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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I’m in the US, but I suspect mail is fairly the same across North 'Murica. (The government would handle super-remote locations still?)

The only mail I get are either bills or trash. Packages usually don’t ship via USPS. I rarely, if ever, send anything.

I wouldn’t cry at all if it cost me $5 to send a letter every two or three years.

Ok, I admit I don’t understand the humor. My immediate response was, “sounds about right because of how these things happen”.(I can be kinda dumb like that sometimes.)

Security advisories may not be immediately announced until a patch is available. If this is in regards to FreeBSD-SA-24:08.openssh, a patch was available the day before it was announced and then refined for prod over the next few days : https://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-24:08.openssh.asc

The timing of this stuff is always wonky and it doesn’t look like it hit a could of news places until today, about a week after: https://cyberpress.org/vulnerability-in-openssh-freebsd/

Same. I support AI completely as a tool to solve specific problems and that is about it. What is really cool is that AI libraries and such got a massive boost of needed development so plebs like me can code simple ANN apps in Python with little skill. Documentation has improved 100x and hardware support is fairly good.

LinkedIn seems to be an interesting indicator of where tech is in its hype cycle. I guess LinkedIn went from 100% AI-awesome-everything about 2 months ago to almost zero posts and ads about it. I suppose most of the vaporware AI products are imploding now…

Of course, algorithmic feeds are a thing, so your experience might be different.

FYI, you can download your photos in bulk with Google Takeout, but you need to have enough space in Google Drive to do it. (Takeout zips up all your photos and will drop 10GB chunks in Drive.)

I was doing something similar to you recently. I downloaded all my photos and de-duped by generating MD5 hashes for all the pictures that were downloaded. (I was moving all of my photos to a local NAS, so it wasn’t quite what you are doing.)

If your dups have consistent MD5 hashes, that might work for you but it’s hard to say.

I don’t get it. The key still gets declared, but it’s value is null. “name” in an empty object would return undefined, not null, correct?

(Yes, this joke whooshed, but I am curious now.)

It was on old 3.5" drives a long time ago, before anything fancy was ever built into the drives. It was in a seriously rough working environment anyway, so we saw a lot of failed drives. If strange experiments didn’t work to get the things working, mainly for lulz, the next option was to see if a sledge hammer would fix the problem. Funny thing… that never worked either.

I used to take failed drives while they were powered on and kinda snap them really with a fast twisting motion in an attempt to get the arm to move or get the platters spinning.

It never worked.

Did you get bad sectors? Weird things can absolutely happen but having sectors marked as bad is on the exceptional side of weird.

Maybe? Bad cables are a thing, so it’s something to be aware of. USB latency, in rare cases, can cause problems but not so much in this application.

I haven’t looked into the exact ways that bad sectors are detected, but it probably hasn’t changed too much over the years. Needless to say, info here is just approximate.

However, marking a sector as bad generally happens at the firmware/controller level. I am guessing that a write is quickly followed by a verification, and if the controller sees an error, it will just remap that particular sector. If HDDs use any kind of parity checks per sector, a write test may not be needed.

Tools like CHKDSK likely step through each sector manually and perform read tests, or just tells the controller to perform whatever test it does on each sector.

OS level interference or bad cables are unlikely to cause the controller to mark a sector as bad, is my point. Now, if bad data gets written to disk because of a bad cable, the controller shouldn’t care. It just sees data and writes data. (That would be rare as well, but possible.)

What you will see is latency. USB can be magnitudes slower than SATA. Buffers and wait states are causing this because of the speed differences. This latency isn’t going to cause physical problems though.

My overall point is that there are several independent software and firmware layers that need to be completely broken for a SATA drive to erroneously mark a sector as bad due to a slow conversion cable. Sure, it could happen and that is why we have software that can attempt to repair bad sectors.

It’s been around for a while. It’s the fluff and the parlor tricks that need to die. AI has never been magic and it’s still a long way off before it’s actually intelligent.

Medvedev has been hitting the bottle again, it seems.

Nothing he says is to be taken seriously and it wasn’t worth the time to write article about another one of his bizarre rants.

On the other hand, drunks tend to listen to other drunks and there is no shortage of vodka in Russia…

This bubble is quite bubbly. There is an AI company for anything and everything now. The market is almost fully saturated with “AI” everything.

Just like the web bubble, all of the intsta-AI shops need to fail so the real tech can grow. AI is never going to go away, but most of the scam companies will fail in due time.

We might have one big consolidation, or several. The hype will die and the quick money will disappear. It’s the same story, every time. One the magic AI box stops shitting out dollar bills, we should be good.

