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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 06, 2023


They don’t assume we have unlimited money, they assume they’ll make enough sales to justify making it (and paying all the people who made it).

Yeah, some companies are making ridiculous profits and underpaying staff. This isn’t some pro-capitalism comment.

Taking things off of streaming platforms or not making old stuff otherwise available usually boils down to bureaucracy and legal stuff. Certain people need to be paid, or have the right to veto their content being sold, or stuff like that sometimes. And sometimes the companies have a legal obligation to either protect their IP or ensure things stay “offline”.

I don’t like it, but I know it’s not always simple.

Wait, it does videos of websites? What are you looking to capture, exactly? Like, screen recordings of what the website looks like?

There’s a lot of malware that just chills in the background and hides itself well (e.g., auto-shuts down whenever task manager is opened), and does little to impact you aside from using some of your system’s resources.

Think being part of a botnet used for DDOS attacks, or a cryptominer that runs whenever you aren’t using much of your hardware’s capabilities.

Then they have the right to not continue publishing their stuff.

I was arguing against the comment that said:

You should be legally required to offer content you have on a copyright or else allow people to “pirate” it.

By having a Right to do something, a person also has the implicit Right to abstain from doing something.

Having the Right to Free Speech doesn’t mean that a person is obligated to make publicly available every thought and opinion that they have.

It answered the question, made me laugh, and boosted engagement so OP would be more likely to get answers from someone else who knew.

I think it’s a winning comment!

Ah, that’s fair. I didn’t consider assisted living!

I don’t get what the point is except for investors.

People using it as a “retirement holdings” might try to sell and then find they can’t afford to live anywhere in retirement.

People saving property to leave an inheritance have kids waiting for their parents to die so they can afford a home to own.

I found that Reddit worked well for that (nowadays using old.reddit.com), and a lot of smaller English sites worked well (especially sites that didn’t have “porn” in the title).

There’s “The Big List of Porn”, I believe it’s called, and maybe you could check every site there? Lol

“I paid $70 on console and they got it on PC for free!”

Hold off buying games for a while and you’ll be able to get them ALL for free on your new gaming PC!

(How many games would they have to not buy? 15? 20?)

I hope this doesn’t spread out towards other emulators just as a matter of “principle” (by Nintendo’s definition)

It’s actually pretty common to change a sentence into a question with rising intonation in speech, which is pretty much just adding a question mark.

“Fries.” is a statement of what something is or what someone wants. “Fries?” is asking if someone wants fries.

“I said that.” is a statement about something someone said. “I said that?” is a question about whether they said something.

Of course, we could add emphasis to any of those three words and end up with 3 different questions.

I said that?” … No, I guess it was your partner, not you.

“I said that?” … Well, you sure IMPLIED it!

“I said that?” … Yes, verbatim. It’s even in the video from last night.

All from changing a “.” to a “?” in the sentence “I said that.”.

I can forgive the incorrect “How to get blah?” sentence formation, but leaving out a question mark (which are common across many languages) makes it look like purposeful clickbait.

That’s fair! I imagine there’s also somewhere in the middle where they want to pay the creator, but have no way to do so, or no way to know who it is.

I mean, so you pay the studio? The current rights’ holder? The creative? (Hard when a piece of media is made by a team that isn’t together anymore)

Does piracy for the sake of preserving media (even if countless others are also preserving it) count for number 15?

Generally, I’m good with 1~5 or so, but there are lots of legit reasons there.

Pretty much anything that I can buy easily without going to second-hand or stupid subscriptions. For me, it’s really a service problem, not a cost problem.

The definition I see says it’s just…

the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest.

So…I think you’re wrong in this.

Leeching probably isn’t civil disobedience. Maybe even seeding things for preservation’s sake isn’t.

But wouldn’t seeding popular/current things be civil disobedience?

if i would own my children, then i could kill them, just like i can kill my dog.


im officially labelled as “unfit for educating children” because of my radical views

Yeah, this sounds fine to me. Kudos to your government, I guess.

Yup, I’ve seen that stuff. It’d make me feel better if they were getting paid. It’s a nicer thought to me than them doing this crap because they’re truly that way.

The mods there are super sketchy. I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them are on someone’s payroll.

Yup, it’s really great that we’re all so familiar with it that we don’t even need to mention its name, which is…

Sorry, I missed which comment you replied to. My mistake!

Plenty of countries have functional transit systems. Why do you say that as if they don’t exist? Lol

EDIT: Oops, I missed the comment chain…lmao

Y’know… that seems reasonable. I’d place my bet that there’d be something good enough in only a few years. (Text only, I’d bet)

Here is a summary of the most important information from that meeting. Since there were two major topics, I’ve separated them into two paragraphs.

  1. It is a good morning today.
  2. Everyone is thanked for their time. Richard is looking forward to next week’s meeting.

The rest of the information was deemed irrelevant to you and your position.

Can we just get it to attend meetings for us?


I understand that they want Amber Alerts to go to everyone. But if I’m sleeping or working, I’m not going to go outside and interrogate everyone with a “White sedan last spotted 150km away from where you live 2 hours ago”.

If I’m walking around and get a plain old SMS (or even an alert from the app – respecting my device settings, of course), then yeah, I’ll keep my eye out.

Until they fix it, I’m keeping it off, and I won’t be able to contribute even if I were able to.

I opted out because they misuse the system.

Everything is sent at the presidential level, which is supposed to be reserved for “You are likely to die if you don’t take action, and maybe even if you do.”

Most Android devices (and presumably iOS too) have configurable toggles for the different levels. But they aren’t used in Canada.

If they ever stop abusing the system and use it as it was intended, I’ll opt myself back in.