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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2023


Well, if you are genociding and someone wants to help the same people you are putting so much effort into exterminating … it’s probably a real morale blow.

Why doesn’t anyone consider the poor IDFs feelings?? Haven’t they suffered enough free prime land for development gain!


No fucking way, I have to go to work tomorrow, my soulless cubicle needs me.

This is perfect for capitalism with Matrix bio-fuel-cells-human/battery tech!

It would have been too easy to just chill peacefully and unbothered in my cozy pod - they would feed me a hallucination of a dead-end job the whole time, complete with all the stupid office buttons I have to press.

- “Can artificial hallucination run Doom?”
- “What kind of stupid question is that??? Ofc it can, let me show you …”

TIL not everywhere companies are required to report shareholders (unless they are quoted on stock exchanges, in which case it’s the central authority there who has the register).

Yes, while I know how much western CEO get payed, they are still workers, guard dogs.

But naming CEOs without naming shareholders as the actual ruling class really just further serves maintaining the status quo.

Not to be confused with pooping brain.

Why do so many people shit in the shower??


Bring a fan.

This shitstorming could have been an email, or a fax.

Yes, it’s still easier to manage, transfer stuff, Proxmox Backup server integrates nicely, etc.

No, I didn’t mean with ceph. No quorum needed either. Just add to the group.

Wow, this is perfect for the masses (that I don’t want to admin/tech support for)!

People love installing apps. And even installing one for them is ez.

May the high seas of democratic culture be kind to you!


But also, in case if your only data backup plan for them is raid 1 - in such cases I prefer to have only one HDD in the machine & use the other one as a backup on a separate machine, preferably in another location. I find it that the missing 12h (or whatever) of the latest data overshadows the (lower) probability of losing all the data (fire, flood, burglary, weirdly specific accidents, etc).

And ofc you can select what to backup/rsync or not.

Eg Immich, after return to operation the apps will just resync any missing pics from the last backup.

Also with two systems you don’t have to care that much about drive quality. Im now buying Exos 22+TB bcs why not. But when I needed quiet drives I bought Red Plus (not the regular Red ones, nor the Pro ones), they are even quieter than Exos, but smol.

I think this is the way and not an overkill at all!

Its super easy to swarm ProxMox, and you make your inevitable admin job easier. Not to mention backups, first testing & setting up a VM on your server before copying it to their, etc.

Which is a really positive thing.


Yes, this is regularly seen throughout Europe for years.

You can buy such tags in bulk from China, they are very cheap at any scale really (and their use isn’t limited to just pricing).

But yes, I think some EU countries already have laws preventing price changes throughout the day or (to some extend) price differences between eg countryside and cities.
I think there should be an EU directive for this tho.

On the open meadows of the freeinternet,
where the gentle breeze touches all equally,
where the people are friends,
and the money is spent on FOSS devs & smol gaming studios.

Same … but these are polymers.

Using the same principals of data storage on/in a large “single crystal” could offer way more longevity.

Its amazing how fast it’s developing, hard to believe it’s only two years old, yet it seems like yesterday at the same time.

Fantastic devs!

I love Buster, make sure to tell him, such a distinguished and professional supervisor.

Yes, Proxmox, on basically any device, expand as heart desires from there (assuming some areas/services are more within your interest or liking - an ez way to speed up the knowledge assimilation).

This is a fair description.

My parents like it, once every so often I update their docker and apps (on the same day). Its not always straight forward (I just mean you have to visit their github), but ez enough.

Unfortunately my next choice (afaik) would be NextCloud … aaaand let’s leave it at that.

Tumble me weed (laptop, not a server)

Moxy does some Proxy

Cluster of the fuck



Oh, I had one ‘Shittle’ or something.

Shame there aren’t billions in real estate profits that could be used to attract workers with higher wages.

There isn’t a labour shortage, there are more people working than ever, there is a demand shortage - the same demand that is saying the supply is the problem.

If you want to get workers you have to pay them competitively (in relation to what other companies are offering). I work in an office but if someone offers me twice the salary I would go in construction.

Saying there is a shortage of labour is like going to the store full of bread, demanding to buy the bread at 10% the asking price & when they won’t sell it to you at that price complain there is a huge bread shortage … as you stand in the middle of a huge stock of bread (and with enough money in your pocket to easily afford the asking price).

It’s just propaganda to not pay workers more & keep profits up. There is no labour shortage.

And, you know, while at it, why not built as green as possible? That def means no suburbs, that much land & roads, and building techniques that aren’t meant to last just some decades?

We aren’t living in the sci-fi society of tomorrow because we keep building stuff from a century ago.

Ah, yes, when humans build & use something for good. I forget sometimes about that. That reminds me, I should donate some moneys to Wikipedia again.

… oh, you are right, now I fell dumb, I should use that more often, it would have worked perfectly in so many situations.

I am trying something similar irl, basically announcing my intentions (not just sarcasm) & trying not to feel weird in the sort of way like when somebody tells a joke & then starts to explain it immediately afterwards.

Eg: I’m genuinely happy you pointed that do directly, I’m not being sarcastic.

I was trying to be a bit funny but I forgot that I’m not funny, (I’m) just a joke.

So mostly immobile and they all look alike (and sexy af)?

text editors

Yes, I use MS Word then print as image to pdf. Outlook works too, but it’s less secure, and Power Point is too fancy for my taste (I don’t like animated transitions when my code wraps between columns). It’s amazing how far we’ve come from punched cards, and how fast, I can barely keep up.

I don’t understand, what did poor codecs and bitrates do wrong to deserve such harsh treatment, viciously denied checkbox privileges forever destined to a pleb drop-down menu :'(