If that’s Bitcoin I’m gonna be rich
if !playing { play_ad() }
Isn’t WizTree a lot faster?
Its not just a re-skin. You should look up how they are re-imagining the browser UX and making it much better than what is out there.
Literally every use case you just said can be automated using winget, for free.
Windows store apps don’t even update half the time if you don’t open the store and manually update it yourself
WTF is/was this comment? It’s killing me lol
I didn’t get this banner yet maybe because I’m using ublock origin
But it’s just a link to GitHub right
Learning tailwind for the first the be like
Does it launch the game by itself or does it do the Ubisoft thing when it launches the launcher to launch the game?
They’re gonna do the profitiest profit that anyone has ever profited
I can’t be the only netizen here that has an ad stripped, 2x by default YouTube as their primary media consumption
This is some sort of bug?
Aren’t Vivaldi and Brave downstream of chromium though 🤔
Not sure yet, just wanted a way to torrent ever since I moved to the US a few months ago
Could you link me to a setup guide 👀
Most sane telegram user
This was the same thought that came to my mind as well! hah
Won’t you lose out on achievements and stuff if you run it without the client? 🤔
If that’s Bitcoin I’m gonna be rich