Finnish guy

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Cake day: Feb 01, 2021


This is quite understandable, as Trump is one of the few friends King Jong Un has. An authoritarian likes another authoritarian.

Of course this is an idea that the CEO brought up, but if this ever materializes as an actual product, I’ll never buy a Logitech again.

I love how the election’s setting turned to “two old guys (one of which is a convicted felon)” to “convicted felon vs prosecutor” in just few days.

For me the way has been using gyro aiming. It provides a mouse-like precision for aiming, which is really good for FPS games. It is supported on Steam nowadays. Of course on Steam Deck it may be not the best option in terms of playing experience, as turning the console also turns the screen.

And some few weeks ago a memo leaked where Satya Nadella assured that “whatever business decision Microsoft considers, security always comes first”.

For occasional chatting with Bing and translation help with DeepL.

Been playing Vanquish. The game feels like a Japanese take on then-popular cover-shooters like Gears of War, but with faster pace and mechanics like sliding that incentivize not relying on covers too much. Like with Platinum’s titles, there’s deep mechanics and really getting into the game starts when replaying the game’s missions.

From mono to mainstream: 20 years of Bluetooth audio
Loving these articles about how the technology has changed in 20 years.

Tomb Raider Anniversary was dirt-cheap on Steam so I bought it. As a remake it feels a whole lot smoother to play compared to the 1996 original, no tank controls. I also installed ReShade and a couple of texture upscale mods to make it more pleasant-looking, with add-on enhanced ReShade I could also use ray-traced global illumination.

I played BattleBit Remastered for the first time since August and I really need to hone my skills.

I also several demos on Steam, News Tower really got me hooked with its gameplay. The full game should release on Early Access in a couple days, might as well buy it.

Microsoft phases out WordPad (and Cortana) after 28 years of duty
WordPad got into the shadow of MS Office and Notepad anyways.

The group isn’t certainly an “embracer”, this is disappointing.

Well, the Ubisoft exec needs to get used to people pirating games if they cannot be owned.

I am thinking the exactly same, the logos are so different in form and color. Take-Two is just trying to act high and mighty.

Another thing I point out is “look no further than the bottom of your phone” to bring up how EU forced phone manufacturers to use USB-C.

When some people have argued that there is no use for EU, I have used its handling of technology giants as a counter-argument.

As real as it gets, coming from Rockstar’s official YouTube channel.

>The National Council for Audiovisual Art has awarded the State Prize for Media Art 2023 to visual artist Ville Kallio. >Ville Kallio was awarded in recognition of his meritorious work in the field of media and games as art. Kallio’s solo video game Cruelty Squad (2021) is artistically, content-wise and technically an ambitious and successful work in which his distinctive style emerges, both visually and narratively. >Cruelty Squad envisions a hyper-capitalist dystopian future in which everything is commercialised. At first impression, the work is a visually harrowing, hectic and skill-demanding video game. The more players immerse themselves in the game, the more they will find a lot of sharp social criticism within it, as it raises deep questions about human dignity and justice. Cruelty Squad is an internationally successful, artistically uncompromising and original work whose creator deserves to be noted for his artistic achievements also in Finland. >Ville Kallio (b. 1990) is a visual artist from Helsinki who works in many fields, including drawing, painting, video and sculptures, and in recent years especially with video games. His works have been shown internationally, including at the Feels Like Memeplex exhibition in Plymouth in 2023 and the Pet Cemetery exhibition in Athens in 2019.

And even if vaccines reduce the risk of long COVID, the risk is still there. 1 in 10 COVID cases leads to long COVID. It’s about layers of protection against COVID, one of which is vaccines. The others are masks/respirators, good indoor air quality, testing, UVC lights, staying home if one is sick and so on.

I got the Sands of Time on my GameCube somewhere around 2004. One of my favorite games, I have finished it at least 3 times. A really linear experience but brilliantly crafted, a classic.

This soap opera just got another twist! It’s like clockwork, considering how Microsoft has invested before in OpenAI and Bing uses their technology.

The guy is so deranged and isolated from reality that prison is the best place for him.

He heavily endorsed the bad decision made by Unity and his comments really didn’t help the situation so this is a welcome decision. Of course this will likely not change Unity’s direction.

I don’t feel wanting to buy any newer Ubisoft titles either.

As a Finn, MuchMusic isn’t known here but we had a music television program “Jyrki” that cooperated and borrowed material from MuchMusic.

And apparently you were right, as reported by Polygon (

Update: San Francisco police told Polygon that officers responded to Unity’s San Francisco office “regarding a threats incident.” A “reporting party” told police that “an employee made a threat towards his employer using social media.” The employee that made the threat works in an office outside of California, according to the police statement.

I was thinking exactly the same, and the reason was “alleged threats”.

And this seems to be Ubisoft’s second game currently in development hell, alongside Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Nice, justice is served. The ultimate serving of justice in this Jan. 6 case will be when Trump goes to jail.

“Nintendo Super Switch-U2 & Knuckles”, comes with the new U2 album pre-loaded and a game starring the Edge.

Been playing Smash Bros Ultimate on Switch. On the PC side of things, GOG has a YUGE sale and I bought whole a lot of old games: Tomb Raider Underworld, Pandemonium 2, Lords of The Fallen, Runaway, Disney’s Hercules and a lot more. I played Pandemonium on PC as a kid but never touched the sequel. As a kid Disney’s Hercules movie was my favorite and my siblings told how I was obsessed about it, and I played the game a little bit back then. Lords of the Fallen seems to be a Dark Souls clone but with a smaller budget.

I’m not as hyped as with Super Mario Odyssey.

Oh, who could have guessed? It seems that countries all over the world are learning the hard way that “living with COVID” means having precautions such as mask/respirator use, not living like it’s 2019. I could imagine Finnish hospitals reporting the same as time goes on.