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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 24, 2023


Yep, I modded my switch, dumped the keys and my games and went “Now what?” and after playing via Yuzu on my PC I realized this was the only way I really wanted to play the few Switch games I enjoy.

Every now and then I’ll boot into the stock firmware to play Mario Kart with some friends when they want to play, and that’s it.

I imagine that is the case, however they could refund it given the situation.

I get the feeling they won’t allow refunds.

And if you really want even more barebones, you can just do git init --bare into a directory on your VPS, and then git clone user@your.ip.here:path/to/the/directory and use git as you would normally!

Have you found any other decent online-centric banks to switch to? I’ve been wanting to switch away from ONE for pretty much the reasons you listed, but through a basic search I didn’t see anything else to was too appealing to me.

And the 2FA thing is ridiculous, at one point they didn’t actually have the email option (or it was very well hidden) - had a bit of a rough month at some point and wasn’t able to pay my phone bill which got it suspended, I also happened to have my card locked and got kicked out of the app so… I couldn’t unblock my card to pay the phone bill, which I needed to get the 2FA code to login in… Ended up having to reach out to support and they were able to show me how to request a 2FA code over email.

This wouldn’t even be a problem with most sites because I always use TOTP/Webauthn via my Yubikey when I have the option, and for something as critical as my bank account I really do not want SMS/Email to be an option for 2FA (I get why they have it, but I’d like to be able to turn it off for my account).

Ugh, I miss Simple so much. I was alright with ONE until they stripped the virtual card function from pockets… What is the actual point of Pockets now if I have to transfer the money directly back to my main checking area??

I guess it depends on if you’re the type of person who sees VSCode as an IDE or just a text editor.

Vim is effectively the same way.

Yep, my desktop PC may or may not have one of its SSDs not mounted…

This is one of the reasons I don’t use GamePass, because it all goes through the crappy Microsoft Store which always gives me weird download errors, and when trying to research the issue it just leads to nothing that works.

God forbid you reinstall Windows and have your GamePass games on another drive. It won’t let you re-use that partition because the games folder is “owned by someone else” even when you’re signed into the same Microsoft account, and it won’t let you delete it because its protected by Windows… You either have to nuke the whole partition, delete it from Linux, or go through the whole take-ownership ritual which is buggy at best.

They don’t to my knowledge, I believe that’s mounted through rclone which just usually sets the filesystem size to 1PB so that it doesn’t have to try to query what the actual limit is for the various providers (and your specific plan).

Yes, I’m pretty sure its just because if you hit enter on that screen, it assumes and selects the Play Online button.

Play Online is actually a relatively newish feature as far as I understand. Multiplayer only came around earlier this year, before then your save was only offline.

What are your language settings set to in your Lemmy profile? I know if you deselect Undetermined, it will cause this.

That also being said, most of the comments here are tagged as English, and the comment in your screenshot doesn’t seem like it was tagged as such - weird question, but do you by chance have English deselected?

When I view this post from the feddit.uk instance, I can see all the comments so I don’t think it’s a sync issue, unless they’re all appearing for you now.

It certainly has been for me. Picked it up a couple of weeks into Diablo 4’s first season launch, after remembering that I had heard some folks on Lemmy talking about it during D4’s open-beta.

Zero regrets on picking it up, feels like I’m actually having fun along the way whereas in Diablo 4 I kept wondering where the fun was at (and that said “fun” was always just a few paragon points away so I could unlock a node that would end up being inconsequential).

I’ve primarily played mage (and it actually feels like a mage unlike D4’s so called sorcerer class…) so while I can’t personally speak on the other classes, a friend of mine has done a lot of experimenting with the other classes and they have nothing to say but good things about the various classes.

It is worth noting that Last Epoch is still technically in beta, and does have some bugs every now and then. But they are targeting their 1.0 release before the end of this year. I’m not normally one who picks up early access games, this one certainly is a nice exception though.

Isn’t the whole point of Phillip’s Hue’s devices + bridge supposed to be that it could all be operated locally?

Oh that’s quite simple! I’ve been just using Nginx, I’ll have to have a look into Caddy, thank you!

Ah this is fantastic! I’ve only been using Kagi for a few months, and have been concerned about running into the search limit, but this means I can go and set it as the default everywhere now.

I’ve not heard of an alternative Web UI for Nextcloud - but I imagine your best bet would be to look for apps that can connect to the actual services being hosted by NC itself. So for example, using CalDav/CardDav to sync Calendar/Contacts/Tasks, etc. Unsure about the RSS Reader though because I’ve not used its RSS Reader, but I imagine there’s got to be something that can connect to it.

I’m assuming both listed IPs are the same IP address? Those are internal IP addresses so you don’t need to censor them.

