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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Get a cheap VPS on digital ocean, and make a wireguard tunnel from there to your server. Then you don’t need any open ports on your home network

Yeah, but not as good. RealDebrid basically acts as a CDN for torrents, they’re serving you the files they’ve already downloaded directly to you.

From what I can tell, sudo flix is streaming torrents from the seeders, so you are reliant on there being enough seeders with decent upload speeds.

Somebody feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

They reduced the free option from 5 nodes to 3 a while back. Looks like only the people who had the 5 node license received that email.

Why are you manually running backups? Script it and run as a cron job

Yes, I use subdomains.

I pay for one domain name in Cloudflare (e.g. awesomedomain.com), and have a single “A” record pointing to the public IP of my server, and a single “CNAME” record with a value of * that points to awesomedomain.com.

That way, any subdomain gets directed to the server, and then you setup Nginx Proxy Manager to listen for certain subdomains and where to proxy them. No need to manage any further DNS records in Cloudflare, and any changes made on the proxy don’t need any wait time for DNS records to propagate.

Nginx Proxy Manager also handles automatic SSL certs through Let’s Encrypt - I really can’t recommend it enough.

Sounds like you don’t have port forwarding setup.

I highly recommend setting up Nginx Proxy Manager and using it as a reverse proxy.

I have lots of services, but using a reverse proxy means I only have to expose 2 ports (80 & 443) and then I can serve whatever I want, like Plex, over https without a relay.

Realdebrid + Stremio + Torrentio plugin

Edit: Here’s a guide I followed from the bad place

Get any old enterprise workstation (they practically give Dells away for free) and get to know Docker.

Using multiple Pis for single applications is a fool’s errand - my Optiplex was free and it is running ~30 containers with plenty of room to breathe.

I thought pretty much everyone got their MMR shots these days… But there I go underestimating stupid people again.

ionos.com is $1/month and you can use external domain names. That plan includes the cost of a domain name as well, so you can transfer the external domain over if you really like it.

By default it’s only for the the same account, but you can change it in the download settings to allow transfers to “Steam Friends” or “Anyone”.

Torrentio works with other services, not just RealDebrid. Premiumize and AllDebrid are similar services that allow crypto.

A CMS is way overkill for what you need.

I suggest something like Hugo, with plenty of templates available and even the ability to host it out of Github, it’s a pretty good option.

I keep hearing about those guys, are they really doing all that naughty stuff?

Ehhh, that’s assuming a lot. The parents would also need to withhold their consent, and this does nothing to censor their peer’s speech (your friends can call you whatever you want).

Just to flesh that out a bit… All you need is to add a TXT record to your DNS records:

Name: _dmarc.yourdomain.com

Value: v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=100


Migrate that shit to MySQL or PostgreSQL immediately. You are playing with fire.

Why use the mouse when you are already on the keyboard?

Yes, Real Debrid (RD) functions as a leech. However, in essence, RD typically only needs to leech once for widely sought-after content, storing it in a cache for quick access by any RD user.

In the worst case, RD may need to acquire less popular content through a few hit-and-run instances. RD actually contributes to minimizing leeching - if each RD user torrented independently on public trackers without seeding, the situation would be more problematic.

It’s fine to use it on multiple devices at home, as long as it’s all coming from the same public IP (if you use the same internet connection for all your devices, you’re good.)

Not even pennies, they reported over $5B net income for 2023 alone.

For the year ended October 31, 2023, CIBC reported net income of $5.0 billion and adjusted net income(1) of $6.5 billion, compared with reported net income of $6.2 billion and adjusted net income(1) of $6.6 billion for 2022, and adjusted pre-provision, pre-tax earnings(1) of $10.2 billion, compared with $9.4 billion for 2022.


Using docker on it is also really easy if you do eventually want to step up your game.

My motto is “Debian for servers, Arch for workstations”.

OMV actually removed their portainer implementation, so if you want to run docker you just have to do it like any other distro.

I love how every answer so far is Debian.

Debian is the correct answer.

TrueNAS Scale is based on Debian 😁

I see now that it was adding a wireguard interface, but without seeing the configuration being used, there’s no telling if they are routing anything more than the traffic from the browser.

As an aside, are you serving applications from your workstation?

Not that I’m defending anybody but how is this touching your “network stack” any more than any other application?

When I used to play GTA V, I would use both.

My controller sat on the desk in front of the arrow key cluster of my keyboard, so I could run around in first person and cap some fools with KBM, then picked up the controller for driving.

M$ is worth ~$2.5T

They can afford to not give a fuck about $29B, but you just know they aren’t going to pay that full amount in the end.

Gacha games isn’t a scam, it’s just legalized gambling for kids. You get exactly what you paid for, a chance to win.

I don’t have anything to show for when I use my Netflix subscription, and using RD has all the good shows from there along with every other platform for wayyyyyy cheaper.

I’m not paying to keep the content, I’m paying for the sheer convenience of being able to watch pretty much anything almost instantly.