogue-like, stealth action adventure, FPS, battle royale and that’s it.

There’s nothing being made outside of those formulas anymore.

you can also delay windows updates that change things.

At least it’s better than Mac. With Mac the user has 0% control over what happens on their system. Apple can just yoink anything you have off your system whenever they want. Software, files, anything.

Nice! I just got around to watching it and I’m glad I did.

If you have to constantly tell people you’re the king, you’re not really the king.

Since everything is going digital, it seems the only way to actually control the things you want is to pirate them.

Or! Alternatively! Bring your wife to the situation and have her talk about her dreams.

No! Ask him to leave a rating on your encounter with him.

“sell themselves” their shows at the same price as they sell to others in pay-per-view terms.

Pay-per-view is terrible. Flat rate is better. Flat rate for unlimited everything.

OH MY GOD! THE HORROR! WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BILLIONAIRES!? They worked hard to stomp on people to get to where they are!

Wow! It’s almost as if greed and hubris caused all the media companies to split everything up so they wouldn’t have to share with netflix and now no one can keep track of which services are hosting what shows in which countries.

So learning how to pirate things and paying for a VPN that won’t snitch is easier than paying for a dozen different streaming services in addition to your internet connection.


Sorry…I have Tourette’s syndrome. FUCKING QUANTUM RESISTANT ENCRYPTION WITH MULLVAD! PORT FORWARDING OFF WITH PROTON! Sorry…I meant to say that piracy is immoral and wrong! How are billionaires supposed to afford their diamond studded, solid gold toilets or their giant mansions on huge plots of land if we pirate things?!

Windows sandbox sucks, it doesn’t isolate all the way and it doesn’t give you any options for what you might not want to isolate.

With Sandboxie Plus, you can pick and choose exactly what has access to whatever else you can deny admin access to anything you want and you can even fake admin rights to whatever you want. You can’t do that with windows sandbox.

sandboxie. The final update from the original makers made it open source.

1"Oh god! Some of our users are leaving because our service sucks now!"

2"Should we improve our service?"

3"Of course not! We should just make it more restrictive and raise prices!"

2"Yeah! Raise prices to make up for lost customers!"

1"yeah! no one will pirate anything if we just raise prices and make everything way more inconvenient!"

when you use port forwarding, you’re opening yourself up to a lot of malicious activity. Someone could maliciously plant some CP on your hard drive if you have port forwarding enabled.

A lot of people still don’t and they use public wifi too. And some people with VPNs are using shitty ones like nord, express or Private internet access or surfshark

Surfshark and nord are owned by the same company and express and PIA are owned by the same company. So PIA isn’t trustworthy anymore, their court proven no-logs policy isn’t valid anymore because they got bought out since then.

They’re not just capitalists, they’re oligarchs. They feel entitled to that private information and they don’t care how much “campaign contributions” they have to give to get what they want.

You ain’t gonna get mine, you fuckers.

Proton VPN with port forwarding turned off…Or Mullvad with quantum secure encryption…whichever you want.

I don’t gamble, but if I did I would bet that the AI is going to teach a lot of mistakes and maybe even be the cause of someone saying something wrong, like an insult instead of a greeting or something.

1080p is great and all…No really it looks amazing. but it takes up a fuck load of space.