Also, is this the Jellyfin app? If so, what happens if you bring up either addresses through a web browser?

I do not think that self-hosting necessarily means that you have to host it at home. As others have pointed out, its more about hosting it on hardware you control.

I do think there is certainly a trust factor involved if you host stuff on hardware that you don’t own, but at the end of the day only you can deem whom you can trust. For example, I rent a couple of dedicated servers from a provider, but I also have a pretty good personal connection with the owner of that provider - so I have no concerns about the safety of my data. In general, I tend to just be pretty conscientious about what data is going to any server, and anything that I wouldn’t want falling into the wrong hands doesn’t leave my house unless I can guarantee its safety (with the likes of encryption and such).

I do also keep in mind that with the various providers out there, reputation is paramount to them (or at least, the good ones) so it is generally in their best interest to say, let someone walk into their datacenter and just start ripping the drives from your systems.

A couple of video game specific communities I’m subscribed to that I don’t see here already:



And then this one is a genre based one:


Personally, its a combination of the following reasons:

  • I’m not held to another server, and self-hosting my own makes sure that whomever hosting the server doesn’t just close the doors one day and decide they’re no longer going to do so

  • I find it fun to setup my own services, like Matrix, Lemmy, Mastodon, etc

  • I control what servers are blocked / defederated from, from my knowledge though defederating on Matrix doesn’t happen nearly as often as it does for ActivityPub based platforms however.

  • I created Matrix accounts for some of my family members to communicate with, and if they lose the password I know that I can reset it for them rather than hoping they setup the account recovery info correctly.

I’m a big fan of Matrix, as it’s easily accessible from anywhere - plus I already have a server for it spun up going on two years now which makes it easier for me.

The Bitwarden clients all keep a cached copy of your password database, which can be viewed even if your server goes offline (you just can’t make edits) - you can even export it when that is the case.

However, if you log out of Bitwarden, it erases the local cache off that device, which will require your server to be online in order to retrieve again (or export it from a different device that is still signed in).

Gnome by default does not have those buttons enabled. Their design vision is for you to not actually have to minimize a window, but rather if you need to focus on a specific window either maximize it (in which you double click the app’s header or drag it to the top of the screen), or move that window to a different workspace. The options are technically still in Gnome, and can be enabled via either dconf editor, or through the Gnome Tweaks app - however, a few distros enable it out of box. If you use a distro that has a more vanilla Gnome experience, such as Fedora, this won’t be the case.

By icon tray / app indicators, I mean apps that show some sort of status or shortcut in the bottom right area of Windows / KDE (or the top right of macOS). On my desktop right now, that would be Discord, JetBrains Toolbox, and KSnip (the last two are extension icons).

The first thing I always hear from people trying out gnome for the first time is along the lines of “Where is the minimize and maximum buttons?” and depending on what programs they use “where is the icon tray” (app indicators, or the “system tray” on Windows).

Whenever I try to explain the devs’ philosophies regarding those, they quickly have lost excitement so generally these days I just start people on KDE.

I have a follow-up question if you don’t mind! You mentioned this:

To combat this, I’ve updated LPP with some additional configuration options to do both direct “purge” of leftover media in Pict-rs not tied to “kept” posts and a forced “remove” of files on the file system that are not properly purged (if using local storage).

Is there a specific setting to use this? For example, if I don’t want to setup any aging post purging at the moment, but just want to do as you mentioned (removing any media that isn’t tied to a post), which setting(s) would I use to accomplish this?

It looks like this might be done by just passing in a PICTRS_FOLDER directory, and then setting a high PURGE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS variable would do this if I understand right?

Not hard at all actually! Their docs are really well done, and I believe someone has recently made an Ansible playbook if that’s more your style as well (though I can’t endorse it since I haven’t tried it yet).

As in when you’d normally get automatically logged out? If so, I’m not sure that would work since Lemmy uses JWTs that don’t expire (or if they do, not for a very long time) it seems.

You’ll need to find where the actual container files are being stored. I’m unfortunately not familiar with Lemmy Easy Deploy, but you should have a folder that has some files/folders like docker-compose.yml, volumes, lemmy.hjson.

The important one is the volumes/pictrs/files folder, take the full path of that folder and replace it with the /srv/lemmy/example.com... path from the original post, and then that command should work.

Yep! You can even just alias the docker command to podman, and most things will work just fine. Podman can also expose a socket that is compatible with the Docker API for anything that requires it too.

I feel like it took me quite a while to get the hang of Docker, and Kubernetes on a general look seems all that much more daunting! Hopefully one day I can break it down into smaller pieces so I can get started with it!

