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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


But the version does matter. We all have a game that was updated that either broke it, removed content, or changed it so drastically that it’s like a completely different game. And if the older versions aren’t available, but the game is still being sold… should the older version be public domain whole the current version is being sold?

These are important questions.

Look, I’m not outright disagreeing with your first point. I think going that way will be a massive legal headache for just about every business.

Mainly because of patents, copyright, and all the BS, but that’s a whole other thing. I’m mainly thinking about software.

New software v1.0 is released and then updated to v1.1? Is it a new product? If so, does that mean that v1.0 should be free if they only offer the updated version? What constitutes software not being available in a legal sense?

But it’s not an ad. It’s a prompt telling you that getting premium has more options than free YouTube.

After closely following the Ukrainian War and learning all the nuances and history in that…I just don’t have the energy or time to do the same about a whole new conflict.

I only have a Twitter so links are easier to follow.

Voices of the Void. Because I like the subtle feeling of dread and knowing any action could result in something horrific.

Factorio. Optimization can always be improved upon.

Kenshi. Finally got my base built. Only cost a few arms and legs… and some of them weren’t mine!

You mean the post-apocalyptic, self driving car game?

Voices of the Void.

Writing down the dish names and codes for the reports is a lot more fun than I thought.

I’ve never donated to Mozilla before, but will now.

As a mediocre white man living in the midwest, I know who that headline is aimed at and its not me.

It’s aimed at the Faux News consuming mediocre white people. Not the “liberal” white man I am.

Bought the full version like 10 years ago because, funnily enough I didn’t want ads when browsing Reddit.

I’m loving the organized chaos over here better.

Yup. I’ll stop playing video games when I die or society collapses.