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Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


“Don’t hate the companies, hate the people who lobbied for copyright laws… the companies!”

Don’t worry, they’ll still use your data.

Because that’s how capitalism works. The goal is to make as much money as possible as fast as possible, which is harder to do when you have competition.

The myth of the “free market” is a way to distract people from the reality of a capital based system. The haves all want to be have-mores, and they will take from the needs to accomplish it.


How many exceptions does it have for rich people, like their plane taxes?

For how much “value” it provides (shareholders) they seem very keen on squeezing even more out of it. Why should we make their job easier? They certainly don’t make their content creators jobs easier.

You said prevent, not eliminate. There’s tens of thousands of ways to prevent piracy. They are not infallible, but they are preventatives.

There is nothing on this earth that will eliminate piracy.

Where would you like to move the goalposts now?

It’s filed under “Useless information that doesn’t help anyone”.

Which is fair, most people tend to exaggerate on the internet. But the average does seem to be around double (or more) of SMRPG, and while that’s not a metric you seem to care about, it is one that others care about.

Can you at least agree that it’s short for it’s genre/platform? Even if it’s not by the hyperbolic degree one person has thus far stated?

They made a comment about general SNES RPGS, not Chrono Trigger specifically. Unless they edited it, I don’t know if the fediverse has edit warnings for some instances.

You seem to be conflating two different issues. You may want to consider just how much mixing of philosophies you’ve been doing. It’s probably led to a lot of frustration and anger in your life.

Yeah, actually. They did. Consequences don’t always come from those in the right. Sometimes they come from fanatics and deviants. Consequences and justice are not synonyms.

You can provide protections from certain unsavory consequences, but those protections will never be perfect. Sometimes terrible things happen to people for expressing themselves. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have the inalienable right to express themselves in the first place.

I wouldn’t want this lawsuit to discourage quality web design.

What does that have to do with Meta?

It helps if they’re already pretty authoritarian to begin with.

Its not like they were dropped into the system and just made the best of their situation. The capital class created this system.

Its not like they’re trying to change it for the better, they’re willfully encouraging the enshittification of the systems they created.

Are they ads spotify put there, or specific sponsors for the podcast as part of the base audio?

Yes yes, mustn’t criticize the lesser evil, mustn’t criticize.

I think its less they think its bad and more they think its redundant. The problem is that not everyone has the same info they do, so spreading awareness (as you’re doing) is highly beneficial. Even if its just old news to them.

People who agree with their stance on DRM.

Theres a definite trend of people elevating the value of opinions of those they agree with. It makes any kind of intelligent discourse very hard to do.

“As teens start doing homework, parents ask: is this freedom or danger?”

People need to start pulling themselves across the ground like slugs, as god intended.

To the conservative bloc, they’re important as a resource to be used up, but not as individuals with rights and power of their own.

I’m sure they’ll release a few more versions before we get a release date for 6.

Is that because people actually want an S… or because they settled because they couldn’t find an X? Everywhere I go there’s tons of S’s available and almost no X’s available. Obviously anecdotal, but maybe it’s not so much buying it over the X as buying it because the X just isn’t in reach… either because of price (though if you can’t afford a hundred dollars extra for a console… you can’t really afford the console at all, and you’re just justifying it to yourself) or because of lack of availability in general.

I think it’s a 4chan post and thus intentionally dumb.

It’s coined as the “Helen Lovejoy Syndrome” after a Simpson’s episode from the nineties.

I would argue that having only one nation in charge of policing the world’s stability is incredibly unstable. Its like having a table with only one leg. If that leg suddenly fails the whole thing topples over. The whole world would benefit more from a more distributed system than relying entirely on one nation.

Of course that also means they’d have to start getting their own hands dirty, and risking the lives of their own citizens for world stability, which doesn’t seem particularly likely at this point.

I’m sure he has an end-game.

It’s everything up to that point where he’s completely at a loss.