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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


We make a lot of sausage in meetings. Brainstorm ideas and figure out what the challenges will be. Having all five or six people there at once is much more efficient than taking back the forth to each one individually.

There are status update meetings, but those are so other people know what you’re doing so if it effects them they can work with it.

I don’t think you can get fined for streaming over a VPN, especially since you’re not distributing.

You could also just do the pirate streaming options with a free tier VPN like proton.

But torrenting on a vpn costs money, which is why some people are torrenting to begin with.

I wonder if one could design an extension that would do a rough recommendation algorithm locally. I use recommendations a ton, so I can’t really switch to newpipe.

I follow way to many creators to have a sensible subscription feed, especially when I only watch some videos from some channels. If there were tiered subscriptions, I’d use them more. But right now I only use subscriptions for my tier 1.

The source is freely available, but it does not fit the common definition of open source. Namely, you’re not allowed to redistribute with tracking, malware, or adds. I guess this has been a problem with piped?

Speech to text would be better. Then you can still scan and search.

How’s tutorials and troubleshooting resources vs unity? Being able to Google answers is super important.

Cool! Could you direct me to this five minute guide to setting up a Plex server? Also for these you’d need another computer that’s always on, right? If it’s off, you wouldn’t be able to access the server? Our family only uses laptops right now so that would be an issue.

Yes. It’s only giving about 25 library options in my area, and mine isn’t one of them.

Wow, and those aren’t unlistenable due to compression? Cool. Yeah I would have thought it was more like 1gb per 10 hours, but I guess it’s orders of magnitude less than that.

I can’t seem to get mine to work, the library system doesn’t seem to be recognized.

What do those words mean? What is proprietariable and copyleft? Or is that the joke?

Is this AI? The hands look fine, but the eyes are weird. And the pope has had people mistake AI pictures of him as real before.

Maybe enough people don’t know that jumping makes more money that low raises still save money overall?

Looks like it! I didn’t realize

The great thing about third party apps is that those are often the same thing! There’s definitely a ‘fine then, I’ll fix it myself’ attitude that’s a great motivator to many projects