Mostly kind chonky weirdo. Gentle nerd freak of the pacific north west. All nation states are vermin.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Being angry at voters and calling them idiots over choices the democratic party made doesn’t help defeat trump.

Anyone not voting for Biden because of Gaza is a fucking idiot.

The democracts insist on maintaining this position despite the mountain of evidence that it’s driving down turn out in their base, and does not represent the wishes of the electorate.

Why is it that voters have to swallow genocide, and not that democrats have to stop perpetuating electorally unpopular genocide?

Of course trump will be worse and i’ll be holding my nose and voting for biden but it makes no sense to blame voters for the inevitable and foreseeable consequences of the imperial cowardice of the democratic party.

But Hamas won, they completely control the ‘unity’ government and Fatah have vastly less power. If divide and conquer was the goal Netanyahu would have been funneling resources to Fatah and not Hamas. But he has consistently empowered Hamas because the international community can’t accept a Hamas-led state.

I am guessing their calculation is that losing support of Israel lobby is 100% loss?

Yeah, I’ve been presuming that’s a significant part of it. That and the importance of a dependent and dependable ally to help anchor US security architecture in a vital region. Israel needs US imperial presence in the region. Saudi just benefits from it.

US support for Israel continuing the current conflict or US support for Israel in general? If really forced into it, maybe the Democrats can withdraw their blessing for the current conflict, but I don’t see how they could end support for Israel. If Putin wins the US election who knows what could happen but short of that Israel is just too important to the US empire and they know it. I mostly believe the official line from Washington that they don’t have that much leverage against Israel - in the sense that Bibi&co have enough counter levers to make acting against them more costly than it’s worth for the Democrats.

Hence the bullshit antisemitism law, the brutalizing of campus protests, etc. Democrats are even willing to drive down turn out among their base in one of the most important elections in US history over this - I just don’t see them doing that if they had a better card to play.

I doubt it will change even if the US withdraws support, but I’m a cynical depressive type.

Our fundamentally inhuman treatment of the Palestinian people led to October 7.

There are only two ways to prevent it happening again. We could stop the unconscionable deprivations we inflict on the Palestinian people or we could speed up the genocide we’ve been engaged in.

No surprises that the government compromised of war criminals and people the Israeli courts have deemed to be terrorists are going for the later. The far right are in charge and they’re pretty open that this is the goal.

It’s not divide and conquer, that implies keeping multiple groups at parity and fighting each other. Israel intentionally kept the crazies in charge to undermine the viability of a Palestinian state.

the operation is highly organised, technically savvy

Of course an operation this sophisticated targets people looking to buying luxury brands for cheap, that sounds like an ideal mark.

I personally believe that preserving a false and misleading picture of reality designed to trumpet a deranged cult that is working to make the world objectively worse for everyone including themselves is not acceptable.

I would say, “Look mum I love you more than anything in the world but preserving some of these movies crosses an ethical line for me.

Of course I grew up in a house of atheist jewish academics, so making and justifying personal ethical stances that contravene wider group stances is expected behavior in my family. And we take document preservation fairly seriously.

That code is to computer porn as the Hunt the Wumpus is to computer games.

“Because” often doesn’t make sense in the real world where anything that happens is the sum total of multiple factors. Especially a trend as broad as enshitification.

Being publicly traded seems like a contributing factor, but a sole owner can still enshitify through greed or incompetence.

I would guess that market consolidation and low competition are more of a factor.

it justifies the unacceptable atrocities

I never said that because it doesn’t. None of the atrocities committed in the name of states are justified.

This has nothing to do with the article nor with @some_guy’s comment.

How do you mean?

They said that the world and the US are pretty fucked but at least you probably won’t get kidnapped and imprisoned for speech, and I agreed and expanded that we tend to kidnap and imprison people for different things.

probably won’t be kidnapped and imprisoned for what we say

We do still kidnap and imprison people when they challenge the power or form of our state, it’s just that
what we say in the west is generally less threatening to the power of our governments.

Let’s not forget that the US locks up more citizens than any nation - including China with 4x the population - and spent a good part of this century kidnapping and torturing people all over the world.

justified authority

I think ‘organization without authority’ would be a better way to put it.

It sounds like you probably mean that, I just think that for a lot of anarchists ‘authority’ is a bad word. I don’t call myself an anarchist, but I agree with a lot of anarchist thought. Certainly to me ‘justified authority’ sounds like a contradiction in terms - all authority is based on artificial and unjust hierarchies, so could never be justified.

Most anarchists i’ve met tend to be focused on the practical and spend most of their lives thinking and talking about the ramifications of their actions and political action in general.

If you’re seeing similarities between ‘rightist nihilists’ and anarchists, you’re looking at stereotypes and not reality. They’re world’s apart. Anarchism requires a core of burning optimism about human capacity for co-operation and self governance. Depending on what you mean by ‘rightist nihilists’ you’re talking about no strong beliefs or diametrically opposed beliefs, goals, organizing structures, etc.

except the mouse has effectively infinite lives.

Thats basically how rodent ecology works, already, isn’t it? Being an r strategy reproducer is pretty much just speccing into unlimited respawns.

A rich right wing lunatic (but I repeat myself) in Australia had a 45m ad for his vanity political campaign. A friend of mine sent a screenshot.

you can skip the “we exist” and “look here to find us” parts of the pitch and spend time and effort on the community itself instead.

Thank you for stating that so clearly!

Plus there are plenty of subs that strongly benefit from the population size or promence of reddit - very niche interests, smaller city or town subs, etc.

And there are some subs where the archive of past material is a huge drawcard - for example AskHistorians which is almost certainly the best single reason for reddit existing and the best modded sub I know of.