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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Maybe consider a Hetzner storage box. They support borg, restic, rsync and probably more, there’s no ingress or egress fees and you get unlimited traffic. Very nice for off-site backups if, like myself, you’re on a limited budget.

Lol my workplace ships Angular in debug mode. Don’t worry though, the whole page kills itself if a dubious third-party library detects the console is open. Very secure and not brittle at all! Please send help

I second borg, been using it for years and it’s never let me down. Granted, I haven’t actually had to do disaster recovery so far, but my tests have been positive lol

Since space is a major concern, maybe have a look at borg and possibly something like borgmatic on top for easier configuration. Borg does deduplicated backups, so you could do even hourly ones if you wanted without too much extra space depending on how many you want to keep. You’d need to run a borg server wherever you want to store your backups so it’s not a simple rsync over ssh situation but that’s the price you pay for the extra niceties.

As a Brazilian who grew up in a not too remote area, modchipped PS2s were everywhere growing up, as it was the only realistic option to game for the vast majority. Things have shifted a bit these days, but it did use to be like that.

As a result, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a legit PS2 game or an og Xbox/GameCube for that matter lol.

As a Logseq user, that looks pretty much like what I wanted it to be. Lean, self hostable, no weird feature bloat. I’ll take a closer look!

Btw just in case you aren’t aware, the nag can be done away with. I don’t have a link off the top of my head but it’s out there.

Yeah, at the of the day whatever they claim comes from dogma is king so being gay/women having bodily autonomy will always be considered some form of sin, regardless of how much they try to be “welcoming” to the people whose actions they claim are inherently sinful.

As a queer person I’m definitely biased, but I’ve always seen acts like those as empty gestures, a mockery of what actual empathy and acceptance are supposed to be. I just don’t see how those can truly flourish within organized religion as I’ve known it, my way or the highway is how it all works by design so it’s a lost cause as far as I’m concerned.

I respect your reaction a lot. The world would be a much more pleasant place if more people were willing to look past their comfort zone and see institutionalized hate for what it is.

I’ve been done with them for most of my life by now but I really didn’t think they could sound much more bigoted, at least not this loudly. Joke’s on me, I guess! This tacitly endorses several major human rights issues going on right now.

They’ve been saying the quiet part out loud for a while when it comes to gay people while also trying here and there to pay lip service to them since it’s not as socially acceptable to hate on that particular minority anymore. This though, is as official and hateful a middle finger as it gets with no punches pulled, particularly at gender diverse folks. At this point I can only hope it leads to more followers realizing the institution is rotten to the core and distancing themselves from them, much like yourself.

My best guess is it’s a play at the usual “all you do in python is import libraries without knowing how they work lololol” dig but yeah, I don’t find it particularly funny either

It doesn’t, you can install it on mostly any Linux distro

Yeah, you’re probably right. I didn’t connect the dots that’s what you’d need here, my bad.

Yeah, I feel that. I’ve settled on telmate’s but there’s a few things I’ve had to implement as hacky post creation SSH edits on the config files, such as passing through the Intel GPU to my Jellyfin container.

I don’t have much actual experience with it but you can run arbitrary shell commands in at least cloud-init, the others should be able to do the same. Maybe that could work? Definitely better than manually running scripts, at least.

It’s not a feature I’ve used myself but I’m pretty sure you can create Jellyfin playlists and collections spanning different libraries, so that could work if you’re okay with some manual curation

I use Proxmox, running a mix of regular and NixOS based LXCs. One of those also runs Docker for simpler services.

Or better yet, an option to point it to my own self-hosted OpenAI API compatible endpoint on top of one to disable it entirely.

Edit: On second thought, the copilot integration probably goes deeper than that but still

I’m assuming that’s why they added “relatively”

Ah, interesting! I’d have guessed about a dozen annoyances before that one even came to mind haha. Hope you have a good time around these parts at any rate :)

Also, I’d never taken a serious look at the German layout but going by the truly wild differences there you may as well stick with what you have IMO, I think it’s what I’d do at least.

