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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Meta-comment: I made an edit significantly after submitting my other reply. Didn’t want to bifurcate the discussion by putting its content in this comment, but don’t know if you’d already read the other one. So this is just to let you know about the update in case you’ve already marked it as read.

I’m not sure if an email gets sent if the user registers with one.

It does not.

The reason I’m here is because this is the fourth time I’ve been involved in chats with moderators about what to do with you. Help me out here, because many people don’t seem to like the way you’re behaving.

Pushing back on liberalism—and particularly its attack on the left—is, indeed, going to piss off a lot of liberals. Notice how in this conversation all I had to do was mention that I hope someone runs in the Green Party for ballot access, and that I will probably vote for them, in order for someone to go on the attack. Should I just start reporting that shit when it happens? Will you ban this moderator if I report them instead of clapping back? Is that how I get the authorities on this server to stop siding with the liberals for being liberal?

In terms of helping you, I’ll also refer back to your own statement:

Realistically, if someone is intolerant to you, we’re not going to tone police you for responding in kind.

This, right here, looks an awful lot like tone policing to me, when there’s a hell of a lot of actual content and argument I made above in response to a liberal being insulting when I said I will vote for someone other than a Democrat. Perhaps being an admin of a site like this isn’t a great fit for folks who want to grease squeaky wheels and discipline anyone who disagrees with a moderator or with some of the general user base of a community.

Or, if that’s too challenging a line to walk, IDK maybe Beehaw should just ban political discussion and go to straight cat pics and hobbies. That’s unfortunately what a lot of families and professional environments come to when they can’t handle matters getting heated over literal life-and-death issues.

EDIT: I forgot to address the “de-escalation” part. They escalated above. Then they actually escalated in the same comment where they decided to bail. That is the very comment where they claimed I am “trying to combat fascism on philosophical terms”. Then they didn’t even just check out, but threatened me as a moderator with “consequences”. You seriously call that “de-escalating”? Is “de-escalation” to you just a cheap way to get the last word and tell someone that they are superficial and order them to shut the fuck up? (Taking notes as a moderator of /c/socialism myself, by the way. “What’s good for the goose,” I guess…)

No? I continued an exchange where that mod had already replied to me. (Didn’t even realize they were a mod until they threatened me with “consequences” further on, by the way.)

Did you also miss the point that the mod was being just as insulting, from the start? I literally just pointed it out in the comment you replied to.

Did you miss where that moderator “assumed malicious negative intent” from me? Here, I’ll help:

You’re prioritizing economic systems over people.

Did you miss where I did, indeed, try to educate them? Let me help: every comment I’ve made. You might, in particular, like the part where I started with:

For the love of all that is humane, read Fascism and Big Business by Daniel Guerin. YOU are buying into exactly that repeat of history…

You banned me for 7 days (I guess—see below) for exactly the same kind of shit, and you’re really bad at judging these situations. But it’s good I have Big Brother admin stalking my comments to see if I follow the dictates of civility. Very cool.

EDIT: BTW, the only indication of being banned is that you can’t login; it just silently fails, as if there’s some kind of problem submitting the page. And then going to your own profile and seeing “banned” across the top. And no indication of whether it’s temporary or permanent, and no message from the system about why. Just FYI for when you do it again.

Look, my take is that you are trying to combat fascism on philosophical terms

I mention direct action vs. you wanting to rely on electoralism and yet you claim I am the one “combating on philosophical terms”. Ironic.

more likely to ending up with Republicans having power.

This is why you have voted for fascists and will continue to do so. You believe they are constrained to a single party, and that the other liberals aren’t supporting them in nearly everything they do. Again, educate yourself. You referenced the 1930s, yet you clearly have not studied how fascism actually operated then. Or how it operates now.

We don’t seem to be seeing things eye-to-eye, and you don’t seem to be able to hold this conversation without ad hominem attacks, so I’m going to check out.

I see you don’t know what an ad hominem attack is. Everything I’ve said here is related to the content of your arguments. Criticism of your ignorance and ideology and how they manifest in your comments is not ad hominem. Pointing out how you support fascism by the agenda you are pushing and the very way you’ve implied you vote isn’t ad hominem. At least if you’re going to threaten people for calling you out, have some understanding of the accusations you are making of them first.

You’re right, that I haven’t been respectful in the sense of civility politics. But that started with you, shitting on anyone (including myself) who doesn’t vote for your favorite brand of the uni-party. My vote isn’t a “protest vote”, and yeah: fuck you for being disrespectful enough to call it that. Better start by banning yourself.

You’re prioritizing economic systems over people.

This is a pretty moronic statement. The choice of economic system is fundamental to if and how you prioritize people. The choice of capitalism is literally the choice to not prioritize people, but to prioritize property, and the interests of those who have power and will protect and hoard that property.

