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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Modular solution. Big NAS for backup and file and media serving shuts down when I go to bed automatically or nobody is home. Boots via WOL when needed.

Always on services on a central pi for home automation, phone and internet services, etc.

I’m surprised nobody here mentioned SoGO. It’s a fully featured web mail interface that integrates contact management and a web calendar including caldav, carddav and task support. Easy up setup and easy to connect to any phone via foss apps.

Botw master mode sword challenge. Made it to stage 6

I use SoGo for that.

Cal and task sync. Card dav, Email und calendar in one neat web interface

This is a good question, I dont know who would downvote that.

ELI5: Alice and bob have an aunt that knows them both and has an unfakeable voice recognition service that allows both to verify who they really speak to.

Typescript, svelte, django, postgresql with a dash of celery, redis and pushpin

I used to work with very low powered systems (cheap!) And geany is so lightweight.

Im a peoject lead and I pribably should know better now… ^^

Geany for syxntax highlightning. Then alot of git precommit hooks for linting, formatting, etc.

Our company motto is: “leave it cleaner than you found it”