• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Just let go of all meaning. 2 PM can be in the middle of the night if you just let go.

Imagine, if we were just all on the same time. It’d just make things, a little easier.

Do not look down little dev, the dead can do nothing for you.

I must not be unsafe. Unsafe memory is the mind killer. The little leak that brings total obliteration. When I face unsafe memory, I will turn towards my inner Rust and rewrite it. When I trace the leak’s path only safety will remain.

Beyond All Reason, a FOSS RTS that is just absolutely amazing

I’ll be watching this one. It looks nice. Please come to Linux. I do loves me my vim. I did not like setting it up as much as I thought I would to be an IDE. I’m sorry I was mean Zed.

It does look nice, but unfortunately I cannot use it. If it ever is released on Linux I might give it a try. But Vim is hard to beat after its setup to be IDE-like.

I feel like programming would benefit from apprenticeships. But AI is a thing now

GANs are so much fun and so tedious. I trained one on dungeon generation in college. It sucked but it worked in the end mostly. I dont know exactly how an LLM works but GANs are way different.

These people deal solely in the material. As soon as you start diminishing any material they own they will begin to lose their minds. They’re deathly afraid of anyone knowing their names. Its why they hide behind multiple layers of shell companies and redacted identities when they do shitty stuff like buying a lot poor families live on and gentrifying it under a surname. If direct actions against their possessions did not work they would not wear so many masks. Its only the most brazen who do not hide like Musk.

It was a few years ago I only saw one headline and it said Studio Ghibli was a victim of arson but I guess it was their animation studio.

More corporations with zero responsibility and way too much fucking power. We need regulators with teeth and we need to remove the legal hand of business from the pockets of our legislatures. I can’t believe someone actually burned down Studio Ghibli HQ before Citizen’s United was. Wtf.

Theres a banner saying the latest build is broken. Perfection.

I have only seen it downloaded on a firestick and people search some sort of online database. I never knew it was more than that. Interesting.

My problem with Kodi is even if I start at the top of a list of streams and just pick on down until one works they rarely do. The ones that do work are 180p with high contrast korean subtitles every time. I know its not like this for everyone. I have seen someone play a stream on it in good quality with nothing weird. But it seems whenever I specifically use it nothing I want to watch has a good stream.

Literally all it takes is proper practice, and adequate time to learn. You aren’t fucken born for it. I’m sure anyone could do it with a UBI and a cheap thinkpad.

I’m sorry, I think about how I am lucky on a global scale, but on a local scale I was just one bad day away from being broke and I just had that day. So it sucks, I hone my skills every day, game dev every night, study IT skills for my main job, its just not fast enough to put me in a house, or feel like I’m at least treading water instead of swapping bills around every month. Thank you for the discussion and the question. But my issue with how we live is random people like my boss, who consistently tells me to end India’s scam attempts, decides my salary. If he doesn’t know I can’t combat the entire nation of India for under 60k a year, why does he get to say how much I’m worth? The system rewards people who already have money, thats it. Everyone else can subsist off of goodwill and prayers. These systems we made are a feedback loop to return wealth to the wealthy and keep it there.

I’m going to be real with you, over the last 80 years corporations have created an environment where they can levy their large profits to manipulate the government into passing beneficial legislature. I don’t trust a single corporation anymore and I’d be more than happy to see them all burn, even if it means kissing our world goodbye. Every day I drive to work to make shit money with a degree I was told to get, my boss is pulling his 3rd home while he tells me I’m not worth 60k yet. But the average pay for my skills and degree is 65k, but nobody else will hire me. I’m incrementally closer to poverty each day and its maddening. Seeing such luxury while I’m six feet below the water fucks me up. I’m not asking for luxury, I’m asking to buy a house, to afford to provide well for my family. But that is even too much. So fuck it all. If I’m not allowed in the living club because of some birth lottery, or the universe coalescing to redirect an existing stream into my account, then I am going to be angry. There is nothing special about my boss besides the fact that he put down 30k from his GI bill when it mattered. Thats not a good fucking system, its the laws of the jungle but plastered in concrete. Fuck that.

No, we’re suffering, and most people just want these “people” with billions in revenue to pay their fair share instead of having twelve full time tax representatives whose only job is to make sure the public doesn’t see a dime after using public spaces and resources all year.

Idgaf about pirating huge corpos stuff. Thats always moral. But don’t steal SFX and the like, theres just too much of it for free.

Your “good” reason was no reason at all. Linux just doesn’t break like that anymore. So either argue in good faith or stop spreading misinformation. Everything has an installer now, you don’t have to do much yourself as an “average user”.

Then why comment at all? You’re obviously biased towards Windows and refuse to learn Linux. Strange you would blame an OS for your refusal to learn how to properly use it.

If your linux setups are breaking this often you have a fundamental misunderstanding of something within your operating system. They really don’t break frequently.

Looks like some manipulators in Canada are seeing American assholes earn truckloads of money fucking over their own people and want a slice of it.

I have never even looked at it before so I just did. It is. It looks more complicated than arch. But everything compiles locally which for some reason swoons me. I just got into Linux 2 uears ago, and just got on arch. So that may be my next target.

FreeBSD? Gentoo? There aren’t really that many options that are maintained depending on their definition of Linux. Might as well not use any computers at that point because you’d be on TempleOS with no internet and barely any colors.

Me forcing my brother to do his data structures & algorithms homework

Well I had time to waste and this comment seems a little out of pocket from the rest. Dude actually said we are outgrowing profit motives as a species. People’s opinions are like a stained glass mural, each piece can be different.

It does not, now thirsty dudes pay Empress 500 dollars (with no tracking so she can double dip) for cracks and those get passed around. AAA Gaming piracy has fallen into a deep slumber.

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed

And bound her in her bones

The seas be ours and by the powers

Where we will, we’ll roam

Yo-ho, all together

Hoist the colors high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die

Aye, the darkness of the days draws ever closer as the seas are left barren. ‘Nary a crew unfurls their sails to pilfer. Preferrin’ to pledge to a mad bilge rat rather than fly colors that be their own.