
(He/him) Marxist-Leninist and amateur writer. I like cats, foxes, sci-fi, science fantasy, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Message me for my roleplay ideas!


Discord: LinuxFennekin#5514

Reddit: /u/HiddenLayer5

  • 20 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2020


She’s reading your files

UDP: Throws beer in your general direction with no prior notice.

CTV 2050: Canada vows to triple nuclear power production by 2100 from what it was in 2023

Reminder that alchemy didn’t go away, it evolved into modern chemistry. So of you think alchemy is occult then you better take a good look at all the engineered chemicals around you and either accept your place in hell or go live in a cave.

They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do.

Doing the absolute bare minimum to not be consumer hostile does not warrant praise. Just because Nintendo or Apple are worse doesn’t mean Valve is heroic for not doing things they really shouldn’t have the right to do anyway.

I like it because I don’t have any of the company’s shit on my own machine. I absolutely don’t trust them not to spy on my personal computer use if they had access to it. With remote desktop I close it at the end of the work say and it has no more access to my computer than I have access to their critical systems.

In my case, their shit that we’re required to use don’t even support Linux so if it wasn’t for virtualized environment I’d had to install Windows on my own machine.

Counterpoint: Virtualized environment/remote desktop. The real computer is in a data center hundreds of kilometers away with world class fire suppression systems.

Counter counterpoint: If you’re virtualized you might be working from home, in which case, that’s rough, hope they manage to restore your house.

100%. It’s the principle of the thing. I don’t care how good YouTube Red is, simply the fact that they pulled as much bullshit as they have in an attempt to sucker people into paying for it warrants a total and permanent boycott. What Google is doing is utterly unacceptable and I’m not going to reward them for abusing my digital rights.

Not with that attitude. There is no reason we can’t cultivate alternatives like PeerTube. No video platform starts with a massive library and if we actually want to take back our digital rights then we have to put our foot down and give a hard “no” to trading those rights away just because we really want to watch a particular creator on a corporate platform. It’s the only way to not only stick it to Google but also let creators know that viewers will not tolerate the likes of Google.

I prefer Klingon. I’s a more threatening language which keeps the computer in line.

Wouldn’t it be easy to convert the code to any language if this was the case though? Any human-language programming is already an abstraction, so why can’t a programming language be abstracted to more than one human language? Literally just swap the command words out for words in the other language, seems like something modern IDEs can trivially do if a language like that existed.

Also, non-English speaking countries exist. Some have actually developed programming languages in their own language so the idea of non-English programming isn’t exactly unheard of. There is no reason that code that won’t be edited by English speakers should always be written in English, it’s not like it’s the one perfect human language for interfacing with computers or anything. So I suspect that should this become a reality, you wouldn’t even notice anything’s changed unless you live in a non-English speaking country. Either way your company can still always just require code to be in English, the same way companies have requirements for formatting and software design philosophies.

MySQL gives you a half-hearted “Bye” when you exit the console.

It’s also ridiculous that there is an idea among the white ruling class that Indigenous peoples merely need financial compensation for genocide. How do you compensate for that? They need decolonisation, namely ending of discrimination, recognition of their rights and sovereignty as Indigenous peoples, and work to repair the long-lasting damage that was done, such as the massive issues with mental health, addiction, crime and abuse within Indigenous communities that arose as a direct result of residential schools. Things that require deep rooted changes to society and will take generations, not just an apology and some hush money before never bringing it up again.

Thought it was going to be Rick Astley

We should make it like Star Trek where you can create entire holodeck programs with just voice commands.

It’s crucial metadata

Double the commenting power

I mean it’s in this community

This is one for the meme history books, glad to come across this classic again!

It’s like how the “You wouldn’t download a car” video has pirated music in it.

Does NewPipe count as an adblocker? Not yet but I fear its days are numbered.

Speaking of, can anyone recommend an AutoHotKey alternative for Linux on Wayland?

Remember if you like the games and have the means to, you should still donate what you can to support both them having this attitude toward this, and further development of future games.

Here’s the thing: copyright term includes the life of the author plus a fixed period. So the works you and I nobodies produce will eventually become public domain after we die. HOWEVER, and this is just my underatanding of the laws and I’m definitely not a lawyer, not big name IPs because they are not registered under the human author, but a corporation that is both a person under the law and effectively immortal. So even if it’s two thousand years after George Lucas dies, Star Wars will still be copyrighted as long as Disney exists, and even if Disney dies, part of the process of corporate “death” is liquidation where they sell their IPs to the next asshole corporation.

Am I wrong? Please correct me if I am.

A more helpful question is to ask why prices are increasing when Loblaws and company have been making record profits since 2020.

I mean, I know why, but

Is it still illegal to take pictures of French buildings?

Apparently not just “they could sue you” illegal. Last I heard you can go to jail and get a criminal record… For taking a fucking picture of a building.

Probably dumb question, but… You can’t just delay yours if you’re worried about being mistaken for the other one? Probably safer for your people too in case they think you’re on their turf and decide to make this a battle.

sudo rm -rf i_want_to_delete_everything_in_this_folder /*


“I don’t post my code to GitHub because it’s a proprietary platform owned by Microsoft and the antithesis to open source. We are not the same.”

That’s good news! I was about to ask whether they have some absolute software recovery procedure and glad they do!

Yeah all jokes aside this is a actually pretty big loss for the scientific community. Assuming it’s completely unrecoverable. We blew our chance to actually measure the conditions in interstellar space and see if it lines up with our theories, and another probe is not only not planned for the foreseeable future by any space agency, it will also take decades to get to where Voyager 2 is now.

Edit: Nevermind, see the other comment. It’s likely not permanently lost!

Just press and hold the power button smh

Why does x86 have so many instructions?
Because having too few would be too RISC-y.