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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Windows have always been trash. Windows 9x were the worse.

Windows NT was better, Windows XP was trash at release then got better with updates (the service packs).

Windows Vista was a shitshow, then 7 was better. Windows 8 was horrible, the 10 was a bit better.

Windows always oscillates between trash and acceptable. There is not much to “ruin” to be honest.

If a game doesn’t run on Linux I can’t even try it. No risk of it becoming my favorite game!

XBOX must have 100% of games available on Playstation. Otherwise nobody will ever switch.

There is no emergency that can’t be handled by the adults of the school.

I can understand needing a phone for the commute, but at school it should stay in the bag turned off.

The hardware in an arcade cabinet is either a raspberry pi or a regular desktop PC.

The population in rural areas is so low that no matter how you induce demand, it won’t work.

Obviously if the pods take 2h to arrive it’s not worth it

OK, it’s 2pm. With this system, you call a pod and ride it. With a rural train, you check the schedule and see that the next train is at 5pm. And you have to plan your trip back as well. Great, time to take your car.

And you might say “let’s have trains run at least once per hour then”. That means running empty trains all day, not sure it’s the best way to spend public money.

Trains suck if you don’t have frequency, and because of the population density with a good frequency more than half of the trains will be completely empty and the rest almost empty.

Reading the article, it’s not the content that caused the ban but sharing it to too many people (her beta readers) she was seen as a spammer.

Survival of the fittest. As is, the type of game that makes the more money.

The problem is that the Steam Deck plays PC games, that were designed for a big screen. You can’t make the screen much smaller than the current Deck while keeping it legible.

The Game gear and GBA played games that were nothing like the home console games of their time.

This is what the Switch brought to the table. Breadth of the Wild was a great home console title, and you could play it handheld on the go.

In his video, he shows that the more common answers are actually 42 and 69.

I discards them because they’re picked for a reason rather than a human genuinely trying trying to pick a random number, but they’re still way more common than 37.

The piece of paper you’re talking about is useful to exchange goods.

The cryptographic token is not because it’s too volatile and transactions are costly.

There is a reason the only things using Bitcoin as an actual currency are illegal things, buying credit card numbers or paying for ransomware.

You can argue that owning a piece of a company who generates value is not the same thing as owning some useless cryptographic token.

Enterprise can afford more than individuals and all businesses always find a way to make enterprise customers pay more.

For example when you buy a plane ticket, it’s much cheaper if you have a weekend between your onward and outward trip. Because business travelers will travel during the week.

Really? What’s left of the Internet beyond the web?

How many people use Usenet today, rather than forums or social media on the web?

How many people use IRC, rather than Slack? (Either on the web or in a Chromium-backed desktop app)

How many people use an email client, rather than webmail?

He did ask them to make the rocket pointy so it looks like the rocket in Sacha Baron Cohen’s “The Dictator”.

And they complied.

It’s possible to implement XMPP with E2E encryption, there are at least 2 ways to do it.

But of course it only works if both users use a client and server that support it.

It’s funny, they could have said they’re not going to release to open source without waving those giant red flags.

Please do it! That would help me convince my reminding friends to move to Signal.

Yes it’s all business.

Partnership team finds the biggest bidder for the default search.

Marketing teams find the best argument against their biggest competitor.

At no point anyone is pondering if Google is “good” or “bad” because companies typically don’t care.

Not all leavers join Lemmy, I’m pretty sure some just stopped and found other things to do with their life.

Yes it’s PC for me too. Steam Deck with GeForce Now for the most demanding titles.

If there was any potential in a “metaverse”, it would be picked up by people who know how to make something fun. In Silicon Valley or somewhere else.

That’s not happening because the metaverse is pointless. Most people prefer having multiple tabs in a browser to do online shopping, chatting with friends, etc rather than moving a 3D avatar from a virtual supermarket to a virtual cafe.

Yes, it wasn’t always the case. I was in the Silicon Valley in the 2000’s and it was full of techies who really believed in the open web, and even Google was a proponent of open standards.

A few years later it seems like the tech matured enough that being technically savvy was no longer necessary to be a successful founder. Slowly it stopped being about technical innovations and became about raising money, product marketing, A/B testing, etc.

I’m feeling the opposite, with federation it’s trying too hard to be like social media.

I prefer to have disconnected communities like the forums of the old times.

Web 2.0 was the web going from being just documents to web applications. And to an extend it’s great, the problem is when sites that are supposed to be just documents (like news sites) try to become applications.

I still feel like the social web has sucked in a lot of things that used to exist outside of it.

Like blogs. I feel like the blog world was much healthier before most of the content moved out of independent websites to a unified dump of social shit.

Or you can buy a phone that doesn’t require this bullshit to change the battery

I wasn’t creeped out by character faces from my Amstrad either.

When you get to the level of realism of Starfield you have to pay attention to the details. If you can’t, just pick a different graphical style.

Yeah, considering it’s built like a DLC to BOTW it makes sense to stop here.