Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2023


Oil companies and the ICE manufacturers that rely on them.

Changing production lines to EVs is expensive, and they want profits now. Not later. Line must go UP

My hope: increased costs make people demand domestic manufacturing, companies and governments actually listen and decide import costs aren’t worth it and move all manufacturing back inside their own borders.

Politicians like to bullshit about “job creation” all day, but this, massively expanding domestic manufacturing capabilities, would create more jobs than any program put out since WWII.

Anyway, how’s your sex life?

This is the one thing that blows my mind with all the “voting doesn’t matter” folks…

If it didn’t matter, then why do so many people try to limit who can vote, how you vote, when you vote, who is allowed to be voted on, where you can vote, your voting rights in general, or just plain outright trying to stop you from voting altogether.

And the people going around parroting that voting doesn’t matter are either accomplices who also want to prevent you from voting, or USEFUL IDIOTS who genuinely are too dumb to realize that voting does in fact work. (also people who say voting doesn’t matter have clearly never voted in a local election)

I prefer heavy-handed metaphors and vague references, myself.

Like “when streaming became cable 2.0 I decided to dust off my old hat and hit the high seas”

Going out of your way to make sure everyone knows exactly whats going on in your queue at that particular moment is just excessive.

One reddit user suggests LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET

Lmao “my industry pays almost nothing in taxes when compared to it’s profits”

Like that says anything other than “look at me I’m a piece of shit with no argument”


homelessness on the rise

people living paycheck-to-paycheck on the rise

cost of living increasing faster than income growth

corporations doubling prices for no reason other than they realized they can, thus resulting in record profits for huge companies

Oh right, that’s what it means.

Big businesses are making more money.

The Poors don’t factor into such things, so their problems aren’t real economic problems.

Nice to know your industry relies on spinning statistics in favor of corporations, when said corporations are responsible for the issues in the first place.

You can increase government social programs by 30% but if cost of living increases 50%, guess what does fuck-all.

You’re blaming the wrong group here.

“government spending deemed useless as corporate greed exceeds government increases”

Conservatives everywhere: “LOOK SEE I TOLD YOU IT NEVER WORKS”

They know perfectly well that they’re spewing bullshit.

The facts don’t matter to many people, sadly.

I know plenty of people who would go “heh damn college fucks deserved it” without knowing the first thing about what college or protest, simply “that generation getting what they deserve” is good enough

If you look at the actual dollar amounts that have been “gifted” to politicians in the weeks surrounding key votes that they flipped from their public stance on, it’s… Depressingly low.

Like “this politician sold out 11 million of their voters for less than the cost of a used car.”

Honestly if they decided “nah fuck that, I’m gonna take small kickbacks here and there for the next 50 years as I enrich my own constituents lives and they choose to reelect me year after year because I delivered them everything they need to thrive instead of taking one pathetic lump sum” they would not only make more money (most of them, we can’t all be supreme court members accepting millions in bribes while turning a blind eye to the would-be-dictator our spouses tried to help overthrow the government we work for)

But nah. Like corporate stooges, they are too short sighted and weak to see that long term profits are better than short term gains.

During my “capitalism is the best and everything else is evil” education, we went over supply and demand.

Now, if the things everyone who recieved that education are true, this means that “condo supply high” should mean “prices start lowering to be competitive”

But we don’t see that. We see stagnant prices, or even, on defying all reason, an increase.

As for “Yay capitalism, supply and demand answers all”

I fully expect to be utterly whelmed by it.

Honestly as long as it’s entertaining me, it doesn’t need to be the best show to ever exist. I don’t love The Fift Element because it’s high cinema. I love it because it’s fun.

The title/headline is purely for engagement, right? It has to be.

I haven’t seen it yet but I haven’t heard a single negative thing about the show yet. Only praise and lots of “it’s way better than I expected”

Commenting solely on the PR aspect, i always immediately side with the individual over the company… Even if the person in question is literally trying to destroy the company entirely, and did blatantly illegal things like breaking in to steal a formula or something.

I might change my mind at some point afterward, but I will always immediately side with the individual simply because a company can crush an individual’s life with ease, but an individual cannot so easily crush a company. So as far as I’m concerned, it’s just solidarity to side against the company.

The fact that this sentence even has to exist is a crime against humanity.

It’s jesus’ favorite in the way that bats are batman’s favorite animal, I guess?

cries in 2015 acer aspire with GeForce 940m

The price wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, even with the exchange rate.

As much as I’m all for the “lol get Linux” memes, I don’t know the first thing about Linux, and prefer to debload windows. It sounds kind of dumb and circuitous, but literally everything I do is geared to windows. I wouldn’t even know where to start to move everything over to Linux/win11 vm (which I did notice they’ll preload for an extra 150 which is neat)

Well that’s pretty awesome!

Unfortunately also about $1000 more than what I was looking to spend, but still. Awesome anyway. Do they ever go on sale?

I hope they’re still around next time I want to upgrade!

So I haven’t been keeping up with computer hardware stuff in quite some time, and I’ve actually been looking into getting a laptop for gaming. Yes I know, desktops are superior in every way, except the one that matters most to me. Portability.

So really, what are my choices for non-nvidia devices? It seems like every laptop I see is geared for intel/Nvidia for c/gpu with only a couple offering amd/Nvidia instead.

What are some good places to look for things other than Intel and nvidia?


And they’re out here wording that (almost certainly intentionally) like it’s some insane waste of money.

Talk to me when it gets near 0.01% of the defense budget.

Or 1% of the money that has been gratuitously sprayed all over every telecom company for things they conditionally accepted money for but never delivered on.

I pick up all the ones I see because I’m collecting the batteries out of them. After making sure they won’t spontaneously combust through damaged seals or corrosion, they get a piece of painters tape over all the metal, and placed in a fireproof battery charging bag.

I intend to make little rc things out of these, or in some cases I’ve managed to replace the 2 AA batteries in electronics with a few vape batteries in parallel.

With the right testing equipment and know-how (safety first when dealing with things that can burn your life down) You can do quite a bit with these.

And holy shit the amount I find while just walking or biking around is insane, these things are an environmental disaster and I’ve tried to get people I know to at least switch to refillable tanks, but they’re “too expensive” (only up-front, long term they are many orders of magnitude cheaper) and “it’s too much work to clean/replace coils” (alcohol and cotton batting for both cleaning and coil filler work nicely) which just tells me they care more about their minor convenience than the entire goddamn planet.

I don’t even fucking vape and I know these things!

I love all the comments saying “yeah well that stuff isn’t free someone has to maintain it”


That’s the payment. That’s what they get their money from.

Wanting more in perpetuity is fucking stupid no matter what the excuse is.