I just wanted to say, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to me on this! It’s helped me see things from a different viewpoint, and also come to the realization that perhaps part of my viewpoint has been at the very least, colored by what’s been going on in the media. Generally I (at least I like to think) that I’m not as prone to that occurring, but this situation is a bit unique as I don’t normally watch LTT/LMG’s videos so perhaps I’m subconsciously “filling in the blanks” so to speak with what is being mentioned.

In regards to Bard and whether its actually “watching” videos or not, I do think that it’s somewhat able to watch them. I asked it to identify what is the “musical term” for something that occurred at a timestamp for a song in the game Destiny 2’s OST after providing a YouTube link - it told me that the term was “tintinnabulation” which was correct, and gave me an opinion on what it thought of the song in general. The interesting thing of course is that since its an OST, it is highly unlikely that there was say, an article or Reddit comment that it could cross reference to get that answer. I’ve certainly seen Bard hallucinate answers before (such as today when it gave me an rclone command that didn’t exist) but I don’t think that was one of those cases. It’d be cool to see Bard and other LLMs do an actual active search rather than just referring to its training set so that the answers are more accurate, but I suppose we’ll see!

No worries! I’m glad that it did come off as respectful, I’m all too well used to replying to someone with a differing viewpoint/perspective than theirs on “the other site”, and them interpreting that as me attempting to be hostile - which is never the case! For what its worth, I do agree that in general a lot of people when they post comments online have a bad habit of being incredibly disrespectful with what they say. I was raised to follow the golden rule of “treat others the way you wish to be treated”, and I have always felt that it costs nothing to be kind and respectful to people by default. I even have a habit of trying to be as respectful as I can to AIs/LLMs such as Bard when I talk with it - which I’ve been told is “silly”, but again it doesn’t cost me anything to be nice, and on the logical side at the very least maybe it’ll help the “training” of the AIs. There is absolutely never a situation that calls for sending out death threats and personal attacks to others online.

The rest of my response will be a bit of a novel itself, so that I can further explain my reasoning behind my original comment - definitely feel free to skip over it as I do have a bit of reputation for having err, extended, responses 😅… Mainly the intent is not to try to change anyone else’s viewpoint/opinions, but as a bit of a demonstration that I’m not trying to jump on the “LTT bad” bandwagon that seems to be occurring throughout the internet right now.

I did understand that when you mentioned the you/friend metaphor that you were specifically talking about it from a Linus and audience perspective - I do agree with that metaphor in general 100%, but I do think it should extend to Linus / LMG and the people they are referring to in their videos as well, since if the point of applying the original metaphor is to emphasize that Linus and his team/company are humans the same applies to those behind the products in their reviews. Hence why “no one should ever buy this” comes off a bit… off-key to me when you then turn around and respond to incoming negative feedback as “we’re only human” (and to be fair, that does need to be said / reminded to some people) when it doesn’t really feel like that was kept in mind during the original video along with the actions they took in addition to it (I heard something about not giving the original company their prototype back as originally agreed upon, and instead selling it at a silent auction…?), but I’ll put an asterisk on that opinion since I don’t really watch LTT in general.

Now, I don’t think that them giving their opinion on the product itself is a problem - as you mentioned, that is the purpose of a review. For me, when I watch reviews I’m not really looking for their final verdict (such as “Don’t buy this product” or on the opposite token “Go out and buy this product now!”). Instead, I’m looking for the objective markers and testing of said product. I don’t know Linus or anyone on his team personally (or even the random people who post reviews for products on Amazon) so realistically a final verdict doesn’t really hold a lot of weight to me. There are a ton of cases of reviews where their use case or setup doesn’t really match mine which further on makes a final judgment a bit like just noise to me. However, the facts and outlines that they provide in the review does matter to me because that allows me to make an informed opinion. Sadly this doesn’t apply to everyone, and some people will take their final judgment at face value and as 100% fact, which can be really damaging to a product/brand when you’re as large as LTT.

I’m not a hardware person (my strengths are pretty much all in the software side) but as far as I gathered, the GPU that they used for this waterblock (which I didn’t even know what that was prior to all of this, I guess its a type of cooler?) wasn’t even met for the product that this company designed so the whole premise of the review is basically “fruit of the poisonous tree” in my eyes, and is precisely the type of reason why I don’t like final judgments/verdicts.

I work in the IT industry, and since we are a smaller company I’ve “worn a lot of hats” so to speak. My main task is to provide technical support to our customers but I’ve also been a part of other roles such as our internal development team, our internal (quality control/assurance/“HR”) and external (customer escalation) supervision team. Since our target audience is a very wide audience due to the very specific IT space we’re in, there have been a lot of occasions where there is someone whose using our services that (for lack of better words right now as I’ve just woken up) are using it for an unintended use-case.

