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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Its not that it can’t happen now. Its that it will happen all the time with digital tags.

If you can find the same torrent already existing, you should be able to add the torrent, paused, then copy the file to the empty folder. Force a recheck and then it should hash check the files.

Not specific to XD as I dont use it, but has worked for me when changing trackers. I havnt tried when downloading over different protocols, but it should not make a difference.

He’s already been mildly critical of trump against Harris to help play both sides. He tried controlling trump before and it didn’t work. He ended up paying billions, then when he followed trump, mwahahahah.

Oh, she has charisma and confidence, like trump. Its just misguided. People saw through it and SNL skits destroyed her as she appeared stupid and everything she said after that reinforced the stupidity not the folksy.

What about Palin? I’m sure she gave an initial boost, but isn’t she thought to have cost the election?

Or they can lean in to. Yes, I’m angry. I dont want a racist, sexist old convicted-criminal leading the country I fight hard to jeep safe. All the more so when he’s crazy.

Shell be able tonpush trumps buttons In a way Biden can’t any more.

I’m a dentist. I hear it all the time. Its a good comparison for, often, the worst pain someone has experienced.

I would suggest that if someone is using neither, perhaps consider podman as open source. However, I too would need a reason to move. I mainly use synology for images, so its their container manager, rather than docker but my understanding is its docker under the hood.

Yes. But its by attrition. There won’t be a programmer replaced by AI directly. Their colleagues will take over their work and have higher workloads but be more efficient. That’s ways been the way.

A robot won’t replace individual programmers. AI and improved processes will mean quicker code review and less programmers needed. There will be a net loss of programmer jobs but an individual programmer won’t be replaced. Rather the remaining programmers create more (as a percent, not absolute) code with better tools.

Same as the link trust they used to use as a signal for trust. Again it was about popularity.

Trust here does not mean trustworthy, but rather higher likelihood to be answer that is sought. Calling it trust or authority as just marketing.

I wonder if that’s why Reddit data was chosen. Upvotes could be used as a signal for trust. What they forget is jokes comments often get upvotes.

Back in the day, sometimes USA TV shows would not air overseas for months depending on the schedule. Often spoilers online would ruin some parts. Piracy solved this. Then they started doing same time release worldwide but you had to use buggy streaming services and the quality was poor. Then they tried selling shows for much more than their worth on a per episode basis. Piracy fixed all these problems. Netflix was a good, reasonable solution and then they all decided to dontheor own thing. Piracy it is then.

Its funny that even Netflix knew that the greed of others was their biggest risk as they planned to be streaming HBO before HBO and others caught up. Its a pity they didn’t emulate the quality.

That goes to my overton window shift point. The amount of shift is still a spectrum. What are now moderate Republicans may not have been considered moderate before, but there are degrees before batshit.

There is some benefit in not letting perfect be the enemy of good. There is also overtones window shift. Accepting his leadership as normal will tend to normalose it.

If the bar is only as high as let’s not be completely useless and dysfunctional, they are better off politically ,and the country is better off, by letting the crazy side show their craziness as a negative. They will shown the people, and by extension, more moderate Republicans.

The reason the crazies took over is that they offered political advantage by courting the racist, bigoted vote. Moderates held their nose and went with it. They feared losing power on an individual basis as well as collectively. All politics is loacal. So if the crazies mean your voters stay home or are more likely to flip, you are more likely to disagree with them and push the out. If they are winning you elections, that’s not going to happen.

Spotify is all music on the go. Certainly for albums or music you want to keep on your device, it’s the arrs, but for music, especially playlists, you listen to on the fly, Spotify is a better experience.

Yes, but trust is required of users are not going to boot out. If it’s not opt out, that’s a risk in intself.

The problem is Microsoft have abused it. Now they claim an update is for security, but instead it just reverts settings to promote their other products.

If Hilary was president rather than Trump, millions of people would not have died of Covid. That’s good in my book. She may not be a good person, but she would have been a good and effective president.

Manipulation implies what she did was nefarious. Like her opposition, that actively manipulated, conspired with the enemy, against the law, and then started a coup.

While I think what she did was wrong, you can do the right thing and get the wrong outcome. You can also do the wrong thing and get a good outcome.

My point is we should judge all politicians on the totality of their actions. Hilary would have been a good president, if flawed, just like any other good president. Trump was and would be a terrible president. He brings shame to the role and minimises the plight of those that suffer with his childish and petty nature.

As consoles moved to be closer and closer to custom PCs, I think it was only a matter of time. But, wasn’t that the point?

No, but in this context, your comment implies that the genocide is justified.

Being against genocide is not support for Hamas. It’s support for Palestinian people that are dying in large numbers and being forced to leave their lands for decades.

No, it doesnt have to be. Look at Spotify vs Apple Music, vs tidal etc. full catalogues at all of them. It’s the business model that needs to change.

As rents go up, businesses want to maximize their return on space. So some businesses get rid of toilets, meaning the ones that keep them pay to have toilets available for people that aren’t their customers, making them consider closing them, creating a vicious cycle.

If they didn’t have a licence to host it in perpetuity, they shouldn’t have sold it in the first place.

Yes, they should pull it if they legally have to. That’s following the law. However, they should refund consumers in full or ensure that they continue to have the media without restrictions.

It may just be a coincidence but my work voip, which is non Optus, went down for an hour two days ago. My csm software is in the cloud and uses an sms gateway, with a different company and provider. It went down twice yesterday for a few hours. I don’t recall the last time that happened. I wonder if there was some underlying telecoms issue that undermined them all at different times.

With Pihole off, look for your gateway address. That will be your router address. Are you using windows on your usual pc? Ipconfig command should show you your gateway, easily.

Then tap that into your browser to log in to your router and deactivate dhcp from it.

Also, cgnat is not common in USA as there is no,shortage of ip addresses. However many other countries have hit their limits in ip4 and cgnat allows the isps to work well with more customers than addresses. Mine will disable it if you ask.