A lot of us don’t live in the US to begin with, so I assume a significant portion of us just use whatever the local standard is. That’s where I’ve been at so far, the Brazilian layout is a QWERTY variant so not that different. It does make some things more awkward, but you get used to what you have to work with.

Brackets and curly braces are less convenient off the top of my head, backticks too. Vim is a tad less ergonomic without some extra fiddling, for instance. In fact, I’ve been considering getting a US keyboard for coding to make that kinda thing less of an issue, US international makes accents and whatnot accessible enough that I think I could make it work.

I’ve been thinking about that. It’s the one walled garden I don’t mind, I’ve poured shameful amounts into it but the thought is always there in the background that it can’t go on like this forever.

At the end of the day I don’t mind too much and just try to enjoy it while it lasts, since worst comes to worst I’ll just have to sacrifice some convenience and dive back into full-time piracy to regain access to the vast majority of the content anyway. The wonders of an open platform!

I haven’t actually finished DD1 but that’s 100% on my attention span, it’s an amazing game and I’m super excited for the sequel! Never played anything quite like it, the way you explore and how dark and terrifying nighttime is will always stick with me. I started on that hard difficulty setting way back when, forgot what it’s called, and it was a really fun ride right up to the point I suddenly stopped playing for no particular reason I can recall.

Oh and it’s got some of the coolest spells I’ve ever seen in a game. Take something like the tornado spell. Most games would hand you a moderately sized green wind burst or something and call it a day, DD actually gives you what feels like a city destroying one you take ages to cast lol. Most of the ones I remember are like that and I love them so much.

The way companies try and upsell retro games rarely ever wins me over, so I just stick to emulation on my Deck, whatever pocketable emulation device I own at the moment and PC 99% of the time. I’m a technical user and I have no qualms with pirating unrealistically priced or hard to access content, so the barrier of entry is basically zero to me. The only collections and such that catch my eye are the ones with additional QoL features, good supplementary material, stuff like that. I don’t even mean basic features like filters, scaling options, save states or rewinding, RetroArch probably does it better anyway, I mean things I wouldn’t be able to get otherwise like added difficulty settings or expanded content.

The perfect examples of what I’m looking for are things like Atari 50 and The Making of Karateka. Unrealistic to expect of most, granted, but the gold standard as far as I’m concerned. A good, more vanilla example is the Mega Man Battle Network collections, since they have proper online play and content that was previously Japan only.

Best Brazilian representation in gaming bar none tbh, love the guy

Haha you’re good, thanks for the heads-up! I just assumed I’d missed some sort of controversy lol

That’s a great idea, I’d absolutely love it myself. Something like adding a flake input and it giving you an overlay with reproducible packages for a lot of games, I suppose. Not sure about feasibility but it sure sounds enticing!

Your average user probably wouldn’t be too thrilled about it, but I’m sure Nix nerds would be all over it lol.

Yup, traefik isn’t able to do any sort of serving itself so for anything more complex than a handful of ports you’re expected to use nginx or whatever webserver to serve what you need and then have traefik on top of that as a reverse proxy. Or at least that’s my understanding as a somewhat new user.

I’ve always struggled with actually retaining knowledge on how to use the myriad tools you’d usually need to extract/parse data (awk, sed and friends) and this was a game changer. I don’t quite daily drive it just yet but when I do need it, it’s vastly more ergonomic.

I don’t have much experience with similar tools but that looks quite interesting, thanks for sharing!

As someone who clicked partly to check if it was Rust-based, I think that’s a 100% fair call-out lol

There’s a server federation feature request currently marked as planned, so some form of that is probably coming at some point!

I’ve been using Hetzner with borg for a while now and it’s been super solid, can’t be beaten price wise either as far as I’ve looked

Well, here’s hoping you land on your feet!

Ah, can’t say I expected to come across the person behind komorebi today! Really appreciate your work, such a cool project you wouldn’t expect on Windows of all places.

Anyway, sounds like an interesting watch, thanks for sharing!

Pomni is from The Amazing Digital Circus, a recently released animated pilot where human characters are endlessly tortured by an AI entity in a zany VR world. My best guess is it’s correlating said eternal suffering with using Java/Maven or writing tests? Not sure lol