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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


Don’t worry, this file is likely the output of a bundler.

Some even turn the safety off for you

Probably nixos to run distrobox with fedora, then using podman to run debian to compile the C application.

Senior developer gets blinded by the morning sun as they code.

It’s honestly a downgrade from Cortana. Not that I used that either…

It’s literally just the Edge feature transplanted onto windows. I wouldn’t be surprised if they integrated Edge/WebView2 into Explorer just to do this.

Why does your header file contain code?

It’s the opposite actually. I just keep getting raises for basically doing nothing.

Sadly, those updates have diminishing returns for me. “Oh, yet another kernel update. Time to reboot again.”

I think FreeBSD users are the literal gluten free vegans of the Linux community. That is if you want to consider them part of the community.

They don’t use Linux and they don’t use glibc.

I don’t think the feature is bad. I’m questioning extension spotlights sneaking their way into the base patch notes.

Neither does vue. You need vue-router, which is required anyway to make an spa with multiple pages.

The only thing that breaks is any component state isn’t saved. But this can be fixed by rendering <RouterView> with <KeepAlive>. How to do this is mentioned in the documentation.

I assume it’s similar with react and react-router-dom.

I started using alt+left when browsers started removing backspace. It was for the best.

It requires the copilot extension, which is probably not on open-vsx. Yay licensing!

Hey code

Yet another voice assistant I won’t use

“iTs AlL cHrOmE aNyWaY”

This is why I use Firefox.

If given a choice between an electron app and nothing, I choose the electron app.

You didn’t need to take the time to tell me you blocked me. I literally don’t think of you.

For everything else, there’s yq, xq, and tomlq.

They don’t use trackers,

Well, they can see whether you watched them or not. So technically still tracked. At least in the official youtube app.

It’s not about the bubbles. It’s the group chats, encryption, media size, and other rich chat features.

Then your wife/husband/SO can pick your next date.

All I really care about is for python code completion and semantic highlighting to work without needing pylance. Is that too much to ask?

Null was added to JavaScript because Java had it. Null is unnatural. Undefined is the canon “no value” value.

Example with pi.

#define PI 3.1415926

int main() {
  printf("%.2f", PI); // prints 3.14
  return 0;

Just because you can open it with 7-zip doesn’t mean it’s a zip file. Some exes are also zip files.

There are 3 types of files. Renamed txt, renamed zip, and exe