I am an enthusiast of Tech, gaming, food, culture, and all interesting things.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


My advice: only forward ports 8080 and 443, then make sure that you have fail2ban or crossed properly set up on your reverse proxy. After that, you are pretty much fine as long as you keep on top of updating your containers.

I would be careful about which apps you proxy. Idk why you need to access the admin portal for pi hole worldwide. If you really want to do that, you should set up a vpn.

Yeah yeah, I do think even like windows 11 these days. I’m a debian with KDE guy.

16 gb optiplexes on sale for 85 dollars on eBay. Dont come with windows, but neither do macs :P

I mean yeah. Idk why people pre-ordered it, but they did, that’s their whole funding. Now they owe a copy to all their “backers”, and it’s hard to see how releasing this game will bring in revenue. They are in a very big hole.

Thats part of it because everyone interested already doesn’t like them and is getting this game for free. If it doesn’t have legs outside of everyone who has effectively ore-ordered, its going to be a real issue for CIG

It’s a question of trust. Google will select the certificates they trust for the services they provide, and the entities that own those certificates will decide what do to with them. If they trust a certificate from Mozilla, and Mozilla agrees to make that certificate open to everyone for instance, than Google’s only choice is to stop trusting it. But if Mozilla decides that is the certificate Firefox will use, than Google has to choose kicking off Firefox as well as other third party apps. Same with Microsoft and Apple, but I think Mozilla is more likely to oppose this kind of standard rather than try to reach some kind of agreement with Google.

The other way that this could play out every browser dev makes some kind of arrangement. Very unstable when we are talking about competitors.

At the end of the day, it requires a level of co-operation with the browser developers and internet service providers that I don’t think a lot of people will go for, for various reasons. Especially not regulators. I guess I am just more optimistic about the open internet.

O use, and self hosted synching for joplin.

I have also looked into logseq which has some of the additional features that people like, but the app was too slow and ubstabled.

Well yeah. But those clients could ultimately just say they are firefox if Mozilla is open enough, which they tend to be. It ends when Google decides that stuff like YouTube should only work on chrome. That would be bad, and I think regulators would treat it as bad, especially the EU.

Just to be clear, I don’t think forcing this standard down everyone’s throats for naked commercial reasons is a good idea either.

It can be very similar to the TLS scheme we use today, where certificates are signed by regulated CA’s. The only difference is that currently there is no regulation to ensure that Google will build chrimium to trust other authorities for browser integrity other than itself. That is definitely a major concern. Fortunately, I don’t think that it is long term viable. First, Microsoft, Mozilla and Apple would be extremely unhappy with this scheme. That’s right off the bat. So there will definitely be resistance on that front because eventually it would do something like break youtube compatibility with Firefox.

Now, I do think that it is plausible that these organizations could come to a agreement that is still ultimately bad for web browsers. There fore, this should be considered by government regulators as something to pay attention to. I’m not too pessimistic about them doing this. There us political will to preserve the open internet, especially in the EU. It looks like the US is also set to re-adopt net neutrality rules. So, im just not as pessimistic about it.

The only issue is that in the short-term, alot of these services that are free are going to degrade. This is what we are seeing with youtube. That is too bad, but I am hopeful and optimistic that it will lead to a more open internet. The fact that we are having this conversation on a decentralized social network is a positive sign.

Perhaps, but eventually there will probably ba a certificate authority alternative to Google. But I agree, we need regulation to determine to ensure that programs calling themselves web browsers will have to adhere to standards, and not be based on features that make certain websites work only on their browser. I think the backlash reaction to implementing “integrity” as a standard was really healthy. But there is still a lot of action to take on the regulatory front.

I’ve just whitewashed on my main Google account. Its only a matter of time before they start ip blocking. I’ll figure out an alternative soon enough.

I thought the bash history in tron: legacy was kind of clever. There was stuff like vi last_will_and_testament.txt before the computer ducking command. I remember being surprised some prop designer knew enough about computers to set up that easter egg. Although I think I was reading that they contracted out the design of the OS to some team or something.

If proton can handle starfield at launch, its jover for windows.

Yo, who plays a DnD game and doesn’t make their own character? C’mon now.

Yeah, I definitely haven’t given it its due, but mostly due to technical issues on the steamdeck. Switching to the linux native version is working very well though, so I probably will stick with it a bunch.

There are still various ways crosscode doesn’t scratch the itch I am trying to get scratched (no character builds, kind of have frustrations with the combat system) but I do want to beat it at this point.

I actually kind of liked barbie better, ngl. Oppenheimer was good, but it was everything I feared it would be as an engineer whose professors repeated stories about the Manhattan project ad nauseum to me.

