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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


The more surprising part is that there are companies I’ve never heard of that cost even more.

It’s one of the things that potentially prevent the technological singularity. That’s undoubtedly why the self-important Musk has an interest in it.

command --custom-repo-uri https://foo.com --custom-repo-name repo_name --custom-repo-sync-type git

I thought it was killed for VSCode since they ended up under the same umbrella.

Nah, it’s just her and Trump. On the dem side there seem to be a small number of people under the illusion that Biden doesn’t have the nomination secure.

That sounds an awful lot like even their first party cartridges could be attack vectors.

My experience has been that they have a tendency to make overly attractive men too. Getting it to generate anyone average nevermind ugly or with deformities (eg scars) is really hard.

From the same company that intentionally degrades the quality of Google Maps on Firefox.

Yeah, you’re supposed to wait until you actually have a user base to enshittify it.

Our telemetry shows 80% of users never install any add-ons” i.e. the telemetry that any tech savvy person immediately turns off because they don’t want their browser spying on them and about which we have also complained numerous times.


Usage numbers are part of how they pay for ongoing support and development though.

You aren’t aware of the task in whole I’ve described . What I’ve described is 20% of it.

Yes, exactly.

People who can type and type fast(-ish) … make less mistakes when spelling, etc.

I wish.

-Guy who types over 100WPM but still makes a lot of spelling mistakes.

That’s what Youtube still is to me.

A non-binding resolution is a motion adopted by a deliberative body that does not enact a law or a substantive rule, and is simply used to make known what the opinions of that body are in relation to a certain fact or event.

Yes, basically a pointless waste of time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-binding_resolution

Yeah, this barely even qualifies as news since they’ve been doing it for 60 years.

Did anyone read the quote. They literally stated this was part of the problem:

We know the characters require further work, as they are currently missing their LODs which affect some parts of performance. We are working on bringing these to the game along general LODs improvements across all game assets.

Reddit has been trying to build a usable search since 2008. It’s not happening.

Yeah, Bethesda games are the worst about this.

Paradox’s first party titles generally have excellent Linux support and have for a long time. Can’t swear that will be the case here but overall they’re one of the best publishers for Linux.

They almost died after that. Jobs putting colored plastic on the outside of Macs saved them.

How is a games publisher buying another games publisher not horizontal integration?


One dev does it in his spare time. I use it to run games that aren’t on Steam like Ubisoft and Blizzard stuff.

But yes, as a software company you’d probably have to pay someone to create and maintain a similar release for your own use - but that’s part of being a software company.

I remember reading a preview for it back in 98. Completely different game than what we got.

Here’s some preview footage from 1998. They clearly scrapped the game and started over at some point


I work at a large company so get a lot of emails. This could conceivably cutdown on the amount of “Nice job!” type emails that don’t really have much substance.

As an American, I thought our cultures were relatively similar being both former British colonies. What different cultural interests are you referring to?

Can we add bellicose relations with a lot of their neighbors over the expansionist goals they’re pushing?

Yup, that makes total sense. Kind of surprising they didn’t have the TZ on there in the first place but it happens.

Notably they would also have access to normal physical light switches. Oh no, someone in the room could turn my lights on or off, the horror.

Buncha people think they know more about programming netcode than the developers.