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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Is that how those work? I’ve been thinking about BG3. I suppose the first RPG I ever played was a Gold Box SSI game set in the Forgotten Realms so I’d probably like it.

One of my favorite series, Phantasy Star, moved from a turn-based RPG in the 80s to an action RPG since 20 years ago (PSO, PSO2). What if I don’t want to play an action game? I don’t get what happened to the old style of RPG.

Yeah, good point. It wasn’t in all caps.

I know a dude who has a daughter named ISIS, born before ISIS was a problematic name. Haven’t talked to him in years but I wonder how that’s going.

I look at the comments and they’re absolutely vile. The community has become so fucking toxic it’s unbearable.

So, maybe it’s best to not invite people from there to Lemmy?

I played a “web3” game for a while, based on real estate. It’s still around. It has some possibilities to make real-world money but seems to function mainly on game scrip, like most microtransaction games. The idea is solid, “crypto virtual property” copy of the real world, but holy cow were the developers absolutely terrible at making it fun. The non-financial mechanics of the game are the most god-awful boring thing I have ever seen. I guess they’ve improved it recently with street racing, but I haven’t tried that.

ETH is higher than it was a few years ago. I was watching it at 400, 500, 900, 1200, it went to 4500 in the boom and is now 2000. How is that dead?

WOAH it sounds like you don’t have a MyPillow®.

my impression of how the attorney pointedly pursued that is that it was a new crime, or civil something.

My favorite part is where the attorney asked him to list the other members of the ‘crime family’.

There’s definitely a certain brand of heathen who will see his behavior as righteous and “stickin’ it to them”.

He’s probably thrilled that Lindell is destroying his defense, committing new offenses, and he doesn’t really care about being called an ‘ambulance chaser’ or ‘disgusting’ 50 times.

It’s difficult to display an image without the client knowing the URL, but it would be possible to use a temporary URL that only works for that signed-in user.

I think that’s the best solution. I can’t see a reason any client couldn’t upload the image when the post is submitted. Currently the uploader is some fancy javascript deal and it’s unnecessary.

S3 is expensive, while if you use a third party like img.bb or imgur, you never know when they will close, accidentally lose your data, or decide to delete it.

Yeah, this is only if what OP was saying was a real legal threat, which I don’t think it is.

Sites like reddit could have about the same problem. You can post to some obscure profile and use reddit as image hosting and it might take quite some time before anyone notices. This is a little worse though because it wouldn’t even be listed on a profile page.

Not familiar with Lemmy specifically, but usually in an app like this, while of course the files are stored on a filesystem, IDs and metadata are stored in the DB and associated with each other through relations. It seems in this case one way to express it would be ‘don’t delete every image that is associated with a valid post or in-use avatar, but delete everything else’.

Take this random image for instance: https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/ede63269-7b8a-42a4-a1fa-145beea682cb.jpeg
associated with this post: https://lemmy.world/post/4130981

Highly likely the way it works is there is an entry for post 4130981 that says it uses ede63269-7b8a-42a4-a1fa-145beea682cb, or an image table with a relation to the post table where an image entry (with whatever ID) that is ede63269-7b8a-42a4-a1fa-145beea682cb says it is related to post 4130981. Whatever the specifics, it would be possible.

I haven’t worked with Lemmy, but I certainly could craft a script to do that if I was familiar with the database structure. Perhaps I’ll try installing it and running an instance. In the meantime, surely there’s someone with an instance and SQL skills who could figure that out.

It would not be difficult to use SQL to delete any images that are not associated with a post or active as an avatar etc. So, set that to be run periodically and it would solve this problem.

They said the exact same inane thing about people criticizing Bush… then spent years actually freaking out about Obama. Hmm.

Seems like more of a lateral shift than a downgrade

It’s not that “trans people hurt him”, it’s that he got dumped for being a dickweed and then blamed it jealously on a trans person. Also, his daughter who disowned him and the fact that he explicitly had all 10 of his kids with IVF so he could choose that they be born male says a lot.

And these are the pricks who gave him an hour long show entirely about him in prime time not too long ago. It’s like they thought “what is the most awful thing we could do to our audience and the nation? Oh!”

People dismissing things as “theater” has been pretty annoying for about 20 years now at least.

It blows me away that people hear this obviously criminal, whiny total douchebag and think “wow, he’s so manly! I really want this guy running the country, too! I’m going to hang a flag with his name on my truck!!”. Like, what in the world of fuck is wrong with these people? I don’t even necessarily disagree with all their political beliefs, but why this orange loser?

There aren’t enough people of that mind to really have a civil war… it will just be more loser right wing Christian terrorism.

I think at this point, especially him. They’d think he was fantastic.

Who would they vote for instead, though? DeSantis is a twerp and the other competitors are a non-white guy called Shwamasharmy or something, and Chris Christie. Troomp already has all the name recognition and publicity he needs, plus conservatives would be so upset if he had to face accountability that they’d rally around it. They are definitely stupid enough to elect a traitor who was currently in prison.

Well no, a gigantic POS traitor definitely deserves that. Years of solitary have happened to people for much, much less.

Republicans would endlessly jerk off about that, though. They already say the most insanely stupid things about Biden, so if he was “hey, trump should be executed” or whatever they would beyond lose their shit.

At the very least, one could view it as charging a very high membership fee for brands… $1,000 a month.

Here’s it is, straight from the horse’s rear:

X also warned advertisers that beginning Aug. 7, brands’ accounts will lose their verification—a gold check mark that indicates their account truly represents their brand—if they haven’t spent at least $1,000 on ads in the previous 30 days or $6,000 on ads in the previous 180 days, according to the email.

Wow, he just can’t stop making verification more useless. I’d expect that most brands would respond to this by not using Twitter (oops, ‘X’) any longer.

Dorsey was eager to sell in part because he knew the price was ridiculously high.