• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I hate that this fucker is becoming some hero who is wrongly prosecuted. Sure, the copyright infringement charges are utter bullshit. But the guy himself is a complete asshole and has been all his adult life. He sold out his buddies to the police, worked for an infamous lawyer sending out copyright infringement notices (!) and has been sentenced for fraud multiple times. He’s a cunt and I hope he rots in prison.

Bullshit. I’ve known of him for many years now, ever since he sold out his buddies to the police and worked for an infamous lawyer who sent out copyright infringement notes (!). He’s an asshole, always has been.

Absolutely. I have hated this fucking guy when he was still in Germany. He has been a criminal for all of his adult life. Fuck him.

This fucking guy is not a good poster child for wrongful persecution. Yes, the copyright stuff is complete bullshit. But the guy has been an asshole and a criminal for all his adult life. Let him go to jail, if a judge decides so.

It’s a domain with hosts that all resolve to private IP addresses. I don’t care if someone manages to see hosts like vaultwarden, cloud, docs or photos through enumeration if they all resolve to addresses. Setting up a private resolver and private PKI is just too much of a bother.

I found options like .local and now .internal way too long for my private stuff. So I managed to get a two-letter domain from some obscure TLD and with Cloudflare as DNS I can use Caddy to get Let’s Encrypt certs for hosts that resolve to IPs. Caddy has plugins for other DNS providers, if you don’t want to go with Cloudflare.

I couldn’t find a picture of the most made-up sounding real name I have ever heard: Colonel Sturmhard Eisenkeil (Stormhard Ironwedge) of the German army.

I am all for Mega, but the guy himself is just a despicable asshole. He’s been a criminal all his life, sold out friends to the police and has been sentenced multiple times. I had many friends in the hacking scene in Northern Germany and everybody hated this guy.

Have you also exposed the proxy port? In addition to enabling it with -e, you also need to set -p 8888:8888

This. And TGxGoodies is one of the biggest uploaders on 1337x, I’d say they can be trusted. I prefer them to most others, because they keep good quality on low file sizes.

I do this. I use Cloudflare as my DNS and Caddy as my server. With the Cloudflare plugin Caddy gets TLS certs even for 10/8 addresses.

I don’t understand how private trackers are supposed to be secure. They cannot guarantee that they keep out all bad actors and that means they’re basically the same as public trackers, just more exclusive and with a slightly lower risk because of the barrier of entry. I used MyAnonamouse in the past and back then they weren’t big fans of VPNs. But I will never use any tracker without a VPN.

I tried a few alternatives, but the Goodreads import wasn’t working well for any of them and I miss the two people who have very similar taste to my own. Sadly I don’t know them, we just connected over Reddit at some point and it feels weird asking them to migrate.

Working on finishing my second playthrough of Mass Effect: Andromeda that I started two years ago.

Most of the world does not have English as a first language and thus the meaning of the word “gimp” is not widely known. Personally I do agree that the name is dumb, but it’s a very English as a first language issue. My daughter is learning to do basic stuff with GIMP in school because it’s free. The name is not an issue because nobody knows what a gimp is.

But that’s just the Mi box with a different name…

Looking for MiTV box replacement
I have a MiTV box with Android that runs apps for Jellyfin, Prime Video and Disney Plus. I would like to replace it with a mini PC, like some N100 box, to have more control over what runs on it. I tried a Pi with Kodi once, but I hate the UI so much. It's just not my thing. What other options do I have with self-hosted alternatives? I want a central UI like AndroidTV offers, I need Jellyfin, Disney Plus, Prime Video and some local TV station's streaming offerings and some remote control. I don't think that's possible, as you can only run Disney and Prime in a browser or their apps. And using a browser on the TV is not nice UX. But maybe some of the great people here have cracked that nut and can help me.

Agreed. But it’s gotten a lot better. I think there hasn’t been a release this year without subs in the container.

Which is hilarious, because Zoomers are turning 30 now and when I was actually young people over 30 were just one large group of walking corpses. I am curious to see how long Gen Z will keep this “we are the young ones” shtick up. Gen Alpha is where the actual young people are.

MAM used to be quite anti-VPN but I haven’t used it in years, so no idea what their take is now. They tracked quotas and stuff through your IP and required you to be online on IRC. Great content and community, but a lot of hoops to jump through.

You are wrong. You are talking about copyright infringement, which is a civil matter and not a criminal one. That means the party whose rights have been infringed must prove that and sue you. But you won’t go to jail if convicted, you’ll have to pay damages. That’s why the Netherlands, for example, used to be safe for torrenting. It wasn’t legal, but copyright holders did not have the right to get account details from providers for IP addresses that were caught sharing content (sharing, not downloading) and thus had no one to sue. If it were a criminal matter, the state would be after you and they have a lot more rights.

“Theft” has a legal definition that at least in my jurisdiction is not met by downloading copyrighted materials. So, no, copying is not stealing.

How safe are private trackers? I am very worried about getting mail from a lawyer if I use my real IP for sharing.

I used to have a command line app that could take a list of Spotify URLs, your credentials and allowed you to bulk download everything directly from Spotify. In my opinion the tools that use Youtube are worthless because they rarely work for the things I want. But I forgot the name of that tool and have been desperately looking for it every since, without success. This thread prompted me to look again and I found https://github.com/casualsnek/onthespot which does basically the same, but with a GUI. So far it works fine.

Yes. Now that you mentioned it, I remember a post about the archive.ph people being dicks and Cloudflare not supporting their dickery.

Strangely only works for me with a VPN. Without the VPN I get an endless Captcha loop.

Good free TTS (text-to-speech) options?
Are there any free/open-source TTS options out there that are on the same level as Google Cloud's? I tried a lot of free ones, but they are absolutely awful and still sound like my Amiga did 30 years ago. With LLMs being available as open source, I am hoping there's also a good TTS offering I just haven't found yet.

Source for Comics?
Hi, I am always looking for sources for comics, particularly franco-belgian in English or German. The only sources I can find are these godawful download sites where you need to pay or your download takes a day. Anyone have better sources? Edit: Thanks a lot everyone!

Wanted: audio library streaming plus Spotify
I am looking for something I can run on a Pi that gives me access to my private audio library plus Spotify, because I hate switching apps. I want to access it from a desktop and Android. Does someone have something like this set up?