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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 16, 2024


A genius wouldn’t post something this pointless and idiotic in the first place. If they felt inclined to, they would likely not think it worth the time.

Scanning for fascist_bullshit

fascist_bullshit found!

Adding host to block list.

I am just so underwhelmed by most games these days that I’ve stopped buying them. I didn’t play BG3 until someone bought it for me as a gift, and then I really enjoyed the shit out of it. It probably made it even more fun that I didn’t plan to play it and had very low expectations. So I guess that’s part of the fun for me now - waiting for a sale or free game and hoping that it’s better than I imagine it to be.

In principle, I’m very mad! Those are my games!

In reality, I don’t replay very many games, so I don’t care too much.

I haven’t felt this targeted in some time.

Shit company. I remember seeing the articles quoting Michael Dell saying WFH was the greatest thing and other companies were too scared to do it. All they do is put other people’s shit in a case.

Bob, the store’s owner, said he remained confident in the legal services of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe to resolve the matter expeditiously and return to operations.

I am specifically not on world because they want me to sign up with my real email address. Nty, deanonymizing fucks.