• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Totally agree. I’d love to see the NDP take Parliament but it seems unlikely to ever happen with strategic voting… Probably the reason the Liberals keep going back on their promise of reform

The Liberal party of Canada promised electoral reform (in two separate elections!) so they’re probably referring to that

I thought it was dumb too but, to be honest, I kind of prefer using “main” now. It’s quicker to type lol

They have the paper lids in my city and they’re really not bad. I hate Tim Horton’s but I was actually impressed by the lids. They definitely hold together well

Another article mentioned that there was yelling from the police saying “drop the gun” so she may have actually been carrying a weapon.


You know, I kind of like that. We need a national KISS policy

You can really see the difference between opening VSCode and Zed, even more so if you compare it to something like JB’s Fleet editor.

To be fair, it’s not the easiest to compare right now since Zed is lacking a million features of Code, but if all the work they’ve done keeps it as fast as it is with features like user extensions it will be well worth it.

I usually have ~10 different VS Code windows open at a time (yay microservices ❤️), so having something as fast as Zed would be really appreciated.

I don’t know who you were talking to but I live in downtown Ottawa and it was absolutely a million times worse than any sporting event. I’m guessing your friends live in the suburbs, where the most they might have seen were some flag waving pickup trucks.

I was harassed the minute I walked out my door, there was literal shit covering the sidewalks, emergency vehicles blocked, businesses vandalised. The city basically shut down for 3-4 weeks. I know people who had to leave their homes to live with their family outside of downtown out of fear. People were physically attacked for wearing masks for fuck sakes.

Ottawa Police did absolutely nothing to stop it and Doug Ford declared a state of emergency but then pretended it wasn’t happening. The only thing that ended it all was the federal emergency act. I don’t like that it needed to be used either but the two lower levels of power completely failed

I am so ready to leave Bell as soon as I can. I despise the fact that they’re the only ones offering real fibre in my city

I have a large amount of users on my Jellyfin instance including people who are more tech illiterate and nobody has had any issues. The setup of Jellyfin is probably more complicated than Plex (just guessing, I haven’t tried it) but besides that, the UI is very user friendly

DuckDNS is run by two guys who are funded by donations. I do agree with what you’re saying about free services but I’m more willing to trust DuckDNS in this case

There’s teams of people on the right at my company and while they’re able to build just about anything they’re asked to in wicked time, one look at their codebase makes you want to quit and become a farmer.

Unfortunately I’ve had to do work in their repos before and I would ALWAYS prefer working with someone who aims for 100% test coverage

Ctrl+A does do that though if you wanted a Ctrl way of doing it

I don’t find the search too bad but what does make it difficult is digging through a million forks of a library. Sometimes I want to find how other people used an obscure library method and I end up having to wade through endless forks with the same repeated bit of code.

This is more a complaint of people using forking as a like button but I do wish there was an option to exclude them from search.

Haha I haven’t cracked it open yet. It’ll probably be going in the trash though unfortunately

We have it here too. Loblaws sometimes has shopping carts that lock their wheel if they travel too far from the property. It’s an anti-shopping cart theft thing

How do you accidentally force push lol

I played through Demon’s Souls on a ps3 emulator and then the PS5 version. The PS3 version with a 60fps+1440p mod is great but the new version is still worth getting a PS5 for imo

It’d be harder for IA since they have hundreds of PBs of hard drives. You need like a warehouse for it so it’s a lot harder to hop around

No I mean the background of the image. It looks like the promotional pictures from the game Firewatch

Ah yeah tbh I only use fish so I’ve never had to bother upgrading bash. And actually yeah the M1 can be annoying. I have an M1 Mac for work and some libraries are a massive pain to get working on it

What packages are you missing? With brew you can get most things

Man the US price is so much cheaper than everywhere else. And even at the US price it seems way too expensive.

Is it? I get 1.5Gbps for $80/mo no caps and I checked my tiny hometown and they have similar prices. This is in Ontario around Ottawa

FromSoft games are the worst for that. They log you off the servers and then make you login again to get to the title screen to quit

What’s with all the downvotes on this post?

Edit: For context, this post was at -10 total votes when I commented. Seems to be better now for the most part

32% increase for me which actually seems like less than I expected. With everything I actually buy, I expect it to be closer to a 50% increase, and that’s with switching everything to the cheaper brands

Ahh I remember that sort of JS programming from way back. Do people still do that?? You can just create a class now

Can you give an example of the multi nested functions? I was a TS dev for a while and don’t remember anything like that. Unless you mean the promise callback functions. Those were a mess but luckily we’ve mostly moved away from those