Yeah, I have to admit, Crosscode probably comes the closest to what I want. I do have, and play the game, but I always end up dropping off due to a bunch of personal pet peeves I have with it, and also feeling like the combat system is just not on point. But I should really probably reconsider dedicating enough attention to beating it.

One of the biggest barriers for me for crosscode is that it has stuttering on the deck, but it looks like there are some work arounds that prevent that, so I will probably dedicate some time this weekend to getting it setup.

This is so silly. There is no technical solution to trust. What if Russia or China want to run a bit farm? Or the US goverbment? Are you not going to trust their signatures, and face legal action i their markets? This stuff is so stupid, just be honest that you want people to watch your ads. Than we can all refuse and move on with our lives.

I hope someone corrects me but:

  • A 2d open world fantasy game like zelda
  • With really great action combat like dragons dogma or monster hunter.
  • with multi class and equipment build system like dnd or Diablo.

That’s it, just a really good 2d rpg with action combat. I have been furiously chasing this, and anything even kind of influenced by darksouls or that is a roguelute doesnt count.

People are saying that it is a cloud managed reverse proxy, but I would not recommend using it like this. You should be running a reverse proxy on your own hardware, imo.

It is still useful because you can use it as just a proxy. You can point your dns to your cloudflare tunnel endpoint and cloudflare will screen all traffic going to your server. I’ve actually stopped using it, but it is a decent way to auto feel all the random internet traffic pitfalls like portscanning bonnets. Also putting something between your server IP and your domain is nice.

I have always found this argument disingenuous. Cheaters still find a way. At the end of the day, if you don’t want cheaters, then play games with people you trust.

They were kind of sabotaged. Who thought it would be a good idea to make a game about golumn? Like why not make a game about a hobbit instead if you have to make a LOTR non-violence game?

Souldiers was on sale, and I have been wanting to play the game for a really long time. It got a lot of flack on it’s release, because of bugs and performance issues, as well as complaints about difficulty, and class viability.

Well, IDK if the devs had to fix a lot of it or what, but it is in great shape now, and I kinda regret not playing it earlier. This game is fantastic! Great action RPG mechanics, combined with really great encounter design. All set in beautiful pixel art. I think it is kind of a mistake for it to throw you in a hard dungeon right away, and that is turning a lot of people off. But the design of all the encounters had me get through it.

I really like this game, and think the reception it got right off the bat is super unfortunate. I hope the developers aren’t discouraged from making something else like this again, and can instead file off the rough edges that made it unpalatable to a large audience. I feel like the quality of the graphics really drew a lot of people in that weren’t down for what Souldiers was going for. But it is quickly becoming my favorite metroidvania-ish action platformer RPG.

Lemmy is officially not ready to take over reddit until I see people discussing the cardi b, blink 182 loving stepson angle to this story being discussed.

The other thing to keep in mind is that youtube (and twitch, and shudders quora), with all its problems, does share revenue with creators on the platform, instead of treating them as free labor.

I would love to see it, but I dont think we are there yet. No impetus to switch combined with much more expensive tech. I would also antipate dmca to turn the whole thing into a mess. But one day we’ll get there hopefully.

Do they really advocate you use tor to post memes?

I was going to say, I wonder how many are like me and do pc and switch. But now that the steam deck is out, and emulation is getting good, my switch is going bye bye.

I remember the days when Notch said he would release Minecraft’s source code under creative commons. And then a bunch of genuinely bad stuff happened to him and left him a broken man.

Oh, are you using Podman on windows? Yeah, it needs a virtual machine because it has to load the linux kernel. I would definitely believe that the windows version (or mac, I guess) of podman is way heavier than the alternatives on those platforms, but on linux it just ends up using the host kernel.

If you are doing this on linux, and still need to load a vm to use podman, that would be interesting. I haven’t run across that, but I haven’t been able to use podman too much.

I prefer keyboard and mouse for a lot of games, definitely think it is the better way to play FPS games, and even MMOs. But these days, all I want to do after work is play games while reclining. I can’t reach my keyboard when I do that, so I controller support to be a really big deal. It’s definitely changed the genre of games I play as well, although I was never really that into grand strategy or RTS kind of stuff.

One day I will figure out a better situation to start using the keyboard again.

Yeah, I think people are saying anything short of all 12 million or whatever the number of users is switching over is a fail, but I don’t see it that way. The real failure is if reddit is put on a trajectory of degradation, and is never able to monetize. I feel like that is definitely happening.

The hunt continues in MH:World! I am going for the high ranked armor, and I will be probably going into some of iceborne. I can’t believe I have already got 150 hours out of this game without doing iceborne yet.

I’m loving caocom right now. SFVI is amazing, there is a private server revival for Dragons dogma Online, and they are about to release ghost tricks for pc. Its awesome! I will probably play these until Armored Core VI and Starfield come out.