nickwitha_k (he/him)
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


In the US, property owners do indeed have some degree of rights over low-altitude airspace. The FAA states that one should have permission before intentionally flying over private property. In addition, a large number of states and municipalities have drone-specific surveillance, harassment, and privacy laws, so, it’s a fair change that those may apply. Any commercial drone operator that violates local laws in course of their flight is likely to run into trouble with the FAA too.

If the drones are flying over private property without explicit authorization, the FAA may be a good place to start.

The only reason that I tend to use it is because of the included webserver. It’s not bad but the paywalling of functionality needed for it to be a proper LB left a bad taste in my mouth. That and HAProxy blows out of the water in all tests that I’ve done over the years where availability is at all a concern. HAProxy also is much more useful when routing TCP.

Honestly, from your description, I’d go with Debian, likely with btrfs. Would be better if you had 3 slots so that you can swap a bad drive but, 2 will work.

If you want to get adventurous, you can see about a Fedora Atomic distro.

Previously, I’ve recommended Proxmox but, not sure that I still can at the moment, if they haven’t fixed their kernel funkiness. Right now, I’m back to libvirt.

The same Jill Stein that attended a dinner with Putin and Michael Flynn? That Jill Stein?

The Senate is the trickier one to solve. It was not intended to be a proportional body originally. In the short term, the balance could be impacted by not treating politicians as above the law and actually prosecuting crimes that they have openly committed.

State legislatures effectively are only going to be fixed with a new court or voters overcoming the gerrymandering.

A plan to keep Republicans out of office permanently so that they can never wield this new power in retaliation (even Lincoln messed up on that one)

That one is simpler than it sounds. Restore the proportionality of the House of Representatives (broken by the Apportionment Act of 1911). The GOP is a minority party and would not have a chance if their voice wasn’t amplified.

They are absolutely eating the real costs in order to gain market share. I suspect that there’s going to be a mad dash to rehire humans when the bill comes due and the VCs want profits.

their claim that all black people are culturally American.

This really must be a surprise for the black Irish, British, French, Dutch, Japanese, and countless other non-Americans of color.

Everyone’s brains are different. For some SSRIs might work. For others, SNRIs. While there are claims of cocaine and prostitutes being helpful for some, that’s not really scientifically proven and there the significant health and imprisonment risks. There is, however, strong evidence for certain psychedelics.

TL;DR - Drugs might be helpful for some.

Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can help someone who is struggling to meet their basic needs not get stuck in a depressive state. Plus, it can be used in exchange for goods and services that show efficacy against depression.

That is a very solid point. If user-defined types are NOT explicitly defined as compatible (supposing language support), they should not be.

In your example, if it were, say a banking system, allowing both types to be considered equivalent is just asking for customer data leaks.

Typing and function call syntax limitations are exactly why I hate JS.

Personally, now that I have a machine capable of running the toolchains, I want to explore hardware accelerated compilation. Not all steps can be done in parallel but I bet a lot before linking can.

In an abstract sense, they do mean the same things but, in a technical sense, the one most relevant to programming, they do not.

The standard Python bool type is a subclass of the integer type. This means that it is stored as either 4 bytes (int32) or 8 bytes (int64).

The numpy.bool_ type is something closer to a native C boolean and is stored in 1 byte.

So, memory-wise, one could store a numpy.bool_ in a Python bool but that now leaves 3-7 extra bytes that are unused in the variable. This introduces not just unnecessary memory usage but potential space for malicious data injection or extraction. Now, if one tries to store a Python bool in a numpy.bool_, if the interpreter or OS don’t throw an error and kill the process, you now have a buffer overflow/illegal memory access problem.

What about converting on the fly? Well, that can be done but will come at a performance cost as every function that can accept a numpy.bool_ now has to perform additional type checking, validation, and conversion on every single function call. That adds up quick when processing data on scales where numpy is called for.

Data typing is important. If two types do not have the same in-memory representation but you treat them like they do, you’re inviting a lot of potential bugs and security vulnerabilities to save a few characters.

ETA: The WONTFIX is absolutely the correct response here. This would allow devs to shoot themselves in the foot for no real gain, eliminating the benefit of things like mypy. Type safety is your friend and will keep you from making simple mistakes.