That’s my problem with voting for third parties in light of fascism echoing the 1920s and 30s.

You should honestly actually learn something about the rise of fascism in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. For the love of all that is humane, read Fascism and Big Business by Daniel Guerin. YOU are buying into exactly that repeat of history you are using to fearmonger. Other, less reactionary liberals were absolutely instrumental to giving the fascist liberals power in both places, as they have proven over and over and over and over again that they will always do. There was—and is—absolutely no electoral or even legal solution to the problem of fascism. Literally the only thing that could have—and should have—stopped the fascists was organized labor and an organized left taking violent, direct action against them (Hitler and Goebbels both even admitted this explicitly).

While you are busy attacking the left—exactly as fascists do—and protecting those liberals who are literally upholding fascism (which is already here and has been for a long time), some of us are promoting the only thing that will save us from it: organizing, taking actual action, building liberation movements, and using liberal electoralism for the only good thing it can accomplish for the working class: getting people’s attention and broadcasting the messages that’ll get them to wake up, toss it in the bin, and move on to doing shit that’ll directly improve our lives.

Also, while you weren’t looking, you literally voted for a fascist in the last presidential election. Gotta love the promoting and subjugating oneself to Mussolini to save oneself from Hitler galaxy-brained liberal strategy of self-preservation.

The Green Party hasn’t even succeeded in having a candidate elected to the U.S. House of Representatives


they show up for presidential elections, and that’s about it. They don’t do much work in the “off-season.”

Incorrect. The GP has run candidates in thousands of city, county, and state elections. Heck, in the last California state primaries they ran a “unity slate” with the Peace and Freedom party and had candidates for like 2/3 or 3/4 of the positions on my ballot.

A vote for the presidential candidate of the Green Party at this point is a protest vote.

Stupid, liberal phrasing. Don’t give a shit if this is what you call it, or how you’ve been told to think. The only wasted vote is one more voice for the continued monopoly of capital, and that’s obviously exactly what you do every single election.

I don’t give a fuck about “splitting the Dem vote”. One reactionary mainstream party down is one reactionary mainstream party down. But yeah: this dweeb ain’t it. If shitty, counter-factual beliefs about vaccines weren’t enough, the political dynasty of his family should at least push people over the edge here.

Glad Cornel West is running, and hope he winds up with the Green nomination so he has a chance at decent ballot access. Unless the GP has an even better, more radical leftist in mind like Howie Hawkins again. He was the nominee of at least two leftist parties last time around, and I’d love to see those parties doing more of the same, like the “left unity slate” a couple of them did in California last year. Good stuff.

Actually yes. If my neighbor openly, to my face, celebrated the state murdering hundreds of thousands of people in war, I would absolutely challenge them on it just like above. And I have, in fact. I see you’re more interested in civility politics than any kind of justice, so yeah: maybe it is time to fuck off and find some instance with people who have empathy and principles. Thanks for the “warning”.

I love escalating war and feeding more working-class people to the meat grinder for the sake of capitalists and nationalism.

Uh huh. Your country, too, fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian, I see.

So the lesser of two evils it is.

So…which of those evils does your government fund and arm, by chance?

Fwiw I generally don’t think Biden is a Fascist per se. I think he is a corporatist and a neolib

Those are not mutually exclusive. Biden very much subscribes to fascist politics, and has for his entire political career.

Fair enough. It sounded like you were attempting to characterize my comment, and that the “/s” was meant to show that you, yourself, didn’t agree with that characterization. Thanks for clarifying.

No, but the uni-party that’s in power in the U.S. is quite fascist. That has nothing to do with leftism, and I never implied it does. Apparently you missed in my original comment where I made it clear that Biden isn’t the only fascist being promoted (“either”).

Plenty of fascist policy in Biden’s career of politics: mass incarceration—including concentration camps—the “War On Drugs”, union busting and strikebreaking, mass surveillance (e.g. the Patriot Act, which he happily takes credit for), militarization of the police, attacks on journalism and whistleblowers, etc.

Yes, you really should work on getting in the loop.

Yeah. Most of his power comes from his literal hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth, not the attention. Ignoring him will not suddenly make him a working-class bloke like everyone else.

I’m saying it’s dumb to give the kind of answers people are giving in this post. We should’ve just said “yes, reactionaries are unwelcome” and moved on. It’s not “nice” to help them organize to murder me, so I take exception to you characterizing only MY participation as not being nice.

Again, why would we help reactionaries discover communities they can become a part of where they are welcomed? Why would we tolerate their existence and their growth? That’s absolutely silly. I don’t “agree with you”, but here’s how you can find communities which do, so you can organize with them to crush me and the people I love. Dumb shit.