Sorry, my points were mixed unintentionally.

I agree, I stay away from JVMs because they are a pain in the ass to administer and like you said, are usually coded by the lowest bidder.

In a well maintained environment, I have nothing against JVMs actually.

I was just bitching about the spring framework family. While security updates are frequent, Java apps tend to not age well and commonly suffer from version lock-in. (I am going through a round of that at my current job with spring auth stuffs being the offender.)

I can agree with that. There isn’t anything wrong with diversity as long as the entire ecosystem benefits from it. There are pros and cons, but not really worth going into that here.

At the end of the day, this is the fediverse. If someone wants to write instance code in COBOL to run on a toaster, you go right ahead! (It doesn’t mean I am going to support that effort, but my own personal opinion is insignificant in the whole scheme of things.)


My reaction on this is: Whatever.

I have heard strange things about Lemmy development in general, so it makes sense that something else would pop up eventually. Java though? I avoid JVMs like the plague and the security track record for spring* is spotty at best.

Still, if some people prefer it that way, whatever.

Cool. Now go post this in the community where they are re-writting Lemmy in Java.

Oof. Imposter syndrome is real and it’s debilitating. If a person does their job to the best of their ability and stops giving a fuck about what others might think, it becomes easier to overcome.

OP needs to realize that engineering is not about memorizing algorithms or being in the top 5%. It’s about doing whatever work you are paid to do efficiently and quickly. Quite honestly, most “engineers” I know don’t even do that much.

Monday through Friday/8-5, engineering is about solving stupid problems and getting a paid for it. That’s it. (Maybe you have to go to meetings too.)

Some engineers can memorize formulas and rattle off 200 ways to do a thing. Some engineers are constantly in some kind of dick-swinging contest with their peers. Some are constantly chasing the “new shiny” and won’t shut the fuck up about it. The most annoying ones blast out “helpful code segments” on LinkedIn to make themselves look smarter.

Fuck all that noise. It’s annoying, a distraction and it’ll cause a person to get burned out of the field super quick.

Sorry if that was a bit of a rant, but I have seen too many bright eyed Jr. engineers get crushed by the bullshit that can go on.

Lulz. I was updating my post when you responded.

People don’t understand that stainless steel just “stains” slower than pure iron or regular steel.

Haven’t read the article, but I am going to say it’s a bad alloy combined with salt in the air, salt on the roads combined with galvanic corrosion. I’ll edit my post after I read this…

Edit: It’s the deadly chromium layer not being wrapped in a $5000 clear coat.

Another +1. Brother does make garbage printers in some cases, but their laser printers have been great.

I am curious about this myself am interested in bypassing their region and cartridge locks. It’s not that I want to use their printers, I just want to cause mischief.

The effectiveness of a laser system, is neither about speed nor range, but about exposure time of the target.

I get what you are saying, but exposure time is directly related to speed and range in the context of the laser systems I was referring to. I’ll explain below and try to call out my own knowledge gaps as well.

I knew we had satellite killers, but I didn’t think those were practical enough to be deployed in an effective capacity yet. If there are, that would be neat.

For the smaller systems, I am only aware of the Israeli laser systems used to supplement their “iron dome” and some of the ones the US has on their ships. Both of those, I thought, only had an max effective range of about 2km, but only because of average atmospheric conditions. (And maybe even beam dispersion or something? That is a guess.) 2km @ mach 6 is 2 seconds of exposure time provided that the target acquired in advance.

It just makes more sense that those two laser systems are used to supplement a larger defense strategy. My mistake if I implied that they would completely solve any issues and not have consequences. Sure, the rocket, morter or whatever may not hit its primary target, but anything else could be considered a secondary target, I suppose.

(If I said anything stupid, just call me out. I like discussions about these kinds of things.)

Laser defense systems are short range and anything traveling between mach 6 and mach 10 is going to be extremely difficult to hit by the time the weapon is in range. Some tactical nukes might be slower and more vulnerable, but laser defense weapons are better used on slower things like drones, rockets or even artillery shells and morters, for now.

I agree with your main point. Python does a great job of replacing lots of tiny, chained scripts. Simple API calls with wget or curl have a place, but can spiral out of control quickly if you need to introduce any grain of control like with pagination, as an example.

Maintaining one Python app (or “script”) can still adhere to the unix philosophy of simplicity but can bend some rules as far as monolithic design is concerned if you aren’t careful.

It all boils down to whether you are introducing complexity or reducing it, IMHO.