They are two different data types with potentially different in-memory representations.

Also, Netanyahu marched about calling for Rabin’s death prior to his assassination. Important extra context.

I dunno. I could be quite happy having brain children or as a copy of a consciousness at a given point in time.

That or Rosetta, the built-in, hardware-accelerated x86_64 compatibility layer.

Try a traceroute to something like and google’s IP. You’re able to resolve things ok. So, not DNS. Need to find out where the traffic is going to die.

Also, try a curl -vvv. This should give some more info on what is happening to TCP traffic.

Indeed. It is worth noting that fat globules in dairy aren’t JUST lipid. They are really a mixture of lipids, glycolipids, proteins, and other stuff. The glycolipids and proteins have polar and non-polar parts and organize into a membrane around the non-polar (hydrophobic) lipid fraction, keeping it from precipitating out of solution. Effectively, milk fat globules come with their own emulsifiers.

I would say that it’s currently unverified and potentially bunk. Have updated the comment to note this and will do so again if I’m not able to find supporting (non-opinion) academic papers. Thank you for asking for evidence and making me reexamine something that I “know”.

Have been looking for a reputable source on that - busy on work projects. Might be something that has been shown to be bunk at this point. I did, however, find a few recent interesting papers characterizing the physical structural changes that occur with homogenization. IIRC, the average globule size gets reduced to ~1μm in diameter.

Thank you for making this effort, by the way. The community on Lemmy versus the other platform we all know about is night and day because of people like you.

Thank you too for that bit of positivity. I found myself being negatively impacted, psychologically and emotionally on corporate social media. Life is just too short to engage in that sort of unhealthy behavior. And I know that I’m not the only one who has experienced such - it’s pretty well established in research data.

So, while it certainly makes me feel a bit better, more important to me is the fact that engaging positively with people and encouraging them gives them more opportunities to feel better about themselves (we all need that sometimes, some more than others), grow, and, I hope, be more inclined to spread it about (and make quality shitposts and *nix porn). The world is fucked up enough as it is; lashing out, belittling, and the like only contributes the the problem.

I’ve been through a lot in life so far and close to those which been through even more and know first-hand how dark the depths of despair can get. If I can manage to put even the idea of a smile into the mind of someone that needs one I’ve won more than is possible in getting someone to rage-quit a “debate” thread that’s 50 comments deep.

Off the top of my head, I can only think of primary sources. Would need to dive into some academic tools to find sufficient sources for Wikipedia’s requirements. I’ll make a note to do so, when I get the time to do so.

That’s my go-to, personally. MSF (Doctors Without Borders) could nearly get away with puppy murder and still be “good”. The amount of risk that they take on to help those in need is remarkable.

Used to live across the border in Southern BC. Had access to a glass-bottled, “cream-top” (non-homogenized) milk from a local dairy. Fridge life was in-line with regular jugs. Plus, it tasted better and was likely healthier ([EDIT: have not found verification for this at this time] homogenized milk contains fat globules small enough to directly absorb into the bloodstream without digestion, possibly contributing to heart disease).

The Salvation Army is the shit tier of “charities”. Not only are they anti-LGBTQ but they have a long history of anti-union action and supporting strikebreakers. Ever wonder why so many US Labor Movement songs are to the tune of hymns? It’s not because of their familiar tune. It’s because the Salvation Army would send their band to labor actions and play as loud as possible to try to drown out organizers and make attendees uncomfortable.

I try to be more positive on this platform but with these scumbags, I cannot. They’re in the company of the Pinkertons and other murderers and thugs for hire.

“Let’s see your nginx logs and config. They’ll point us in the right direction…Oh did you mean to have the ‘human_suffering’ option set? Yeah… It’s that on by default and you have to intentionally override it.”

Oof. This makes me appreciate the abstractions in Go. It’s a small thing but initializing structs with zero values by default is nice.

Why not turn it into a Desktop app via Electron or a similar solution?

This is a feature for me that makes me inclined to try it. I really don’t like Electron.

What language? This would be simple with Python’s argparse or Go’s pflag.

Something that I have come to appreciate about MacOS. The ctrl modifier is completely free from the OS so, I don’t have to worry about terminal commands causing unexpected side effects.