I think its really easy for someone on our team’s perspective to pull a classic Steve Jobs “You’re holding it wrong” type of response, and when I was more focused on our internal supervision side of things one thing I heavily pushed for was “It’s not the customer’s fault if they got the impression that our service was meant to be used this way” - instead I pushed for improving the way we advertised our services whether on the actual advertisement side of things, or the “pre-sales advertisement” side. I think that’s a core value that we’ve all generally held at my place, but when you’re putting in your heart and soul to provide support to someone and they scream at you, its sometimes easy to lose track of that which is why I really do also feel for Linus in some of the comments that have been directed at him and his team. Vitriolic comments and death threats are by no means okay whatsoever, however (and I really don’t like saying “however” here because I know that comes across badly given the prior statement - so to the potential reader, please don’t misinterpret that) sometimes you do need to take some humility for the actual mistake that was made (and often that mistake wasn’t intended or even directly your fault - but that doesn’t mean that its the consumer/customer’s fault either).

On a side note, since I mentioned Google’s LLM “Bard”, I asked it to review this comment and see what its thought on my comment was - I was actually a bit surprised that it seems to know about the situation that occurred here since it was so recent. If anyone is interested, here is what it said when I provided a copy of this comment. Honestly, I never thought to ask Bard to review a comment before I send it, seems like a great case for LLMs.

I have not watched this video, nor do I really watch any of the LTT/LMG’s videos so I’m just a third party observer here. However, this goes both ways - are the others correct when they said that their video directly said “No one should ever buy this”?

If so, using the same example I’m sure you’d expect that your friend wouldn’t say “No one should ever buy this” when you ask them for a review on something you made. Yes, Linus and his team are human - but so are the people who made the original product. I get the feeling this isn’t the first review that LMG hasn’t exactly given… glowing reviews to, either.

Plenty of people go on tirades about those that they don’t actually have a personal connection to, it’s unfortunate but as you said, is all too very common especially when you’re a person who’s in a higher position than those complaining about you. As the (previous now, as far as I understand?) CEO of a company though you don’t double down on your mistakes because that only makes the situation worse.

And of course, if you go and do something silly say, on the road - you very much are likely to get someone to speak how they truly feel about you.

My boss is the CEO of a smaller company (we are a team of about 10 people at a time, max), we were talking about the situation today - and he said “When we make a mistake, my job is to address the issue but at the same time, not add fuel to the fire. Because we probably were wrong, and when you have a ton of customers complaining on that scale then you probably were in the wrong.”- I do not know how much total profit either of them make, but my boss isn’t the CEO of a massive company like Google and started off as a one-man-shop too.

Well yeah, I’d say the same concept applies to using anything tech related these days. It’d be like if you “knew” where all of the keys on a keyboard layout that you don’t normally use are located - you’d still need muscle memory to actually use it efficiently.

Agreed! If I had to take a guess, its a Risk vs Reward game so-to-speak. Your ISP doesn’t really have anything to lose by complying, but Cloudflare’s whole business revolves around reputation (something most ISPs clearly don’t care about unfortunately) along with being a massive CDN. To them, the risk of having their reputation sullied by someone going “I don’t like this” and taking down a potentially paying customer’s site makes it worthwhile fighting the legal battles that could come out of not complying with a takedown request.

Just guessing of course, but it would somewhat make sense.

I see what you’re saying, and I wish that was the case. To play devil’s advocate here though, at least your ISP and WD have a legal team (at least I’d assume) to deal with frivolous lawsuits - most Lemmy admins however do not.

WD also can’t feasibly remove the content from your drive (yet?), that would be easy to prove to any judge. That is not the case for instance admins where it’d be easy for anyone to testify that there is indeed a “Purge/Block Community” button available for instance admins.

Xbox Live Gold becomes Game Pass Core in September
Microsoft is ending Xbox Live Gold, and it will be replaced with a new tier of Game Pass called "Core", starting September 14, 2023. Most things will remain the same (such as the price), but there are a couple of notable changes: - The "Games With Gold" program will not be continued (1) - Instead, members will gain access to 25 games from the Game Pass library, as selected by Microsoft (with supposedly a few being added every year) Subscribers of Xbox Live Gold will be automatically moved over to Game Pass Core when it starts on September 14th. (1) In regards to members with previous GwG items in their libraries, any claimed Xbox One titles will remain in their library as long as they continue their Game Pass Core subscription, and any claimed Xbox 360 games will be available regardless of subscription status - just like how Games with Gold worked previously. It certainly feels like an end of an era with the Xbox Live Gold name going away.