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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 26, 2023


I feel like if you know how to look up the answer and can follow a guide to apply 5 steps, you are probably more capable than 80% of the people on this planet.

Maybe if we put ads in and take away the ability to download content foe offline use?

Don’t IDEs just replace any tab with 4 spaces anyways? Pretty sure VSCode does

I will never not hate scrum. Screw all this corporatization of programming.

It’s Foe-hammer. Named after some bearded weirdo’s elven sword.

I’d honestly prefer this than to what Netflix does: Don’t warn you at all but then limit you to 480p or whatever. Now THAT is some bullshit. But hey, at least this way no one will ever be able to pirate 4k shows off Netflix, right? RIGHT?

Ah yes, this will definitely make me buy Manga and Comics now. Good job Kakao whatstheirname company. Stuff like this definitely does not radicalize me further. Pinky promise.

Good luck. I’m just paying $1 a month for my mail account. I like my solution to degoogle my mail more. Well to be fair, a lot of my mail still goes through google and then my new account since I haven’t updated my mail everywhere.

yt-dlp can download playlists and such. Have you tried using a link to some overview page or some such? Either way, how many videos can a series on arte have? 5 or 6? How that can be called tedious is beyond me.

You skipped past the batshit crazy part, eh? I would not trust any software she has touched, but you do you.

I will stop consuming before I start paying for something like Youtube.

Lots of people recommending wordpress or smth. Kinda surprising to me. HTML + CSS can be incredibly fun to work with. Web development is such a huge mess I don’t ever want to touch because of the bazillion frameworks and tools. But doing the raw coding is super fun.

But no ads = no money for youtube and creators. So won’t they have to find another platform anyways? The answer is no, because there are plenty of people watching youtube on smart TVs or the regular youtube app without any kind of adblocking.
It really does not matter what we few nerds here are doing or not doing.

Pihole can’t block youtube ads to begin with. Or rather if you do, you have to block the actual videos as well.

I realize that you can’t just move to a different game, but I’d still like to encourage people to play Pathfinder. All of its rules are available for free online.

You might use your brain to remember scenes from a movie. You ever heard someone recite movie dialogue? That’s copyright infringemet. Line up for your mandatory brain wipe.

I read that most of the people working there were kinda just hoping it would get canceled eventually. The game industry is so normal and fine.

Yeah, but worse cause it’s company owned and not really open source. Why do people use tailscale? Are you so desperate to pay money for it?

It’s just the seeding that is illegal, not the downloading part. You can pirate, you just can’t share (legally).

This is the way. qBittorrent even has an interface option. You can set that to your VPN and it’s basically a killswitch. I’ve still got mullvads killswitch option enabled on top of it tho. It just cuts your internet connection, if you ever drop the connection to their servers.

The only sane way to have a backup would be a NAS with raid 1. Other than that? Yeah, just drop them in a folder. The other dude probably just has them on an external drive, if that fails they are gone.

Had that with a few movies recently which took about a week to download. I removed my limits for those, I’m only at a ratio of 5 or smth on those tho. Still, it’s honest work

Just get it from fitgirl. Can’t confirm for this game as I actually bought it, but I never had issues before.

Cause the answer is to just deal with it. OP is going on a damn journey instead of just using the browser that feels a bit slow to him. Just use it to pirate on your phone and use another browser for whatever else you want. It’s really not that difficult.

Seriously, not having to deal with activation crap and not having to unplug ethernet just to install a damn OS without having to login to an account is really nice.

You unplug ethernet during the install to get the “limited setup”, which just means without a microsoft account.

I’m guessing the most common distros have regular people seeding a lot just on their PC in the background. Like me. Get your EndeavourOS while it’s hot people!

If you bought it once you should be legally allowed to pirate it. That is just common sense.

Companies don’t care about me and I do not care about them. Feels like a mutual agreement to me. That being said, no need to pirate right now, I just bought all the myst games. Awww yeee