The idea that the U.S.S.R. was socialist or communist, or that it’s controlling party was working to make it so, was propaganda that was convenient for both the U.S. (which was already deep in the throws of reaction against the left, and pretty much had been since its inception, and wanted to use it against its budding Cold-War enemy) and the U.S.S.R. (where leftist ideas were popular, so the government pretending to embody it was helpful to the state). It wasn’t. It was just a very widely-spread and useful authoritarian lie.

That’s okay. We don’t have to help them set them up, or find them, or even know they exist. Why is everyone so obsessed with giving reactionaries the IT help they need to setup and grow communities of hate? Doesn’t make any sense at all, TBH.

You go low, we…help you go low.

Dumb answer. I don’t care. We shouldn’t tolerate oppression, and we shouldn’t burden ourselves with the need to support them or equivocate. If they want their own communities, they can support that completely on their own (including research on whether they can run their own shit and how) without our help. It’s really fucking easy to just say “nah” and let them figure out whether to trust that answer or not. You’re choosing to shoot yourself (and me, and everyone else) in the foot. How about just don’t.

IMO it can be MUCH simpler. Deleting content should propagate across federation just like adding content does. De-federating should retroactively remove all content that it would normally keep from propagating (possibly leaving “this post/comment deleted” markers so that replies make sense). And losing track of an instance for long enough (e.g. a week, or a month) should be equivalent to de-federating, possibly with the option to resurrect content when and if the instance comes back online.

I believe that would remove a lot of the issues with extra traffic, and possibly a lot of the issues with extra processing. I don’t know enough about the protocol to tell whether it would add requirements for extra data, but I suspect it wouldn’t.

is Conservative/Right Wing opinions completely unwelcome on Lemmy?


She’s a racist, classist noeliberal and a fucking cop (or close enough).

Her political career has been chock-full of attacking public institutions like schools, protecting white-collar crime which destroyed countless lives, protecting child molesters in the church, implementing policy against the poor, and protecting prison slavery. I’m not sure where exactly the confusion lies.

Also remember this is useless without complementary security measures:

  1. Encrypt the storage on any device where these are installed (including if you install e.g. the desktop version of Signal).
  2. Lock your devices with pin or password, and store that pin/password only in your head (there’s no such thing as telepathy at this point in time, so they can’t physically force it out of you unlike biometrics like a fingerprint).

If you are relying on “Legally they’re not allowed to…” instead of, “they simply can’t, even if they try,” then you’re not doing it right.

Google does not really offer a space where people can come together to create communities or discussion threads. However, with the introduction of Perspectives, it may do so later.

So—despite the dumbass title (article’s fault, not OP’s)—explicitly not an alternative to Reddit, where literally the whole point is to create communities and discussion threads.

Maybe. The Democrats had already spent decades helping to kill the labor movement, build up the carceral state, and rampage across the world in imperial war-making prior to Reagan. So while he may have been a catalyst for further open embrace of reactionary ideology (see: Clinton), I can’t quite buy that he was the absolute beginning of it.

vs the newcomer Dem candidate.

Copmala “Prison Slavery is a Valuable Pool of Labor for the State” Harris, you mean?

Dems have once again squandered full control and couldn’t cobble together any protections from a clear and present danger in radicalized right political zealots.

The mistake lies in thinking that they want to. One can believe they are bumbling fools who trip over their own feet for only so many generations before it becomes apparent that the agenda they somehow fail to foil over and over again is actually one that they wholeheartedly embrace themselves, too.

Who said anything about “common/uncommon”? Are you really enough of a subservient piece of shit to think that the way capitalism does things dictates the way they should be?

All right. Well, let me rephrase: it’s not a meaningful excuse which we should buy as justification for gross undermining of our privacy and our trust in organizations which allegedly exist to help us when we are in crisis.

All right. Well, TBF I’d rather “sound unemployed” (whatever that means) than sound like I’m shilling for big tech corporations and their predatory practices. shrug

Based on my experience in many privacy roles covering US, EU, UK and other countries, the sale of a company will likely be covered in Google’s privacy notice and is not considered a sale of personal data considering customer’s personal data will immediately be covered by the purchasing company’s privacy notice.

Funny, because if I decided to go into business with Google by renting a service from them, that honestly shouldn’t mean that I automatically decided to go into business with some other corporation at Google’s whim.

But hey, capitalism really cares about personal autonomy. It’s not like it just exploits our labor and treats us like commodities or anything. /s

I appreciate that the only JS scripts Beehaw seems to load are from beehaw.org. Usually NoScript shows like two full pages of domains, and (at least—you know, the obvious ones like xyzads4you.com) half of them are for ads and “analytics”.

Out of 33 of these crisis center websites they looked at:

In follow-up tests, four organizations appeared to have completely removed the code. The majority of the centers we contacted did not respond to requests for comment.

Ignorance may have been an excuse prior to this investigation, but it’s not an excuse now.

Fascinating comment from someone who doesn’t understand rates of growth at all, and has no idea why this “offer” is coming at this point in time.