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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2022



Things are going well.

Hoping to see France meet the milestone since that’s where the focus of the campaign was.

I wish I could sign from the UK.

Who, other than children, do not know this yet?

Their parents, new/casual games, charity shops that might want to resell, etc.

It just slaps a big bold 'haha the fuck you isn’t even in the fine print anymore’ label on a product and makes our cyberpunk dystopia a little bit more obvious, but doesn’t achieve any useful goal in terms of altering actual game design/support or consumer rights.

True, but that would make it slightly easier for offline games, games that allow for private hosting, and games with an end of life plan that would allow it. They would be able to compete more easily if they could be easily identified. That could then incentivise companies to add end of life plans.

A step in the right direction would be great. Even if it’s a small step.

I believe another alternative would be to make it completely clear that you’re getting a temporary license. You shouldn’t be able to try to make it look like you’re buying a game when you don’t then even own.

Great comment.

Not sure why Steam Play isn’t on by default.

Mario being such a big part of my childhood makes it sad that stuff takes like 100 years to enter public domain.

I wish it was 20 years.
Imagine how much easier fan games, modding, and emulation/preservation would be!

Galaxy was amazing!

A machine learning algorithm can be a cute fuzzy baby to depending on the pic you assign as their icon.

Me: “Is bugger a term that denotes a bugged state?
Senior: “No. That’s just what I have it print to show if something has failed.”

Oh! I just copy pasted from the question.

How TF does it expect me to identify a person? I’m bad at identifying people I didn’t even know who it was. Had to keep trying random combinations. Rest were easy enough though. For the texting one, I kept trying the options button before realising I had to press verify.

I see. So that’s why people put comments before variable declarations.

Fond memories of the Street Pass games and RPG maker FES.

It’s “JPEG xl is a superior image format that your device should support.”

Thought that seemed really cute. Nice way to try to break through social anxiety.

Then I saw that it started as a wrong number message. Then I realised…

Damn scam bots!

When games can have AI that can be indistinguishable from humans, that might not be the best thing for society, but it would make some great games.

Imagine the dating sims!

I’ve been a Nintendo gamer most of my life and recently got a Steam Deck.

I’ve never really played or seen much of an appeal with most US studio games.

With how much many companies are trying to take power away from us, it does feel very satisfying when you find a game that’s available under a free, redistribution-permissive, license that you find very fun. Sadly, those are very few.

Perhaps he’s a massive fan.

I haven’t played a TTRPG in a very long time. I’d like to try to find the time to learn roll20 and invite some people to play Pathfinder there. I bought a copy of Abomination Vaults a while ago.