Black NeuroD he/him, with no patience for bigots.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Had to go brush up on what webviews was. you’re right, that really isn’t a big deal For WEI to be implemented on it

Big edit: nope! My original statement was correct, this is going to screw over people who use things like NewPipe, reVanced or Spotube on Android! F*** Google and WEI for Android!

If it’s still available I some capacity, we didn’t do much. We gotta remain vigilant.

The amount of bootsucking “you have to pay for a service, stop whining” posts in there really hurt my heart yesterday morning. A lot of people really don’t care about how shitty companies are becoming as long as they have the money to temporarily ensure that it doesn’t affect them.

I’ve been telling people I use libretube on my PC, but freetube is actually what I use (I’m dumb). It’s dope. Plus if you use the libredirect add on for Firefox, YouTube links just automatically open up the video on freetube after adjusting the add on’s settings of course.

I’ve held my tongue about it for 3 weeks because I thought I was just overreacting and being an ass. It’s nice to know someone else is seeing the pattern too.

I stg it’s always a kbin mf saying some of the dumbest stuff. Like everyone says dumb things on here sometimes, but I can almost bet on it being a kbin user 45% of the time.

Totally pranking my dad with this when I go visit him today.

The unfettered capitalistic mindset of it all. Mostly the scalpers though. They sleeze up everything they touch.

Back when I enjoyed call of duty, I never played the campaign, because I knew it was fantastical horseshit. As a vet, I find it disrespectful to the ones that passed away to attempt to change history via propaganda in this way.

Are you going to give 2077 another run next week, when the 2.0 update drops?

I kinda feel bad that the first thing to pop in my mind was “drug trafficking is about to get efficient as fuck”

The shit that really gets my goat, is that they had this patriotic spin to their comments about how it’s illegal. Like sure, whatever but you could just stfu and mind your business, y’know? Oh well, trolls gonna troll and get banned, lol.

The snitch came from your instance btw. Keep an eye out for

I deleted my .world account

Empress doesn’t need to beta test judgement, she passes plenty judgement in the notes she leaves on every crack 😂

Oh, I know. It’s not like I intentionally did any of it. I just like OneWheels and never saw the point in owning a 4 wheeled death trap that costs money monthly(insurance), and could easily get my black ass sent to jail or shot. Especially while I was deep in my binge drinking.

I would like to add using e-skateboards, e-bikes, OneWheels, to the tail end of your suggestions. I’m 31, no kids, I’ve never owned a car and I use my onewheel for grocery runs, to pick up my prescriptions, etc.

Edit: I feel compelled to say “I’m doing my part” like Starship Troopers, lmao

I’ve spent about 7 years in IT w/ no cert. I’m studying for security + as my first one. My homie sent me this, but they may have a deal on A+ as well somewhere on the site:

Edit: to be clear, I bought the $1,000 package directly from CompTIA, and I also bought the super bundle from stack social since it was like $45 and I was already in too deep, lmao

Oh jfc. Yeah, I know what you’re talking about now. I will say that recently I’m not too happy with the amount of things being sold as a service instead of sold outright. But I’m not going any further than that.

To be fair, everyone has more money than God. He’s broke as fuck, but like on purpose or something? Idk.

…this is why that dude named his open source gaming portal “crack pipe” 😂😂 how did I not get that the first time? Lmfao

That may or may not have to do with the 0.18.0 Lemmy update or whatever.

…how much have you slept since starting this project?