Meh, I didn’t mean to hate on DHCP. It’s just a service I have learned to keep running all by itself somewhere in a dark corner of my network. DNS and DHCP are just services that I don’t like going down. Ever.

DHCP is a really stupid* service for the most part. Unless you are working with multiple subnets or have some very specific settings you need to pass to your clients, it’s probably not worth it to manage it yourself. I don’t want to discourage you though! Assigning static IP addresses by MAC can be extremely useful and is not always an option on routers. If you want static names and dynamic addresses, that is really where you need to manage both DNS and DHCP. It really depends on how and where you want names to be resolved and what you are trying to accomplish. (*stupid as in, it’s a really simple service. You want it simple because when DHCP breaks, you have other serious issues going on.)

Setting up your own DNS is worth its weight in gold. You can put it just about anywhere on your network (before your gateway, after, in China, whatever.) and your network won’t even know the difference if setup correctly. You can point BIND at the root servers and bypass your ISP completely if you want. ISP DNS services suck ass, so regardless of you resolve yourself, or forward all name queries to your anon DNS server of choice you have a really decent level of control on your network. It is the service to learn if you want to keep an eye on where your network wants to talk.

Your Unifi USG must play nice with your own server, by the laws of DNS. There may be some nuances when it comes to internal protocols like WINS, but other than that, it should be just fine.

I would setup a simple VM somewhere first, to answer your actual question. It’s good practice to keep core services isolated on their own, dedicated instances. This is to speed up recovery time and minimize down time. Even on your home network, DNS and DHCP are services you do not want going down. It’s always a pain when they do go down.

Ditto. I was in an unlucky block of dynamic IPs from my ISP once. Not only was sending or receiving email out of the question, my IP addresses were somehow part of firewall blacklists as well. I couldn’t get to banks at all and tons of random places were just dropping my traffic. It was a serious pain.

Depends on how much that lawyer is paid, I suppose. He’ll probably still go to jail happy though.

Don’t copy the code directly from any company assets. There are plenty of ways to track code and data theft these days, so don’t even attempt it. I am just saying that as a friendly reminder.

Honestly, there is not much that a company can do unless they specially own the business logic of what you are doing. Are there aspects to the code that apply to internal proprietary software? That probably isn’t wise to share.

While I am not a lawyer, a general rule of thumb is that if you think you might be stealing something, you probably are. Anything you do on company time, is technically owned by that company.

If your previous work gets discarded by that company, never talk about it again. Never code it again for that company and just let the idea die, as far as that company is concerned. Independently resurrect the idea at a later date.

Nobody here can really tell you what to do, btw. Quite honestly, if you think that you can claim ownership of what you have, pay a few hundred bucks for a consultation with a lawyer.

The website is hosted out of Arizona, but that is about it.

You can get the full company name from their privacy policy here: https://lisaai.app/privacy.html

If you Google the name, the company is registered in Instanbul: https://www.firmabulucu.com/isletme/convert-yazilim-limited-sirketi/

Provided they don’t explode first, ceramic capacitors tend to fail short circuit. If you have a multimeter, do continuity checks across all of them. In-circuit capacitance testing is very inaccurate, so that specific test is almost always moot. Continuity testing may help.

Also, depending on the speed of the multimeter and the charge of the capacitor, it may briefly give you a tone and/or register as a short circuit. Capacitors can register as a short circuit very briefly until they get a slight charge.

The diode at the top right is another easy thing to check. (D12 // SS34) if it’s failed short, it will cause issues for you as well.

I am not sure what the component is that is under the heatsink by the USB connector. Sometimes, you may have voltage regulators stepping down the USB 5V to 3.3V. Those are easy to replace as well. However, if it is a USB controller of some kind, you would have to reference the datasheet and test it somehow.

Those are some simple checks you can do, anyway.

Doesn’t matter. Regardless of what Unity said their “Enterprise” plan was, it doesn’t matter.

B2B deals just work differently since both companies have more at stake. If a company like EA used Unity, there is no way Unity would want to lose that contract and EA couldn’t afford to drop Unity. Large companies will likely go through a few short renegotiation meetings, if that.

Plus, lawyers. If Unity even tries to force this on its larger customers, they are going to be hauled into court and most likely lose. When they lose, Unity will likely be liable for court costs as well.

Fuck that. Zoom should just be a video conference app, not a baby sitter.

What are regulators going to do? Write the bot a report so it kills itself? Invite the bot to a ton of meetings? Sit it down and give it a firm finger pointing?

Tiki torch companies must be making bank off of Twitter ads now, though. They don’t even have to use keyword matches to show up in all the right places.